Bump stock ban

Was getting defeated in court part of The Plan(tm)? Does turning 500,000 gun owners into felons Make America Great Again?

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he wants to lose re election now that the jews have everything written into laws

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cry harder faggot no ones give a fuck about bump-stocks.

So why ban them?

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>Does turning 500,000 gun owners into felons Make America Great Again?
It’s an attempt to keep 500,000 gun owners from turning their guns into useless toys.

MAGA ... are you tired of "winning" yet ? I am.

>March 26, 2019 11:59 PM
>Bump stocks defined as accessories and are legal in Washington D.C.
>March 27, 2019 12:00 AM
>Bump stocks now defined as machine guns and definitely not legal in D.C.
>Person stands outside white house with only a bump stock on 3/26
>Waits till midnight
>Gets taken out by secret service
>Media reports on person with machine gun outside white house

>pshh, who needs bumpstocks?
>pshh, who needs rails?
>pshh, who needs 30 round magazines?
>pshh, who needs optics?
>pshh, who needs pistol grips?
>pshh, who needs ten round mags?
>pshh, who needs semi-auto?

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Semiauto is just a machine gum simulant

Can you post a link, you fucking retard? GOD, I'm so fucking sick of faggots like you.

Thats what the whole "its an accessory not a firearm" crowd misses

>Linking to CNN
Fuck off Jim Acosta

Motion to appeal has already been filed. Kys shill rat.

Where does bullet come out of bump stock fence man?

U can archive it u know

U new here?

SCOTUS would likely overturn IMO

Its all cocksuckers

***°ATTENTION °***

here is the scenario we are faced with

>trump is clearly a puppet who was put in power to give jews everything while whites take the blame for trumps stupidity and are brandished as "racists".

>trump intended to use all his political capital in the first term to give jews everything and not worry about doing anything else (wall etc).

>Now he has us all in a lose-lose situation

lose 1
>vote for trump 2020 and we get nothing but hate from the leftists while jews get even more stealthily.
lose 2
>let the dems "win" in which case the jews still win and use the leftist anger at "Hitler" trump to go after white Americans

my suggestion is to spend the next 2 years absolutely delegitimizing and mocking/exposing the entire system (illusion of democracy/puppet politicians etc)
No holding back no matter what trump or any other politician dangles in front of us.


The chip away is real
And dumb šœy goy fluoridated amerishits will go along with it saying TRUST DA PLAN the entire way
So many people are so goddamn DUMB

"Simulated" Machinegun =/= Real Machinegun.

I think the court is pro fun enough that they get that.

All of those are critical to a well regulated modern firearm, except bumpstocks

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Weaning people off of trump will be tougher than converting liberals

what is everyone's idea about this

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Kavanaugh keeps going for what deep state wants.
He plays their game or they release his dna to 23 and me

You're a Nigger.
so are you
There's multiple lawsuits in multiple states right now, the other one going on I think is in Michigan with a gun friendly court. Pretty much just doing what democrats do when they want to block something Trump does...just shop around the country til you find a sympathetic judge. In this case, (((D.C.))) judge upheld the ban, which is to be expected. Expect Texas/Michigan/Utah judges to strike it down, which will then go to appeals courts for those respective circuits, and if nigger cuck faggot supreme court rejects it, then bump stocks will be legal in half the states ("flyover country") and illegal on the coasts.


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No they aren't. Critical is subjective, and all features mentioned can be removed without impairing the ability of a gun to fire. If you don't have an issue with banning bumpstocks you aren't allowed to give a shit about other gun accessories.

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California has already banned pistol grips and detachable magazines, and California courts upheld them using the same "accessories" argument you are.

I never said to try to convert leftists or anyone ..nor did I imply to ween Republicucks off trumps dick

I'm suggesting just going full "fuck em all" "fuck all the lying rats"

do not allow them to paint you into a corner ie anarchist, leftist, shill etc

Just never stop shitting on every politician you can. dem repub "based" or not ..they all work together to serve one master the jew.

