BREAKING: Government to send Tommy Robinson BACK to JAIL
173k views in 3 hours.
A stream that ended 46 minutes ago. 123k views.

It is obvious that the UK justice system is political.

Attached: tommy.png (1277x882, 1.06M)

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The fools fight amongst themselves


You guys are making multiple Tommy shill topics now?

Heh. Lets get the word out about Tommy.

Reminder that there’s 1-2 Jewish Tommy Robinson spammers that post topics about him every 2-3 hours and the topic is filled with them calling everyone Jews and Muslims for pointing out that Tommy is rabble rousing self stated and funded Zionist that whines about but offers no criticism of the root problem that his people have created.

>breaks law
>get suspended sentence for contempt of court
>among the conditions of his suspended sentence is not to continue with the very contempt of court he was sentenced for
>does it again the absolute madman
>gets warned
>does it again the absolute madman
>suspended sentence to be carried out in prison
>gets out of prison
>does it again the absolute madman
>repeat offender gets sentenced again and sent back to jail
wow it's like all the people who DON'T break the law are out and about?

Good. Tommy is a shill for the kikes, sending him top jail makes him a martyr and lets his followers drift further to the right than Tommy would otherwise allow.

he is a funded by zionists , good for him , hope he gets raped in jail.

Good riddance to this drug head traitor to england and the English. All Zionist scum should rot in prison cells for treason.

Supporters of Israel shall get no respect from me.

Fucking kys Muhammad

He might be a Mossad agent but Tommy is trying to rally the whites against this invasion. Britain is fallen and he’s trying to help raise it

Why is the only argument against Tommy "muh jews"? I know about the fucking jews but I'd rather have less muslims and a few (evil, too powerful) jews that a lot of muslims and a few (evil, too powerful) jews.
So what gives?

Attached: zion.jpg (1024x1600, 246K)


Every time you post your pilpul-

Reminder that there’s 1-2 Jewish Tommy Robinson spammers that post topics about him every 2-3 hours and the topic is filled with them calling everyone Jews and Muslims for pointing out that Tommy is rabble rousing self stated and funded Zionist that whines about but offers no criticism of the root problem that his people have created.

>UK justice system
There is no such thing.

I rape little white girls and feel much safer knowing this kike is going to prison

Because they're all on antifa discord and any tommy robinson thread they'll come and spam a mossad/jew connection to try discredit him. They're happy to silence anyone speaking out about their pets while they sit in their ivory towers

I've done plenty of arguing of why Tommy is a no good rabble rouser.

The Tommy shills are executing pilpul. Never engage pilpul. You get this in return for pilpul.

Reminder that there’s 1-2 Jewish Tommy Robinson spammers that post topics about him every 2-3 hours and the topic is filled with them calling everyone Jews and Muslims for pointing out that Tommy is rabble rousing self stated and funded Zionist that whines about but offers no criticism of the root problem that his people have created.

If you bring up a decent argument, we'll have it. But pilpul will receive more of this.

Hes a shit distuber who asked for trouble and found it. Hope he likes jail.

that faggot is ridiculous
he've done nothing for the white race whatsoever. did he talk about kikes? no.
all he did was film some sandniggers before their trial and now he's some kind of hero or something? fuck that faggot i don't give a fuck if he's killed or whatever. he's a kike shill. all kike shills deserve to be killed.

>American flag
>Defending wrongthink laws

Attached: niggers.png (1421x319, 41K)

If you care about low class minorities raping your kids, you'll go up the ladder to the people controlling Tommy.

My argument is that just maybe it'd be the wise thing to actually work with the enemy of my enemy until the survival of the native people is secured.
A good example is the Finkielstein kike from Paris, he has some based views but everyone from arab Antifas to Jow Forums hates him, seems kinda stupid.

Attached: Interview_French_Philosopher_Finkielkraut_on_Muslims_and_Integration_-_SPIEGEL_ONLINE_-_2019-02-23_1 (654x3660, 490K)

Attached: 'This_Has_Nothing_to_Do_With_Aggression.'_-_SPIEGEL_ONLINE_-_2019-02-23_11.19.21.png (676x2156, 275K)

tommy is a kike asset

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To the shills of Jow Forums, you do realize anyone who doesn’t support tommy automatically outs himself as a kike? You comments aren’t necessary fuck off in silence

I don't see how anyone can defend it. You either believe in freedom of speech or not, and the idea that someone should get arrested for wrongthink is a disgrace.

He's only getting busted because of his 'Panodrama' documentary which exposed the BBC too, that's what it's about. Much like in the Soviet Union, 'a crime can always be found!'

it's the jews using muslims to achieve Zionism.

>exposes kikes
>gets arrested and nearly killed by kikes
>gets called a kike

gettin real tired of these kikes

Attached: Tommy Robinson Zionist shill 1.jpg (4402x5727, 3.96M)

You're not working with the enemy. You're empowering the biggest enemy and weakening your group. That's what these Jewish rabble rouses push you to do. That's why they are there.

You think Jewish elites are concerned with low class muslims in the UK?

They are paying Tommy to fuck with gentiles. Not the Muslims.

