What is wrong with $1,000 UBI?

Ignoring all other policies by the candidate, what is wrong with a $1,000 UBI paid for by cutting all other social programs and a small 10% VAT?

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fuck chinks

Not enough. $2000 or fuck off


Give me neetbux plox.

is nothing

Not enough money for Israel

Its only going to result in more people suffering in the long run because poor people mismanage money badly and by cutting other welfare programs to give them pure cash is like offering a homeless man 100 bucks and expecting them to not spend it on alcohol and drugs. Also 12k a year is barely enough to afford rent/property in many places in the USA on top of everything else. It will devalue the middle class though, which if you're an accelerationist and don't mind being part of a long term mutt lower debtor class that is tracked by the government through the gibs.

does he say he would cut all the other welfare programs? what about SS?

anyway I need an extra 1000 a month so I can become a Youtuber

$1000 is the perfect amount to sustain you for a while if you are between jobs, yet not enough that you don't need to ever work. People would still need at least 20 hours a week at minimum wage to make up the difference. Which means it is the best place to start. Also high amounts would be too much of a shock on the economy.

Welfare of any kind never works as well as it should. Charity is the solution. Government welfare will always mess things up worse than they were before the welfare was implemented. If you think we have an illegal immigrant problem now, what do you think that will look like if UBI is implemented? Not only will we be paying people to not work, we will be paying them to not work and send the majority of that money out of country.

He says ages 18-65, so it would cut everything but SS.

UBI is a horrible meme. Paying people to do nothing will help some but make others nothing but parasites. I bet you $1000 that thanks to UBI millions will end up fat, drunk and overall useless. Fuck that noise and fuck Yang.

UBI would only be available to citizens so the number of illegals does nothing but increase the amount of money the government gets through the VAT since illegals would still be buying goods in the US and thus paying into the UBI but not getting money from it.

Also, $12k per year to every person in the US comes out to $3,908,400,000,000. If limiting UBI to those 18 and over, the price would be reduced to $3,024,765,600,000 (plus some, as the most recent figure I cba to find is from 2017). Our current total federal budget is $3,800,000,000,000. Current welfare estimates account for $1,179,000,000. You would therefore be increasing welfare spending by over 2.5 times that of current spending.

And our current welfare is only supposed to be available to citizens. That obviously is not the way it pans out, and even if it was strictly enforced, the up side to illegal immigrants is still being able to leech off UBI by having kids, getting asylum, and getting amnesty. And you know that it would not be enforced. From day one leftists would be finding ways to get that money into the hands of non-citizens.

It's either destroy the machines taking jobs or free money. Otherwise the (((elite))) all get it in the neck.
Don't worry, goy. Most jobs are bullshit bureaucratic jobs or unnecessary busy work anyway. Technology means the majority work less, not more. It's an inescapable outcome.

>$325 billion A MONTH
^THAT'S what's wrong with it.

Paid for by a VAT and slightly increasing high tax brackets. (not that 70% bs, but add a 40% over $10M as well as taxing capital gains above $1M as regular income)

Fuck. I meant 25 times that of current spending. Seriously, times 25.

>It's either destroy the machines taking jobs or free money
>Otherwise the (((elite))) all get it in the neck
Why does everyone think the third option of large swathes of humanity being eliminated while the survivors don't give a single fuck could never happen?
It's the simplest, most effective answer, and the route that will be taken.

So yes, we will take money out of the production side of the economy to pay people not to work at 25 times the cost of current welfare. In what mindset does this turn out good at all?

FUCKING LOL!!!! You are lazy poor trash who needs to quit submitting and make something of yourself. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!!!!

How is Vat taxing facebook and googles ads take money out of the productivity of the economy?

>cutting all other social programs
Won’t happen; makework jobs are for containment of the least productive in society outside criminals: government workers

It dosen't make rich people richer.