Can this suet be brought up again?

Why are you so #resist snowflake
You lost
Now its maga time

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>you aren't allowed to give a shit about other gun accessories.
Fuck commiefornia

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California is US state and routinely sets precedent across the country. It also is not the only state pursuing the, "assault weapons" legislation.

Come back when you find a legitimate argument for banning weapons and accessories that hold water.

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>California is US state and routinely sets precedent across the country.
>routinely sets precedent across the country
You’re absolutely fucking retarded..
>find a legitimate argument for banning weapons and accessories that hold water.
I don’t wanna do that, commie fucko

Because they're a scam.
Its gun owner snakeoil.
You can build a bump stock in a few hours with common materials. Whereas bump stocks bought on the open market professionally made cost as much as the gun itself does (500 bucks).

All that banning them does, is prevents companies like Sure Fire making and selling them on the open market. Fact is since they were such a craze that people remember it well and they're going to make improvised ones when it comes to civil war, so it wont stop civilians from having machineguns at that time. Civilian machineguns with improv'd bump stocks will fly out even faster than the full auto sears.

The real tool you wanna have is an Echo Trigger. Not to plug the company that it comes from, but its a trigger that you put in the gun which lets you shoot twice for every pull. ATF approved it. And because of how it works there isnt much of a loophole for them to go back on it
(you can shoot, then move the selector back to Safe position, and when you release the trigger it wont fire - it doesnt count as fully automatic fire)

Those cost about 500 bucks too, but its also a better trigger than you'd normally find in an AR15 or AK47 so there's that also.

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Trumps state reasons for banning bump stocks is certainly not because of their cost

fact is you don't need a bump stock to bump fire or anything illegal at all to convert an ar-15 to 'full-auto'

>and that's a good thing
see, what the liberal retards don't understand is that conservative brains are different, we are more mechanically inclined instead of more socially and bitchily inclined, we will always find a loophole.
>saying this as someone who can't possess a gun due to a traffic violation. (and doesn't)

there are millions of ar-15s and bump stock owners in this country. half the country doesn't have a requirement to register them.

Pls have mercy

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imagine not already doing this for years.

I never understood full auto desu. I can't hit shit in full auto. Give me a semi auto any day for accuracy.

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here's another one I got from the Library of Congress

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kys shill

I've been doing it for years and constantly getting shit on by partisan retards who still believe in "the system" and haven't learned from 30 odd years or more of watching the same thing go around year in year out that this is all a fucking farce and left/right or republican/democrat doesn't fucking matter, which is why even when administrations change hands from liberals to conservative the same aggressive foreign policy remains implemented, nothing moves socioculturally and the whole of the country continues down the same path it has been for the past century for you and us alike.

I have but for the first year of trump I stopped because I didn't want to cause blowback on my political ideology (NS). I tried to temper their (maga) hopes/aspirations without being as brutally honest as I began being about 16 months ago.

a lot of us even on pol had a similar "give him enough time to stab them in the back" understanding of what was happening.

I voted for trump in a very close state knowing he would break his promises (exactly how Obama bullshit blacks).. the impact cuts deeper if they (maga) feel betrayed than if we tried to slowly expose him (trump).

but im not
I think this plastic shit is just a gimmick
Trumps reason's for doing shit is irrelevant, he's got his own plans for shit and the public wouldn't necessarily understand the real reasons. Do not underestimate the actions of this man, he's as sharp as a razor and he knows what he's doing (can you keep up with the 4D chess?)
> maybe he doesnt want proliferation of full auto because it would eat the shit out of ammunition reserves, because it might not drive up ammo demand, when it comes to the civil war or a zombie apoc we need as much ammo as we can get
> just imagining possibilities here
Felons can get BP pistols.
Six shooters from the civil war killed people perfectly dead. And now you can load it with lehigh defense gut ripping shredders.
They let felons use black powder because itll absolutely get all over you and forensics will have a field day with the residue.
Now they've got straight pull single shot rifles too and they're just as effective as semi. And virtually un-bannable.

