Democrat party has always been the party of the KKK^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1103710728064847877&ref_url=

Democrat party has always been the party of the KKK

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David Duke is a literal retard though.

Great, now we just need Duke to give the kiss of political death to the Yang so his shills will stop fucking up this place.

that's the joke you moron.

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Smart choice.

As long as you are against Trump, everything is ok now.

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What timeline is this where nonwhites are more based than whites.

This should be interesting. Will the jews now call Omar a white supremacist neo-nazi?


I pretty much vote along whatever lines the KKK suggests.

Paid to (((endorse))) any US politician getting close too the truth in order to discredit them. They paid for his cosmetic surgery. Dig.

>Democrat party has always been the party of the KKK

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>the story arc where bitter enemies join forces to defeat an ancient evil

Omar is the Democrats worst nightmare. They can’t get rid of her because she’s a minority, female, and Muslim.

> non-white
> hates white people
> supports faggots and trannies
> hates white people
> supports open borders
> wants to give tons of welfare to niggers
> only calls out nationalist jews, most likely she’s controlled by internationalist Jews
> clear obvious controlled opposition in order to make people who hate Israel look stupid
> probably not even a real Muslim and LARPing as one
> Somehow /ourgirl/ because she said a few things that she immediately apologized
The absolute state of Jow Forums in 2019, we are literally shilling for anyone who says anything bad about Israel. Pretty soon we will shill for Kim (((Heller))) just because she hates Israel even though she’s a literal fucking kike.

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calling everyone you don't like a "bad guy" in history never works

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Duke is a CIA nigger


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And that's a good thing! Tulsi-Yang 2020 are going to be the first NatSoc leaders of the U.S.

How? Only the Establishment and Evangelicals care about Israel.

Based pollster user

>oy vey goys don't support the ones who fight for the same cause as you

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Muslims are the only ones in the West in A.D. 2019 that are willing to speak out against Israel and LGBT shit.

Okay, now I'm convinced he's an op for the DNC establishment.

>Democrat party has always been the party of the KKK

You say that like it's a bad thing. Unfortunately the Gays have taken over the party, otherwise we'd be done with those annoying niggers by now.

Isn't it funny how David Duke always seems to surface at just the right moment?