How did this guy get all the boomers on Jow Forums so riled up?

how did this guy get all the boomers on Jow Forums so riled up?

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if he never went on joe rogan none of us would even know who this guy was

Its because there's some coordinated effort to spam some thinktank generated memes about him. I honestly don't care about him, but shills and useful iditos are keep at least a dozen threads up on hkm at any one time.

Couse he sounds communist dictator af. He wants to abolish 2a for 1k a month fir a problem that really isnt even a problem yet.

Mostly CPC money.

Because kushner is paying them to tow the line after MIGA became official

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>riled up
you mean laughing at tiny yang wang

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because boomers are corporatists who drained the economy, which made someone/something like this appealing to later generations, and it's the complete opposite, and they know they caused it by greed

Maybe because there's a coordinated effort to spam and flood the board?

No one fears Yang himself. He's a loser that won't come close to winning the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

He’s just some slant eyed fuck who got children on the internet to believe that they’ll get free money for the rest of their lives if they vote for him. Now they’re spamming these shit tier memes all over Jow Forums.

this is exactly what i mean, only a boomer would unironically post something like this. i leave Jow Forums for a month and come back to see these boomer tier memes everywhere

Shut the fuck up you zoomer tranny.
Zoomers imagine and fantasize about fucking CARTOONS all day long zoomer animaphile, more like enimaphile faggot tranny zoomer.

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yang shills.
it seems there was either backlash from the top, or they just realized it was a bad idea and fucked off. but past few days the shill threads were going nuts. I think i saw 33+ simultaneous yesterday.

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buttslammed boomers

Yeah, pretty shitty astroturfing.

ok retard

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I dunno? But I do know that no chinaman ever called me goy.

Good vintage meme boomer

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>inb4 (boomer) why'd you make me do this -- i just wanted to mow my lawn

don't you have an imaginary dick to suck somewhere zoomer faggots, HAHAHA!

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no, i only have a real dick to suck, in the alley, boomer bummer, hahaha

>He wants to abolish 2a
boomer facebook meme, go back to T_D

pic related is DER BOOMERS face when they are paying for our


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post 2016-newfag detected

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is that hogg?

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boomers owe us 1k a month for at least 20 years. basically reparations for draining the economy and raising the cost of everything because of their greed and use of welfare. it's our turn now boomers, pay up

Yang Gang

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you would THINK that would be considered spamming

Shilling has always pissed pol off. Now fuck off dialation nation.

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The fiat currency system is dead.

Im no socialist, but I dont blame anyone for NEETism considering fiat currency is monetised debt.

But understand, this is DEIGNED to kill the dollar off. They will then implement their "fed coin" crypto via a chip in you hand after the dollar finally collapses.

The dollar collapse will piss off your creditors like China also.

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Boomers see in Trump the father they all failed to be, so they can't accept the truth, the futur of the YANG GANG

>He wants to abolish 2a
source. i know it's hard for boomers to use the google machine but I need you to try harder, Bill

His paid posters are spamming up our board nonstop.

Yang wants this for us, btw.
>Chinese Actress Blocked from Travel by Social Credit System

They cry about 20 threads for him, what will it be when the number will be 500 ?

>>dialation nation
fucking kek

We believe in science and UBI has failed every test case. Yang brings up an important issue in tackling the problem of useless people and automation, but UBI is a strawman solution.


Boomers gonna have to sell their boats and vacation homes to pay our neetbux

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>communist dictator
Never change boomers

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Boomers are pissed because they thought they're the only ones to get neet bucks when they stop working.

Neetbux aren’t free.

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>Chinese social credit score
>anti gun
What’s wrong with his statement?

Boomer and jeff Bezos will paid for it

Imagine being this retarded. Taxes are collected at a trigger point, Income or death. Boomers aren't paying income tax. You don't pay tax on assets. You don't control any lobbies or politicians that get donations from boomers.

>tiny wang yang only offering 1K
Pathetic, this is TODD TOWN now


He is not anti gun, chinese credit store is based, and there is gibs but not only for niggers and boomers

Waiting for wang to say anything bad about niggers or spics or jews like you fucktards keep memeing.

