But shes technically right? Even if she is a Muslim

But shes technically right? Even if she is a Muslim.

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Of course she is. Based nigress calls out the jews and everyone loses their shit

beautiful nubian queen destroys the jew

She's so radiant in every picture. You can tell she has a soul. Everyone who attacks her does not.


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I cant wait for america to become Islamic so I can bend over for big daddy Mohammed

all she said was the US has its own interests, which should not be the interests of another country

it has nothing to do with antisemitism

When the goyim know and your tricks don't work anymore.

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but she gets away with it for that reason, which is why you shouldn't support her, only some of the things she says

Yes she is.
Too bad Jews are 1000000x more oppressed on (Jewish) oppression scale.

shut it down goy, it has nothing to do about being right

Jews make up only 2% of the population, but over 6% of Congress, and all hold dual citizenship. Not to mention Federal Reserve and other Executive branch positions. And State/Federal court judges. She's 100% correct.

hello discord tranny

Classic kike "muh antisemetism"

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What the fuck is wrong with you zionists and Israeli shills these days? Holy fuck. Get a grip and kill yourself. Israel is doomed and you can't save it.

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Honestly I think she has helped me reach what I currently believe to be the best explanation for all the (((coincidences))) surrounding the Jewish people.
Israel does have extremely significant influence in the affairs of other nations. They are actively doing all that they can to have as much control over the US as they possibly can. The thing is though, what they are doing isn't really all that special, all countries try to do this. They would be stupid not to. The only difference with Israel is that people are afraid to call them out for dessert if social and political ostrisization. Israel has too much control, but they haven't done this through some super secret worldwide conspiracy, they have done it through the exact same avenues that every other international player has ever used. The truth isn't obscured, it's right under the surface. The only difference between Israeli lobbying and other lobbying is that Israel has been far more successful due to its unique social protection.

im musilm
and i think your system is fucked up murica

>dessert if
Wtf * fear of

Yes. That’s correct.

Yes. The problem is that everyone is taking money from AIPAC and don't want that well to dry out.

But for a few dollars more your local cuckservative politician will cancel free speech in congress.

Jews own america... It's all in the open now!

Attached: jewusisis.jpg (600x673, 70K)

The same can be said with individual Jews in positions of influence and power in the United States. They are doing the same thing as everyone else would and try to do in that situation but are more able to due to their specific protections and natural advantages.

>Based nigress calls out the jews and everyone loses their shit
shills are sliding these threads hard today

this is the very thing that will raise the JQ and tear apart the dems

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hey JIDF

I kekd. But seriously, never shy from the JQ, there's a reason they consider it "anti-semitic" to ask.

2019 US Congress jews (1.4% of the US population)


Tammy Baldwin (D)
Bernie Sanders (I)
Ron Wyden (D)
Chuck Schumer (D)
Jacky Rosen (D)
Ben Cardin (D)
Chris Van Hollen (D)
Richard Blumenthal (D)
Dianne Feinstein (D)


Adam Schiff (D)
Brad Sherman (D)
Pete Aguilar (D)
Alan Lownethal (D)
Mike Levin (D)
Susan Davis (D)
Ed Perlmutter (D)
Bill Posey (R)
Lois Frankel (D)
Ted Deutch (D)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Jan Schakowsky (D)
Brad Schneider (D)
Abby Finkenaur (D)
John Yarmuth (D)
Jamie Raskin (D)
Elissa Slotkin (D)
Andy Levin (D)
Dean Phillips (D)
Josh Gottheimer (D)
Lee Zeldin (R)
Jerrold Nadler (D)
Max Rose (D)
Eliot Engel (D)
Nita Lowey (D)
Chrissy Houlahan (D)
David Cicilline (D)
David Kustoff (R)
Steve Cohen (D)
Elaine Luria (D)
Kim Schrier (D)

>actually responding

Doesn't matter every other policy she has is a dumpster fire. And her bullshit won't result in removing foreign influence. She herself is a fucking foreigner who shouldn't be in charge of or making policies for those of us born here. And/Or don't have duel citizenship.

she wants you dead, white boi

this list is definitely incomplete, off the top of my head senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) is also a jew

the point is that she could make debating policy towards Israel not a taboo anyone more

now they are all shitting their pants thinking about it

The Jewish people shouldn't hold official positions at all really. They have proved time and time again to do nothing but fuck us all, over and over. They want to pundits... fine. They want to have special interest groups, no fucking way. Enough is enough.

