Why is life so brutal

Why is life so brutal

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cause people say that shit dont be like it is but it really do

Why are you so frail?

because slave morality weakens your mind and spirit

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Love is the key.

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it's the kali yuga

the darker the night, the brighter the stars.

God made a bunch of energy turn into mass and said “ight im bouta head out, if yall niggas got anything to complain about, talk to my son”

So tru

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Dude because Hades likes his life to be brutal, if you can't at least keep up with him you're meant to be weeded out and report to him for rescheduling. He is the torch of life, you must be as evolved as him or you will die off. He is the fractal effect for survival of the fittest.

Life is more beautiful than you can imagine. Even the horrible parts.

To weed out the faggots.

Why are you niggers spamming non-political threads? Where are you faggots coming from?

It has to be, swedecuck. Existence must be brutal suffering, in contrast with the tranquil, serene oblivion of nonexistence.



Greedy, corrupt, and egotistical people.

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because you're married to brutal thoughts

Because God is a bored supercomputer floating in space and is running millions of universe simulations and experiencing them all simultaneously. In this world, suffering is permitted.

to succeed in life, one must be brutal.

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Wait till you have a family. Kids dont want to listen, wife is a woman so part retarded, work demands you at your best, family gets tired of you trying to make them into the best.

Personally I think the kikes forcing me to work and my children being under the government's thumb more than I see them fuck everything up. Because on the weekend when we actually get to spend all day together everything is great and it reminds me why i do it all. But ya, one day you'll realize it really is the kikes fault for the world being such shit. Hitler was right not even lying.

Where was this all of my life

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because you need to harden up

>tfw there is a reality out there where hitler won

cheer up

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:( poor guy

People are ignorant and also very stupid. I tend to think of them as animals

What caused it to just fall apart?

here is the video I used


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Old age or maybe starvation.

Day 26 with no weed
Day 5 with no jerking off
Will get rid of my smartphone on day 25 of no fap
Further goals to follow
I am growing stronger

Because your life was assigned to planet Earth user.

Truth is key

Also known as jews, cluster B subhumans and NPCs.

I'm on month 3 of no weed. No coffee since November. Nofap is harder than both so we are tied for that (I see fapping as less harmful plus I have a gf anyway). Stay strong. I feel cleaner but no happier. I don't crave those drugs anymore though so that is good.

To make you strong like the Gods. Now get me another beer.

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>Kids dont want to listen, wife is a woman so part retarded, work demands you at your best, family gets tired of you trying to make them into the best.
this hurts my soul
Yet I am determined to win
not a mountain being worn down
but a river carving a path

It's not user. It's beautiful. The brutality of it is an illusion created by societal expectations. You're alive, embrace it.

You're not supposed to be happy. You will be content once you are fully "clean," as you say. Also, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you had premarital sex with your gf, so your relationship will end. Let's just hope it's before you bet half your stuff on it.

>watching pornography
>supporting pornographers
>masturbating to pornography
>watching pornography
>supporting pornographers
>masturbating to pornography
>watching pornography
>supporting pornographers
>masturbating to pornography

Glad we cleared that up.

If, however, you refuse to fight this righteous war, abandoning your social duty and reputation, you will certainly incur sin.
- Lord Krishna

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>Why is life so brutal
It's really not.
Not any more any way.

This life is a prison, and human beings make it even worse.


I’m an old fart.... life is whatever it is... learn your talent and shortcomings... exploit your talent, manage your shortcomings... and flush your feelings down the toilet

Becuse Hitler did not win

>supporting pornographers

Not sure how that could even be possible. Has anyone paid for porn in at least the last ten years?

Because you are a sinner and your heart is not continuously bent toward Jesus in prayer. Mend your ways, turn, repent, and be healed.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure which a man found buried in a field. In his joy, he hid the treasure again, went and sold everything he had, and bought that field.

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How bad do things have to get before Vishnu comes back? It's all so tiresome.

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this is a metaphor
the organism symbolizes the gentile
the vesicles are Jewish parasites feeding off and vomiting shit into the host's body
you can tell the organism knows what's happening to him but he is helpless against it
the Jews are overwhelming and merciless, their corrosive influence is bursting at the seams
the gentile is running out of energy so eventually he gives up and dies

It's probably just boomers who pay for it.

Because God is a cunt who gets off on suffering, so he created a world full of it.
Every single creature has suffering woven into the fabric of their existence.

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Thanks for the outright admission you have no counterargument, fren.

Maybe a little suffering is good for you. When you spank a child is it because you're a cunt who gets off on suffering?

Blaming God for all the suffering is a childish thing to do. Don't human beings also have a responsibility for making the world less shitty? Instead they make it worse by being greedy.