Do you remember when you taxed the richs for having a globalist structur and develop everything ?

It is our turn, fuck off.

The only people that would qualify for neet bucks would be incel white males living in their parent's basement with no hope for the future.

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Let's see your flag, china.

Maybe later, now you can suck my big western cock japan.

I'll vote for Yang if you show your flag.

No problem.

Since when has Bezos paid for anything? It’ll come right out of your paycheck.

I literally cannot give less of a fuck of what zogbot is made POTUS and this guy is making me mad as fuck because of the incessant spamming

Show your flag. I give you my word I'll vote for Yang if you do.

They're terrified of him.

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I'm with the #Yang-Gang

The latest line of shitposts. Not everyone is bored with it yet.

Come on America is enough powerful to taxe Bezos and all these jews. It depend on will, nothing else.

Show your flag. I'll even join you in taking down these fucking ZION DON migatards if you do, I hate them as much as you.

Holy fuck. If this happens only people who make 6 figures or more and need the shitty 2% interest rates will bother to open bank accounts. This will absolutely destroy the banks' financial power.

I don't care fuck off, i am from Switzerland but i don't execute your stupid demand. Who care ?

I can smell your cheetoh-dust photo shop fingers from here

Come on pal just let me see your flag so we can work together.

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>chinese credit store is based
The absolute state of Jow Forums supporting these anti wrong think policies

i think he brings up good points, but i don't know anyone talking about him. he'll probably be pushed to rub as an independent by the time 2019 comes. it's gonna be bernie all over again

Boomers are literally shaking. They cannot handle the dragon energy. They have to resort to spamming memes about discord trannies like mainstream NPCs ahahahahaha

>g-g-g-give up! it's hopeless!

What the fuck ? are you masturbating or some sick shit ? i really don't care

>that poster is Jow Forums
>a memeflag who cannot communicate in even the most basic english
You fell for that? Yee-ikes.

It is wrong act, not wrong think.

Bernie is proposing the same shit. Are you really going to vote for him if he gets the nomination because of this?

UBI will work if it goes global. Let's spread the yang bux everywhere. It will stop immigration dead, ethnocentric communities will rise.

Let the robots do the work. It's time.

So how exactly are you, a person in Japan, going to vote for an American candidate?

>a mere 1K
AHAHA enjoy your pocket change tiny wang yang

BASED TODD SQUAD is giving $2000! chink doesn't have a CHANCE in HELL!

I bet you wish you could delete this post before everyone sees how retarded you are.


Go with your proposition of 2000, you will be surprised people will vote for 1000.

You understand nothing about NEETBUX

JIDF is desperately trying to regulate our conversation and turn us away from Yang Gang. Don't be fooled by the Zionist shills

>voting for LESS free money
Ahahaha are you fucking retarded?


Go on user, rub those little neurons together, you can do it.

It is so obvious. They don't want money flowing into rural America. They want working whites enslaved by amazog and walmart

>you don't pay tax on assets
what is property tax?

He's an obvious chinese asset and a sign the US is collapsing.

>chinese credit store is based

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A Chinese asset? Please explain how. And maybe on demographics the US is collapsing.

>He's an obvious chinese asset
>and a sign the US is collapsing.
Not really considering no real people actually support him. It's all just propaganda being spread on Jow Forums, literally no one offsite knows he exists.

Compared to what? Being enslaved by the government paying $1000 every month for you and every shitskin retard who can jump across the border to sit on your worthless asses?
I used to be relatively indifferent to NEETs, sometimes sympathetic even, but the last three days of yangspamming and your brainlet tier arguments for UBI makes me want to throw you fucking parasites out of helicopters and shit.

>Fucking shills drumfy needs that money for the wall.


What if

What iffffff

what if what if what if.....

we could turn WHITES
into the same low-intellect, welfare-dependent, go-nowhere, motivationless voting slave caste as BLACKS?

Wang Yang

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failed means that it didn't make people wan't to work. UBI is about jewing the state for neetbux.