I disagree. Israel controls American media using American Jews. This media steadily sensitizes the Jewish problem, creating a taboo around criticizing Jews or Israel using anti-semetism. This essentially shields Israel from all dialogue that even remotely appears to criticize it.
No other nation can even begin to imagine such a vast control over another nation.

I just realised how fucking retarded I was for calling anyone whos opinion I don't like a shill. why are you defending muslims?

>why are you defending muslims?
You realize you're focusing on her religion and not what she's trying to talk about because you're a shill. Fuck off Tommy. You belong in prison for the rest of your fucking life you parasite.

she is literally /ourqueen/

I think she just larps as one, to be honest. I think its a common thing for Muslims because they love their family and see it as a lesser evil sorta thing.

>supporting a non-white moslem unironically
what the fuck is happening to this board


You retards deluded yourselves because you shill so hard and suppress organic discussion

I unironically support Hezbollah Bashar Al Assad and the Republic of Iran

Why are you trying to make him be pc on a board for non pc discussion? There are plenty of reasons her being Muslim would be relevant.

As an aside, if Einstein tried to run for an official position position, during his time here, I would feel the same way. Same with Arnie.

goal justifies the means retard

>meme flag

this board has always been natsoc. fuck off.

I support them in their own countries and I wish them all the best. I just want them to stay the fuck out of the west and especially our governments.

shes totally right.

expand on that?

>this board has always been natsoc.

hahaha, no

didn't Einstein just work at a patent office and stole everyone else's ideas

Well the entire reason they are in the west is because of jews it's all the better that their own weapon has turned against them

I like my no steppy snek, if you can't tell my nationality that's your problem.

You're an Israeli faggot. Bibi is taking you to war. Mueller is going public and the USA is gonna let idiots like you die. Tell Yossi Cohen he's gonna be Ghaddafid and the video will be put on the internet for the world to see. Fucking Mossad is a bunch of inbred failures. That's why they're all gonna die too.

there isnt any real reason to support her, and no need to.
but you can support what shes saying.


>sharing an opinion
>technically right


>must like commie mussie because jews

I understand but I do think they are too destructive. I think we should side with the fags to turn the overall opinion against the jews. as well as use the whole hippie thing against Israel.

If you have friends in the IDF this is what's gonna happen to them after Mueller goes public and Israel goes to war without the help of the United States of America.

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89 elected government officials have Dual Israeli-American citizenship.

Israel influences every vote we have in this nation. Every.Single.VOTE. can be manipulated or influenced via 89 dual Israeli-American government members who's FIRST ALLEGIENCE IS TO ISRAEL. A list of the individuals can be found through a Google search. It is VERY easy to look up who has this dual citizenship and then see a record of how they voted on key decisions. Senate bill (S.720) is one example. THERE ARE MANY Here are some the democrats, please google the full list your self.

Now ask yourself how many Dual Citizens serve in Israel's Government....
The answer is "ZERO"
Israelis consider dual citizens to be a security risk




Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Al Franken (D-MN) Herb Kohl (D-WI) Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT) Carl Levin (D-MI) Bernie Sanders (Independent-VT) Charles Schumer (D-NY) Ron Wyden (D-OR) Michael Bennet (D-CO)


Gary Ackerman (D-NY) Shelley Berkley (D-NV) Howard Berman (D-CA) Eric Cantor (R-VA) David Cicilline (D-RI) Stephen Cohen (D-TN) Susan Davis (D-CA) Ted Deutch (D-FL) Eliot Engel (D-NY) Bob Filner (D-CA) Barney Frank (D-MA) Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Jane Harman (D-CA) Steve Israel (D-NY) Sander Levin (D-MI) Nita Lowey (D-NY) Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Jared Polis (D-CO) Steve Rothman (D-NJ) Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) Adam Schiff (D-CA) Brad Sherman (D-CA) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Henry Waxman (D-CA) Anthony Weiner (D-NY) John Yarmuth (D-KY)

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I support her opinions on jews but that's it. theres fags on here that are acting like shes based.

