I have this question

The USSR collapsed, the Russian Federation is the same capitalist country as the United States and the countries of Europe. But why then does NATO continue to surround Russia? Why do they keep threatening us? We are capitalists.

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Force of habit.

It's about resources. Not ideology.
Russia is big with lots of resources.

Also Ivan we are secretly hoping you get strong and provide a serious threat. Technology advances leaps and bounds when we have a worthy adversary.

At this point, it's to ensure you don't fall back into old habits + to keep a stranglehold on Iran/North Korea.

Lies we don't care about that. Euro political scum just like having bases to get GI sheckles.

Nah, we are out of steam. Have fun with China thought

Because they won cold war and it was one polar world for a while. They want to keep it that way so they threathen everybody actually, not only russia.


You there OP or or is this just a lame slide thread?

There hasn't been any continental shift in the time between now and 1991 when the USSR collapsed. Where else were NATO countries going to go? The South Atlantic? Then the name wouldn't make sense and SATO is less cool.

More fucking technology to imprison people with. That's just what we need.

This dude gets it. Everybody is now on notice. We are getting bored droning bronze age sand people.

Do you like our new weapons that Putin showed not so long ago?

You don't sound like a Russian.

Force of habit really. Why do you think NATO modernization is based on fighting sand niggers and China?

Why do you think we bring in so many low IQ 3rd world criminals... Practice.

That's dick waving propaganda, Boris.

Help ous to get rid of 2+4 treaty and we might be able to help you
Get the fuck out of my country, no one wants you here except for the britcucks and poleshits, and if they want you so bad, go there
Fuck off

It's because NATO needs an enemy to function, and so does the UN (which was meant to be a discussion forum between america, the soviets and everyone else)

If Russia was invited to NATO, the western order would collapse, and so an artificial enemy must be created, or NATO will cease to exist, and so will the UN for that matter.

Yes just wish their destructive capability was as promised. Strong Ivan = strong Burgers.

How about fucking disolve? There is no communist thread. Why the hell Europeans want to be in the same team with US? And Poles with Germans? Disgrace.

1. To enforce petrodollar, i.e look at what happened to Iraq, Libya
2. To dominate Europe/disintegrate Russia.

You, well not you but your leader fell for their tricks, their original goal has always been the complete dismantle of Russia, because you are too big.

A нe cocнyть ли тeбe хyйцa, пиндoc?

Of course it was. But we also tried to impress you, even made that nice 3d short film about bombing california.

Not everything is about the jews

Fuck off Hans, I'm not even American.

>Euro political scum just like having bases to get GI sheckles.
You're a total short minded moronic fuck. Of course American overseas military bases don't exist for the sake of European politicians grabbing money you dumb fuck.

It's about global power projection and a historical feat from the post war world order and the cold war years. It's about the US maintaining first strike capability around the globe and military supremacy. Imagine how much of a brainlet you'd have to be to believe American military bases in Germany exist for the sole benefit of Germany.

You heard Trump whine about NATO and oversimplified it more than he does.

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See you in the next proxy war, burger. Syria already sorted out, we need new field.

I don't know what the fuck you just typed, my post was referring to your defeatist attitude.

The average American does not hate Russians, we find them to be funny, tough and crazy at the same time. Half of our "world's funniest videos" are drunk Russians.

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because we still operate under the Kissinger philosophy which is that we are in power and nobody can be allowed to threaten that.
the idea is that if anybody would threaten us with competition then everyone would be worse off. combine that with the idea that modern warfare is simply too devastating and dangerous to be an option, thus proxy wars are the only option.
and hence modern united states geopolitical strategy is undermining anyone who would be a threat either now or in the future through proxy.

Personally I am all for a AmeriRussia ball scenario. I like drinking Vodka with a good burger. Also the combined mentality we could really fuck shit up together. On a plus side with all the NATO bases we have Europe surrounded/pre invaded. 3 to 5 years WWII style fighting and the Islam problem is solved. They can go to no questions asked camps in China.

I would go so far as to say that many Americans actually idolize Russki's in a way at this point.

Shut up faggot your ruining it.

And we like your redneck horror movie and south gothic.

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It was never about communism
It was two empires fighting for global domination

Shhhh fuck, you guys.

Out of 3246 people, how many do you honestly think were Jews

precisely. although more precise is two collections of oligarchs competing against each other.

Because you guys are on one of the last hold outs of the NWO Central banking system.

I think most russians are:
mostly poor
hard to impress
used to cold weather
use their front yards for gardens
make-do with what they have
street fighters

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Why is there so much Russian cocksucking in this thread by Burgers? They are the #1 cause of why there are Jews in your country

kek thanks


Probably like 4 guys, and they were all working for NSA.

>Jews in your country
they are many of the organized crime jews that are here

Jews are the reason for that. Stop striping agency from Jews, they need to be held responsible at some point.

There can only be one superpower

The (((Neocons))) hate you for persecuting their ancestors and for breaking away from their control. Trotsky was supposed to use you to spread global Communism and Stalin prevented it.

>Why is there so much Russian cocksucking in this thread by Burgers?

More like why is the entire mainstream liberal and neo-con establishment in the U.S so anti-Russia?

Because they want another war.

And this is not Portugal.
I OP. What do you need?