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>25 times the cost of current welfare.
No, only 2-3 times the cost

>So yes, we will take money out of the production side of the economy

But this gives people more money to spend, and they will spend it all every month. That means it goes right back into the economy which encourages growth.

Do you have any specific concerns? Or is it just the adhominem?

He wants to give every citizen age 18-64 $1000

1. There's like 193,000,000 +/- people that age range in the US
2. $1000 x 193,000,000 = $193,000,000,000 a month
3. $193,000,000,000 x 12 months = $2,316,000,000,000

Where the fuck is the money going to come from? The national debt is over $22 trillion, even if we tax the rich and do every other meme that's been spouted, there still will never be enough to pay $2 trillion dollars a year. Yang and every other democrat are staggeringly retarded. Then, some of them are getting behind paying niggers reparations, AND AOC wants to ban all planes, cars, and rebuild every structure in the country with green materials.... WHERE IS THE FUCKING MONEY GOING TO COME FROM?

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Landlord here. I'm raising rent $1,000/month as soon as UBI goes into effect.

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Are tax credits and brackets also communism?

Elimination of other welfare, small VAT and increase in upper tax brackets.

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Well shit, assumed you were the common type.
Do you realize that beyond the federal tax the American worker is taxed on everything they do already(everything but Air,pussy, and illegal drugs) and it still isn't enough money for federal,state and local government to operate. I think the government bureaucracy needs to be fixed at a fundamental level before we can discuss redistribution of wealth.

May need a Land Value Tax (LVT/"Perfect Tax") here in addition.. Once human is automated and put on UBI, they would be wise to learn how to open source the global AI..

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Because we'd have to give up our guns for it. Fuck you.

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>only 2-3 times the cost
325 billion a month is far more than that.
Also, how DOES currency retain its value when everyone is guaranteed a minimum amount? Doesn't that make said minimum amount worth far less? Everything around it will go up in cost.

even if you are a landlord i doubt you can do that but nice meme, schlomo

it's a terrible idea. If anything the government should work to lower cost of medical care, student loans, daycare. These things are within their control and already accepted forms of government assistance.

>i doubt you can do that
Landlords in the US can charge whatever they like.

>Elimination of other welfare, small VAT and increase in upper tax brackets.
Again, there will never be enough money to pay 193,000,000 people over $2 trillion every year. It's absolutely impossible. If we took all the money from every billionaire, every single cent they had, we'd have enough to make one payment, and that would be the end of it. Libcucks seem to think that money is infinite for some reason.

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>193,000,000 people
The US population is currently over 325 million.

Give me $2000 and we'll talk

Based kid practicing his commie-killing skills.

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I get that, which is why I wanted a discussion on the plan in general, but not the specific candidate and his other positions.

the government needs to stay the fuck out of it. Competition in the national market place is the only way to lower cost.

>The US population is currently over 325 million.
And Yang wants to give ages 18-64 money. There isn't 325 million 18-64 year old's waterhead.

>Everything around it will go up in cost.
No because new money isn't entering the system. The money comes from taxes and gets paid out to the people who then spend it on goods and services. Will it change the demand curve for some items and services? Of course. But it won't cause inflation on a large scale like some seem to predict.

>we took all the money from every billionaire
The money doesn't come from just billionaires. It comes from all tax payers and anyone that buys/sells goods via VAT. This isn't AOC and her tax the rich at 90% dream. This is a reasonable minor increase (few percent) of the high end tax brackets.

There's no point in discussing it without bringing up the candidate, since no other candidate will be offering it. We'll discuss further when a pro gun candidate starts talking about UBI.

There still wouldn't be enough no matter how many people you tax. Again, the national debt is over $22 trillion, what do you think happens to that when $2 trillion is taken and given away? Protip: It doesn't decrease.

See, this is textbook libtard candidate scheming to gain votes. They promise impossible shit to numbskulls lib voters and numbskulls lib voters fall for it every single time. Yang knows full well that this shit will never happen, he just wants the votes to win and then he's gonna shit up the place.