> I think we should side with the fags
Ok that's enough out of you


the position seems thinnnn to me.
I bet they are mostly extant muslims and lefties, with a couple people that just want to burn it all down.
aipac will escalate, i would wait till her response to worry about it.
She has the ability to become very powerful.
shes aparently bffs with aoc rn, aoc could slingshot her in exchange for becoming irrelevant herself.
either way, this is probably a net positive for now.

Speaking truth is a sin when they control the narrative.

Defending her religion is not the same as defending and supporting her opinion on the JQ. We are doing the second - she might be a muslim but it is okay to agree with people on some issues and back them up, especially when this the issue is an important one that people ignore because a good goy doesn't think of such things.

Her being a muslim is even a good thing in some ways since in the eyes of the radical left, she is way up on the oppression totem (woman+brown+muslim) and therefore her opinions can't be wrong.

>Muslim in congress speaking out against kikery
Shit like this always makes me second guess the jewish question, lads. If Jews are really behind the regression of western society, why do they push for mudslimes who will depose them from their positions of authority? Kinda shooting your own foot.

my enemys enemy is not my friend in this case

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Because when shtf they'll just bail to whichever tropic country or Israel.


do you really think a moslem with high power is a good thing?

yes i agree but they will easily buy her out.

shes likely controlled opposition designed to get the retarded o this bourd to support her because muh palestine. it seems to be working.

They also believe they have divine knowledge of some supreme truth when all they have spoke for the past 40 years is deception.

>do you really think a moslem with high power is a good thing?
no, thats not my point.
my point is she doesnt have it right now, we need to watch it carefully. but right now we have 2 enemies that are fighting each other.
just get some popcorn.

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>bury claws deep into western world
>invite hordes of diametrically opposed culture into the west, get fucked by muslims
>bail to Israel, surrounded by muslims

I dunno man.

Is he intellectually honest enough to discuss the scope and reach of “pro-semitism”?

Shes the best way to tell apart the MIGApede shills because a smart person is able to agree with someone or even support them in a common cause despite disliking them in general

It's a risk but it's holy land so they don't even consider it. It would probably even fulfill some prophecy.

Even for the non religious jews, 'progressivism' has unironically become their religion.

They literally think they are going to die in 12 years because of climate change. 20 years ago Al Gore was claiming similar except he said 8 or some such number and it never happened. They're indoctrinating and freaking out school kids. And acting like even if it is real there is something that can be done about it. Actual climate changes occur much more gradually and than what they claim unless it's some catastrophic event. Even the official numbers of the computer simulation are minuscule. It could be a dangerous trend but then again it could not be. All while they freak the fuck out and terrify everyone.

> hates white People
> anti-gun
> supports faggotry and trannies
> supports open borders
> supports feminism
> hates family values
> clearly obvious controlled opposition
> only calls out Nationalist Jews, afraid of calling out Internationalist Jews because they support her
> probably LARPing as a Muslim
> Somehow /ourgirl/ because she said a fee things that weren’t even meant to be anti-kike and she apologized for it
The absolute state of Jow Forums in 2019, we will literally shill for anyone who hates Israel even if they’re fucking leftie scum. I’m waiting for the day you fags will shill for Kim (((Heller))) because she said that Israel shouldn’t exist even though she’s a literal fucking kike who hates White People.

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"all muslims are bad so i hate everything they say"
"all whites are bad so i hate everything they have to say"
you are the cancer of the 21st century.
gas the kikes race war now

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The enemy of my enemy. When you see a slightly weaker enemy going after a stronger enemy, know what you do? Encourage it, then mop up the victor. You don't intervene. And if the weaker one really needs it, maybe make sure they've got some nice weapons at hand so that even if they lose they've done enough damage for you. If the Left can be goaded into pulling the DOTR themselves, all our Christmases just came at once.

>Shiing a mudslime
Do you faggots not understand psyops? What about "An entire section of the Left can become controlled opposition for Jow Forums" do you fail to comprehend? Do you realise yet that using the weapons of the enemy (sewing D&C, owning both sides of a debate etc) is how this game is played? Lrn2strategy already. You aren't going to successfully redpill everyone, so those that won't join you can be directed, disrupted and split off. Use the weapons you have available ffs.

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