You sound brown

Almost every single Jew in the US has Eastern European ancestry, specifically Russia. They pumped your country full of Jews and now you suck their cock relentlessly. It's amazing

Pre-USSR Russia was forever based. The huge population centres in Russia exist in the same European quarter that was Russia's territory in the 1500s. It's the USSR vs the US created this phoney east/west divide between Russia and Europe & North America when Russia was historically European ethnically and culturally.

>Russian Federation is the same capitalist country as the United States

Russia is and oligarchy of Putin and his lackeys - it is not a democracy.

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>doesn’t understand difference between political and economic systems

i like russia. i know russian scientists, all of whom are competent and helpful. i like russian architecture and music. the only reason russia is considered an enemy is because they have no central bank from BIS and they trade with iran. americans have no hatred toward russia. russia paid the price for communism and were america's ally in WWII.

So what, they're not Eastern European just like Netanyahu isn't German

because having a "great enemy" makes the fucking retards accept more inequities from their government

Calm down, hans. After all that shit that you done usa base is reasonable.

> capitalism is not a democracy!
> chair is not furniture!

>because having a "great enemy" makes the fucking retards accept more inequities from their government
and this

He told you that you should suck dick and called you pindos, it is slightly insulting slang for american

>Because they want another war.
wrong. They are owned by people that would profit from a COLD WAR.

>were america's ally in WWII
Quite the contrary, because the main theater of the hostilities was in Eastern Europe. As soon as the USSR defeated Germany, you betrayed us.

Germany should've crushed the Soviet Union, but not Russia.

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>taking the muh Communism thing seriously
We'd have had the same policy if you were the Russian Empire still Ivan. Actually it'd be worse because our progressives would be even more bloodthirsty towards a monarchy.

NATO was created to counter the USSR, but not Russia.

I don't know why NATO exists now either. Maybe for China in a few decades.

We own you dirty 4th worlders.

>So what, they're not Eastern European just like Netanyahu isn't German

Point is most of our Jews do come from EE and they're starting up again here.

>I don't know why NATO exists now either. Maybe for China in a few decades.
China is also capitalists.

>As soon as the USSR defeated Germany, you betrayed us.
I believe that. But now we can be allies. The american people do not hate russians.

The chinese, however are starting to get on our bad side...

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We did most job, burger, you helped only when we start wining. You got pretty big profits from that war. And you and brits start ploting against us soon after war, when we were weak.

I thought nobody used that word, ever.

They're imperialists. Belt and road initiative, military bases in Djibouti, occupying ports in Malaysia, bugging the African Union building, making artificial islands in the South China Sea.

If NATO exists for anyone, it's for China in the future. Other than that it should probably just dissolve.

Becuase Putin paid off the Rothschild debt in Russia now they can’t control him through international intrest exactly why they declared war on Hitler and refused to seperate peace offers from Germany

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fuck russia that's why. kys

To clarify, I think americans didn't like 'the marx, lenin, trotsky, stalin russia' because of bolsheviks/communism and the tens of millions of people they starved to death. No one knows better than russia the evils of socialism/communism.

seeThat is because you were still communist at that point.

They want to genocide the Russian people.

You have defeated the fascist foes that attacked you from east and west but now face an even greater threat; the warmongering Capitalist hordes led by the United States and it's allies. Their bases ring your nation, and their missiles and bomber are poised to strike at any moment. Your freedom loving workers believe the only way your leaders can respond to this deadly threat, is to CONQUER THE WORLD.

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Nah our history is long gone, but superpowers come and go. And the whole map changes through centuries... Except China

because jews are mad they lost control of your country.

We call our country Pindostan. It sounds realistic, considering how much mud you have from the Middle East.

Based Rise of Nations Poster.

Serious answer, and you probably already know it. Nowadays the main threat to you and us is China, and by putting our weapons and resources near to your borders, we are immediately at the ready to help you. The West does not want Russia in spite of its resources, because then we would have to administer the Russian people, which would be boring and dreary. The Chinese, however, care not for such things, being boring and dreary by nature, and they wake up every day with their pathetically tiny ji-jis poking out because China needs Russia's resources or it is going to die once and for all. We are here for you, man, because the new war is coming soon.

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Wtf I referenced that word in another thread and a bunch of Russians said I was an idiot and nobody uses the word except to be sarcastic.

It's true.

We have always been at war with EurAsia.

So what? Jew trotsky who wanted world revolution was dead long ago, stalin was pragmatic and decided to build commie paradise in our one country. We were poor and week, and all this shit with proxy wars were mostly your idea of preventive strike.

They lied to you, but you believed it. You are so naive.

How type vatnik? What does it actually mean to you?

>Falling for the capitalism vs socialism meme

That's true for most russian anons. This word are used unironically only by patriotic normies. Other consider it bad taste.

Ok, this was 70 years ago, your country is predominantly Christian, is it not? Forgiveness? Can we not move on?

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He лги eмy, этo cлoвo пoпyляpнo в pyнeтe для идeнтификaции пиндocoв.

It really is, I think, and Russians are not stupid.

Vatnik=вaтник Means worse type of russia patriot, drunk stupid marginal who cant feel pride for himself therefore feel pride of being russian, like weapons, hate west and gays, basically your redneck. Vatnik is actually warm cloth, used in war. This word used by hohols a lot. Also some russians started called themself vatniks after flame wars with hohols, and they mean it as just being patriotic.