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So you'd rather Hilldog have won?
Do you know what kind of future that would have caused?

You would be living in a shipping container right now, eating food out of a can simply labeled "food", if you were alive at all. Just 2 years after the election.

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See everything said applies to everything else on guns
Batfe said twice by Obamas order that bumpstocks are perfectly legal.
Nice Russians in America couldnt stand a gun accepting liberal and whined constantly.
Trump did this explicitly because he has a scat fetish and gang weed mentality to nice things in society.

>I never understood full auto
That is because you have never been in close quarters combat.
and also because you are a weeb faggot

>So you'd rather Hilldog have won?

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look, the bumpstock ban is dumb. but it's not a firearm, not integral to firearm design and function. how bout you repeal the ban on automatics?

Clinton would either be sheepdogged against or been a goddess on earth
Trump is just a jew york devil

How about you explain what in that list makes it bannable?

i'm not for banning anything. i think the gov't has no mandate to ban things, personally. but OP is mischaracterizing the situation by saying "sending 500k firearm owners to jail". What will likely happen is they're no longer sold. No one is going to prison for having one. They're not going to search your house and take it. Maybe in Commiefornia...

Its little wonder blue striped bass hate Marx
Any attempt at disarment must be met with violence
The public should arm themselves at once with rifle cannon and shot

I honestly believe this is an accurate depiction of where we would be today...

>*gov jails peoples for some shitty gun attachment*

Why shoot 1 bullet when you can throw 3 or 4?

because it's not a gun. ban guns nationwide and you'll get what you want to see.

>you don't need optics, you can put a one eye binocular on your rifle
>you don't need grips, you can just carve them yourself
>you don't need magazines, you can easily mold them
>you don't need ammo, you can easily cast metal

You're correct. A bumpstock is unquestionably, certifiably not a firearm, and if you think it's ok to classify them legally as machine guns for no other purpose than to expand a federal power to where it's only limited by the statement, "Federal power applies to whatever I say it does." I don't know what to tell you.

This will either be recorded as a pivotal point in history that led to the aversion of armed insurrection, or a pivotal point in history that will be said to have directly led to the Second American Revolution.

The problem isn't banning bumpstocks user, it's that according to this logic, there's no reason for anyone to believe that any protections or limitations exist. This proves that the Federal government is only limited by its own desire to limit itself. That's dangerous, because you and I both know that bumpstocks aren't machine guns... What else can you think of that isn't a machine gun? How do you know it won't be a "machine gun" tomorrow?

> TLDR suppressive fire
Its psychological
The "hitbox" for zombies and other crap in video games is way bigger than it would realistically be in real life. So shooting a bunch of times "at" someone doesnt help your chances.
BUT when you're being Shot At you sure dont wanna get hit and there's a chance youll get hit just because. So it makes you hide and keeps you from wanting to poke your head out.
> for example, except at point blank range, full auto would be the worst way to use ammo in a Zombie apoc - because it wont do shit to make the zombies run off.
The only range that full auto is going to help you at is roughly 25 meters or less. Because then you can control it well enough that being a bullet hose will make it easier to hit someone and you might hit them more than once.
> in a real fight 25 meters is practically knife distance dude, nobody is gonna fuck up that bad that you get that close unless its urban/indoors. Even in a warehouse it could be well beyond 25m.

Thing is, in a fight with the US Mil on home turf or some kind of fully armed antifa bullshit they would use suppressive fire tactics. If as a resistance force you dont have access to full auto guns, it puts you at a disadvantage. Not a big one, but its still a disadvantage.
> full auto really comes into its own with .50 caliber machineguns and Auto Grenade Launchers
> the exploding tip rounds scatter shrapnel everywhere and if you have full auto popping them left and right you dont even need to HIT your targets

Man, I wouldnt go that far.
The example of a bump stock is nothing like the rest of those examples.
And yeah you can make them or 3d print them at a non-professional level and they'll do the job.