>Hes a shit distuber who asked for trouble and found it.
Yes and he's still being unlawfully persecuted on political grounds. They've undeniably broken the law and applied the law where needs be to prosecute him on several occasions, his brothers mortgage charge for one and he was apparently 'harbouring a fugitive' from 4 years ago comes to mind.

In prison after being unlawfully prosecuted, he was nearly murdered and then held in isolation for unwarranted amounts of time, the WORST of all though was being trialled by a judge who acted on political grounds. He's a daft cunt but the English legal system and our judges are not supposed to act like that... the complete fucking opposite in fact. Not being trialled on political grounds on an unrelated charge and then trialled by a fucking left wing judge who finds you guilty based on political disagreements is against every Anglo-Saxon legal tradition.

>put hundreds of Muslims who fuck pre teen white girls behind bars
>get got what he deserved
If you went in a line I put a bullet through your head instantly the moment you said that, without a doubt you are jewish through and through.

>exposed the Jews to tens of millions of people around the world
>has done nothing
More than you ever will. fuck you

He should just move to Israel when he is out. Live among his people.

Why would the (((UK))) of all people destroy one of their own?

Reminder that there’s 1-2 Jewish Tommy Robinson spammers that post topics about him every 2-3 hours and the topic is filled with them calling everyone Jews and Muslims for pointing out that Tommy is rabble rousing self stated and funded Zionist that whines about but offers no criticism of the root problem that his people have created.

I hope the men he put behind bars break out and rape your mother

You really should you outing yourself kike if you knew what was good for you

Lies. Pathetic faggot

He redpilled a whole bunch of normies regarding Islam, how can that be a bad thing?

While I understand your position, you need to realize that Tommy is deliberately trying to moderate his fans. He is an obstacle, not an asset, because he is trying to prevent the root cause of these problems from being addressed or discussed. By having him locked up on wrongthink laws, we get to kill two birds with one stone. We can fight against the wrongthink laws, and at the same time elevate Tommy to martyr status without him being around to moderate his own supporters, allowing those supporters to drift slowly to the right beyond what he would otherwise allow of them.

Tommy is objectively more helpful in jail than he is free. The absolute best case scenario is if the establishment were to orchestrate his prison shanking and have him assassinated so he could never punch right again while allowing his name to go full martyr. I don't think the establishment are that stupid, although knowing how bad and Muslim infested UK prisons are there is always the chance it will happen on its own.

It isn’t, not for us at least. (((Pol))) is just showing it’s true colors. The reason shills go ape shit over this is because they fear tommy and realize how dangerous he is.

>It is obvious

that talmudic tommy is a shill tool to destroy the right & the nationalists, just like Patrick little, the retard.

>US education

Yeah we're (((pol))). Now gtfo kike-

Reminder that there’s 1-2 Jewish Tommy Robinson spammers that post topics about him every 2-3 hours and the topic is filled with them calling everyone Jews and Muslims for pointing out that Tommy is rabble rousing self stated and funded Zionist that whines about but offers no criticism of the root problem that his people have created.

Because he hasn't a Swastika tattooed on his chest, and Hitler's face on his back.

>fights Mudslimes
>gets hate from (((pol))) because he attacks their people

Law enforcement arrests and book criminal informants all the time. Locking up an agent for the sake of building their street credit isn't a novel concept. Law enforcement has been doing it for 40-50 years now as a tactic.

It's amazing to watch, purity larping shills want to destroy everything that is a change into the right direction.

You outed yourself you fucking imbecile! Now shut the fuck up

The fact I get a hostile (you) from the kike spambot is a good sign I'm on to something.

The last few weeks he has exposed BBC and called out the Soros funded jewish antifa organization Hope not hate. (((They're))) getting desperate.

I love that I've wrecked their Tommeh spam.

Reminder that there’s 1-2 Jewish Tommy Robinson spammers that post topics about him every 2-3 hours and the topic is filled with them calling everyone Jews and Muslims for pointing out that Tommy is rabble rousing self stated and funded Zionist that whines about but offers no criticism of the root problem that his people have created.

Mate the two videos were in my YT recommendations. Thank Google for the Tommy spam on your board.

>to destroy the right & the nationalists
Kek, stop fucking lying and pretend that exists in any mainstream outlet in the UK you fucking mong. He's a rather uneducated man from a working class background who recognises Islam as the main issue but prances around every other issue to avoid the R word because he wants desperately to have his own views out in the mainstream.

The fact he's a daft cunt doesn't change the fact that he has been pummelled to the depths of hell by the legal system and police forces on dodgy political grounds.

He has life experience, not exactly intellect.

>pre teen white girls getting raped good!
>men standing up and stopping them BAD!
Kike logic

>He's a rather uneducated man from a working class background who recognises Islam as the main issue but prances around every other issue to avoid the R word because he wants desperately to have his own views out in the mainstream.

Uneducated working class don't get massive funding from zionist overlords. Tommy isn't who you are portraying him to be.


Tommy punches right and prevents any movement he is a part of from naturally progressing towards truth. He is actively fighting against the effort to stop globalism, and just wants his personal brand of slightly more conservative globalism. He's a kike shill just as much as any GOP establishmentarian and would fit right in with the likes of any AIPAC fan.