This is sure some suffering that has a meaning & is caused by humans.

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Or this.

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When I spank a child? My generation has almost no children to spank, especially white ones. My morality on the case hardly matters.

Because this world is an experiment by a group of misguided entities know as the Psuedo-Creators. This group was trying to prove to God that life can exist separate from him. Soon Jesus will be back and the Lion will lay down with the Lamb, and every tear wiped from every eye.

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Just stay off it man. I quit 3 months ago because I finally got a new job making a ton of money. Finally have a reason to stay away from it and literally feel no different. And I'm finally have dreams, constantly during my sleep actually, it's pretty nice. I grew it and smoked it for the past 7 years and it didnt help me in any way. I could have been better off sooner.

I fap a few times a year, but I'm married so I dont need to fap all the time, plus I really hate whores.

I don't plan on going back. It turns good white men into niggerspics. Also, I have a somewhat Yungian personal theory about the purpose of dreams, and I believe that depriving yourself of dreams is like depriving yourself of essential vitamins and minerals.

>plus I really hate whores.
Same, I'm going to remain celibate until I get married.

Thrill of the hunt and a bonus mini snack. You don't always win. That's why the game is fun.

It does actually. If pain teaches you a valuable lesson, is the pain bad?

Its not that bad depending on your race.

Pain does not teach every human a lesson. It implies an iq above a minimum threshold.

Seen the source, it is heat from the light. That’s what the guy who filmed it said.

Matthew 11:28-30
>Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
>Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
>For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


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If you have an opportunity but don't use it, that's nobody else's fault.


>white text on light background
Thanks for nothing jackass.

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Because we live in an incarnation prison run by various alien races... we are their property. The cia and USAF intelligence knows what’s up. Apparently these beings are very interested in human sexuality, and feelings of love are poison to these beings... they thrive off pain misery, sorrow, anger, despair, addiction and loneliness. The government agencies looking at this shit need to get the fuck on with it

>That's why the game is fun
If you're watching, above it all.
Hence why I said God gets off on this. If he didn't then every being he created wouldn't feel it.

if it was the light that melted away the germ that is why the dark empire of reptilians say their main goal is to prevent human enlightenment

Because you're white

Me personally? Sure, I'm smarter than most, I'll figure it out. Will everyone? No. Are you stupid for thinking everyone has the same capacity? Yes.

If you're early 20s, it's supposed to be brutal. You're trying to build an adult life. My early 20s were mostly just failure and feeling/being worthless.

You just have to grind. Do your work. Save money. Build a path to success. Deal with shit women. Figure out what makes them shit, and try to avoid it.

Around 30 life started looking good. I stopped wanting to kill myself.

Mid 30s now, life is great.

The only reason it worked is because I kept on grinding. If i'd stopped doing any of the habits my father taught me, work hard, keep trim, don't tolerate trash, I'd have blown the whole thing up. I'd be 30-something wondering why life is so shitty.

Basically, keep your head down, remember what you're aiming at. You'll make it.

Checked. Also, did you ever find a wife? What about kids?

damn checked

It's brutal only for brutal souls. Take the Christian pill and come to the light, peace is only achievable by spiritual growth.

shitty bait

>I’m married so I dont need to fap all the time, plus I really hate whores.

Was your wife virgin, or is she also a simple whore?


I never said everyone had the same capacity. Even non-human animals have a capacity to learn. You're picking out non-functional retards as an example for the whole when those that refuse to learn or are incapable can just be thrown in jail.

I was engaged three years ago. Very nice girl, doctor, same as me. Very boring sex after a while though. She finally popped out that she's age she wants to "settle down" as in no more crazy sex.

I blew it up. It hurt a lot, but whatever.

Been dating a 23 year old for the last two years. Sex is great. She's great. Very hot. Honestly not very bright, but I don't really care. She wants to have a lot of kids and be a housewife. I can afford it, so why not?

Not sure if I'm fucking up incredibly or living the dream. I'll find out when/if it blows up.

Is she a virgin? If yes, then I am happy for you my brother - if not she’s just another dumb whore who wants a slice of your decade + hard work.

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>my brother
t. muslim

No virgins out there anymore. Not without serious baggage. My grandmother was, my mother too. Not for us, that time is over. Too bad.

I don't mind providing a good life for a wife and some kids. My father did as much as he could for me. He wasn't educated or anything, but he did everything he could. The only real point of money beyond feeding and sheltering yourself is building a good life for your family.

It gets better eventually

Well I met her at 17 and then put a baby in her at 19. I was 21. She was a virgin but its Jow Forums so I doubt any of you fags believe me.