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faggot retards like you name dropping things like that trigger are what will lead to them being banned.

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> shhhh! shhh
> its something that out in the open for everyone to see and its got its own website and everything
> but nope we dont want people to know about it, because then they might get upset
Do you think that stuff is sold in san francisco back alley streets or something?

You literally have to dox yourself and get on a waiting list to even buy them.

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>4D chess
>maybe he doesnt want proliferation of full auto because it would eat the shit out of ammunition reserves
The absolute state of brainlet MIGAPedes

Its a rare occurrence

But for once I agree with the left

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So lets say our emperor Knows a zombie apoc is coming and obviously wont tell anybody that info, except the highest brass in the pentagon. Something like that would be common sense, because people shit-shooting full auto for fun would deplete those reserves real quick.
> Civil War is also inevitable, bare minimum it will happen when he leaves office, so there's that too

No, actually if there was an impending disaster, they would encourage more shooting because that results in more financial investment in ammunition producing infrastructure, and that increases the rate of resupply relative to the demand.

How are ammunition sales currently?
Also how do we know that there havent been secret orders placed for bulk that aren't being stored away?

> in other news keltec is making a clone of their PMR-30 which shoots .22 LR, a common and perfectly viable round that can be chambered and used easily in a gun
> and they're trying to make a quad stack 50 round magazine for it, which based on the model I saw stacked ammo the way a desert eagle mag stacks magnum rounds, and would probably work

>Was getting defeated in court
No, the stay on the deadline was, court case still going forward..


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where's the NRA?

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Talking to trump about banning 3D printed guns.

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>where's the NRA?
In full support of Trumps gun control making gun owners felons

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Let me get your thinking right. Bump-stock = gun?
That doesn't make much sense to me.

they make it hard for me to love them

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The only thing the NRA is good for is being a boogie man for the left while real gun rights groups actually fight in court, I will never give them a dime

>t. member

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gotta admit, they make a good rage magnet

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>you don't need optics, you can put a one eye binocular on your rifle
>>you don't need grips, you can just carve them yourself
>>you don't need magazines, you can easily mold them
>>you don't need ammo, you can easily cast metal
Yes, yes you can.

I let my membership expire. If they fought it and lost I could accept that, but they just went along with it. Not to mention their marketing is annoying as fuck, they borderline harass members.

>Let me get your thinking right. Bump-stock = gun?
It's not only a gun, it's a machine gun, Trump amended the NFA and changed the definition, a bump stock or any meme device that harnesses the recoil is a machine gun, get it straight, A BUMP STOCK IS NOW CLASSIFIED AS A MACHINE GUN

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GOA is awesome, love them

Fuck off faggot. I will vote for Trump again but Im fucking pissed about this shit. Realistically if Hillary had won it wouldn't be a bumpstock ban but an AWB on steroids. Still, this is bullshit.

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I sincerely believe if a democrat made the same demand for that ban NRA and republicans in general would of fought them over it just because they are a democrat asking for it. For that reason I don't even worry about democrats asking for bans they will never work, I'm more worried about right wing traders.

>GOA is awesome, love them
FPC is purty great too
join both

>I sincerely believe if a democrat made the same demand for that ban NRA and republicans in general would of fought them
ABSOLUTELY, hell if Romney had won over Obama he would have pushed his same AR15 ban he did as Governor nation wide and Rs would have gave their blessing, at least with Obama they fought him all the way.Now they buy into this red flag confiscation bullshit Trump is pushing

I sat home and would not vote for Romney and as bad as things got I'm glad at least for our gun rights he lost. I will not vote for a gun grabber and if this shit keeps up with trump I'll just sit him or white McAfee or some shit in, Im sure some of the 500,000 bump stock owners feel the same way