This. Everyone who hasn't seen it, must watch it:
BBC are commies. In Germany the state TV has become commie propaganda too, i guess it's the same all over the EU. Frankly, the EU must be abolished.

>all he did was film some sandniggers before their trial
that's the point. he claims it was after, i.e. when all the information was public knowledge and reporting restrictions were lifted
that's basically why they let him out last time. the reason they're calling him back now is that he's kicked over all kinds of hornet's nests with his panodrama video. the deputy leader of the labour party- who is very pro islam and has been accused of antisemitism- seems to be a bit obsessed with him

He's a useful ally for now.

and you're a muslim

Still no a penny from the kikes. Also why would the Jews found the man bringing them to their knees

And I bet you think trump is “based” huh

>Robinson BTFOs out of BBC and ruins a major hit piece they were working on
>The police want to send him to jail again

It's all merely a coincidence.

I bet it's because of the bit about rhe nude boy statues at the BBC entrance, donated by this Saville rapist. Powerful people want to see him in jail.

Who do you think is funding Tommy Robinson?

Consider Milo and how he was front page news constantly when he had funding. Then he dropped off the face of the earth when his funding stopped.

Tommy is being funded right now. Who do you think is funding him and why?

Consider that they don't want this discussion going up a level.

>dropped off the face of the earth when every platform banned him

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it? English is really different from Yiddish, you must have a hard time here.

And no, Tommy is not standing up to actually solve the problem, he's trying to address a symptom, sure, and that's better than nothing, but if he were to be martyred in prison, that fight would still be fought. The outrage caused by such an event would help his cause and in addition send his followers further to the right than he would otherwise be comfortable with.

Tommy's position is helpful up until the point where he starts punching right.

no the bbc statues were done by eric gill. who was an artistic genius and fucked his dog


Why do you keep changing your ID. This wasn't the ID you started with in this topic. What are you doing?

>everything that happens everywhere is the joooooooooooooooooos
>why does the wind blow?
It’s the fucking joooooooooooooos
Shut the fuck up nigger

I know exactly who he is, from when he was marching through Newcastle city centres with the EDL in 2010 to now. He just grew up in Luton.

Reminder that there’s 1-2 Jewish Tommy Robinson spammers that post topics about him every 2-3 hours and the topic is filled with them calling everyone Jews and Muslims for pointing out that Tommy is rabble rousing self stated and funded Zionist that whines about but offers no criticism of the root problem that his people have created.

NO YOU FUCKING RETARD Trump has betrayed every promise he has made and Tommy is cut from the exact same fucking cloth and is working to the benefit of the exact same kind of people you fucking dumbass. Get your head out of your ass and maybe you could smell the kikery over your own fart huffing.

Oh well

>Tommy is being funded right now. Who do you think is funding him and why?
This is all based on who is popular to you and who you are paying attention to right now kek.

Tommy has been around in the UK for 9 years now. Jow Forums and international media only picked up on him during the 2016 US election when there was a huge rise in right wing media. He's not just appeared out of nowhere.

>Man is openly funded and supportive of Jews
>This claim is a conspiracy theory
I hope mossad is paying you well.

Not shill.
Do your own research into the topic.

The British government are playing a propaganda campaign against a British citizen.

Proof that the British establishment are on the run. We're winning lads, slowly but surely.

Attached: 1546213359917.jpg (720x720, 127K)

>kikes hate him and ban him
>he is a kike
You can’t have both you inbred fuck

Isn't Tommy Robinson that British man that literally said he would die fighting for Israel on the front lines? How do you even defend that?

What you do think?

And Ben Shapiro has been a manufactured personality since he was in single digit age.

This is how these types work. Knowing him for 9 years is nothing.

on Jow Forums you can

>pol hates him because he’s actually doing shit
Fuck (((you)))

Okay at first I was like wow that's not fair but why the fuck would this guy stay there and just put himself in a way where it can happen again? That tells me he's either an absolute dumbass or a psyop.

Regardless of what you think of Robinson he is embarrassing the British government greatly and that's still worth something because it will affect us all sooner or later.

Where did he say that?!


Jews are actually very well known to commit crimes against each other to boost support.

Israel itself has a major hand in Isis creation.

This is why Tommy Robinson is a major farce.

12 is not a single digit age
also, nobody here either knows or gives a fuck who ben shapiro is

the uk is fucked

Could he not seek asylum in Israel? Oh, that's right, that's for Jews only.

>tommy is a Jew because I say so
That’s not how this works

>literally everybody is a jew so we should just sit around with our thumbs up our asses all day every day and do nothing

Which size dilator are you on my friend?

He became known for leading the EDL at a point where Al Mujahideen were on the streets of major UK cities openly preaching before being proscribed a terrorist organisation, and there was obviously the grooming scandal, the mass onslaught of terror, the honour rapes, the acid attacks, the ethnic displacement of British communities...

I can't sit and explain the timeline to you but it makes perfect sense if you followed it from the start. The EDL did a lot of damage to English nationalism but it was a tribal response to a real issue.