1.5 trillion of it is already going out every year as welfare. You only need to come up with the rest thru new tax.


>1.5 trillion
Oh, so the number would actually be $3.5 trillion, that's even fucking worse because Yang instantly turns 193,000,000 people into welfare recipients

Inflation on levels you have never imagined.
Trust me, I'm Brazilian, I know a thing or two about inflation.

it sounds good

>Retards cheer because free money.
>Overnight dollar collapses in value.
>Now need $500 for a roll of toilet paper.
>Gold balloons in value
>Jew Gold emerges in near endless supply.
>Jews now openly control the wealth of the entire world.
>Jews build O'Neillberg cylinders in space, with mounted Lazer cannons to systematically wipe out 90% of the population.
>Every nigger, spick, chick, mudslime and Amerimutt is wiped out. Along with the Russian and majority of the Europeans.
>Jews keep a few breeding pairs of blue eyed blonde haired children from Germany.
>Jews keep a breeding stock of the niggerist niggers, the spicciest spics, the slimiest mudslimes and the slantiest chunks.
>Only perfect specimens of each will do.
>Jews fix an area of the world and relocate Hitler's chosen to new Garden.
>He dumps the niggers in one of the cities in Africa they didn't destroy. The niggers will finish that for them.
>They drop the Chinks in the mountains.
>The Arabs to the Sand.
> The spics go to the South American jungle.
>Jews retreat to O'Neillberg cylinders to develop intergalactic travel and life extension technology.
>They appear to the fledgling societies after a few hundred years.
>Cycle begins again.
>Retards cheers because free money.

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Wrong. Inflation occurs when new money is introduced to the system. UBI like this just increases the velocity of the money within the system.

>Ignoring all other policies:
>Promote a stringent, tiered licensing system for gun ownership
>Ban high-capacity magazines
>Require submission of fingerprints and DNA to the FBI
>Submit to a gun locker inspection to ensure it can house the weapons
>Undergo yearly refresher trainings on the use of these firearms.
>register any currently unregistered firearm
>Prohibit the manufacture and sale of bump stocks, suppressors, incendiary/exploding ammunition, and (yes, this is currently legal) grenade launcher attachments.
>Encourage gun manufacturers to implement designs that prevent interchanging parts that alter the functionality of the firearm.
>Implement a federal buyback program for anyone who wants to voluntarily give up their firearm
>Implement Social Credit Score System

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Good luck long term. The rich are already putting the lions share into the budget, watch them move it offshore or just outright leave the country.

1,000 per month is actually less than what the poorest Americans receive in benefits. So the problem with 1k is that many of the poorest lose while the highest classes don't gain much.

Nothing you listed would pass the supreme court so is irrelevant.

>UBI passes
>everything suddenly starts costing more, roughly summing up to $1000/mo more on average


>10% VAT?
Go fuck yourself

If you give everyone 1000 dollars for free, every landlord in America is just going to raise their rent by 1000 dollars.

Wait, I'm super confused. WHO gives me the $1000 and where did they get it?

Im totally down for UBI/significant gibs for citizens who forfeit their rights to vote and hold public office while receiving such. The buyout ti save the republic


UBI won't pass Congress so is irrelevant

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The government will give you $1000/mo, right after you pay them $1500/mo thru your paychecks

How about we give losers jobs in work camps instead of just handing them free fucking money? They could be breaking rocks or doing other useful prison labor instead of just sitting around all day

>what's that ticking noise in the distance?
Oh the US debt clock.

The best part is all these left wing faggots will end up regretting their poor understanding of economics as young adults, in a not so distant future.

Inb4 debt dusnt matter it's not problam it's fine
It's getting further and further from your grip amerimutts

Pretty much this.
Regardless of inflation arguments.
People will charge more for things simply because they know people now have 1000 bucks of disposable income.
Not everyone, but a lot of people.

you can opt out and receive your normal welfare

So you want 6-8 trillion $ government budget.
Where money come from, what is incentive to work,