Two months after saying all U.S. troops are leaving Syria...

>Two months after saying all U.S. troops are leaving Syria, the president wrote members of Congress that he agrees with keeping a U.S. presence in Syria.

This fucker lied to get elected and stabbed us in the back over and over. Somebody like Ann Coulter needs to primary this traitor.

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Yeah but then Mueller will go public exposing Israel and Trump will be like "Fuck you Israel" and then the troops will leave and then the S-300s will kill all the Israeli pilots.

he never said "all," tranny.

Trust the plan goy

I can't stand the possibility of a Democrat taking office, but I'm slowly starting to hate this vile traitor. What the fuck do I do?

t. Ann Coulter orbiter
Anyone but a fucking e-celeb you pathetic faggot

imagine being this deluded

Trump is a feckless coward lmao

Primary his ass. There is zero chance, as in none, this fucker wins the general. Obviously, elections are shit. We have nothing to lose by trying to win things legitimately one more time, even though elections and expressing dissent online, etc. are clearly useless. Let's just try to primary his ass and go from there.

is that you Samantha Bee?

Ann Coulter has been speaking and writing books since the 1990s, you moron.

I don't know who to believe anymore. As an outsider, I will never have access to the information I need to make a more informed decision. President Trump could either be a Trojan Horse for Zionists, or one for Counter-Zionists, but I hate to say it -- my gut is telling me that he may be one for the prior. I really hope it isn't so. I'm waiting for a specific action of his, two specific actions on his part, actually, and either one will tell me all I need to know. Or neither may happen and he'll be a one term President (who fucking knows what will happen in the 2020 election).

Regardless of the above, while I still push for the right wing, but really more so a third position one might even consider it in reality, I've reverted to my original lack of faith in the electoral process until I see President Trump pull out the big guns and start smacking Deep State pee pee.

Are you seriously this dense? How much evidence do you need? 100% of the shit Trump does is zog. 100%. You do not need to wait on anything. He is going to lose all the votes with which he barely won the 2016 election because he is a cuck piece of shit. He needs to be primaried.

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Admit it, MAGA is a failure. Join the Yang Gang.

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Trump isn't in control any longer. They have him by the collar completely now. He is doing total 180ยบ turns on everything now.

Is it pedo blackmail, or some physical threats against him or his family?

I don't believe he would bother running for office to just do the exact same thing all the other candidates were going to do.. his life has been turned upside down.... for basically nothing.

>Ann Coulter
Fucking teenagers.

I'm anticipating everything, user. If a better candidate comes along, I'm not going to hold back my vote.

>400 out of 2200 troops staying at euro bases
>wtf Drumpf betrayed us!

Attached: brainlet tops.png (245x206, 6K)

It's amazing what AIPAC can do to American politics.

>gib me free stuff

>100% of the shit Trump does is zog.
Then why didn't he invade Syria back during the gas attack false flag? Taking that land is literally the greater israel plan and he had both public and international support.
Have never gotten a good answer to this.

Attached: what peeper.png (741x568, 29K)

He actually said years ago he was going to run a long con game. I would tend to believe somebody got to him, because he seemed so genuine on the campaign trail, but maybe he's truly just a master con artist.

Nobody at any point, whether it's Israel or the US, could run any type of full invasion, because that meant literal war with Russia. They keep a sub base there that they're not about to give up as it gives them Med access. Trump has done the most he can to keep the proxy war going, contrary to his campaign lies.

lmao are you talking about the fake quote next to the opraha image right now? breh...

no he isnt . go watch the debates again he was way different . the kikes have got to him

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Do you dumb niggers actually believe the FBI head who presided over 9/11 isnt guilty in the cover up?
Holy fuck you new fags are so hopeless.

Ron Paul / Pat Buchanan 2020

It wasn't on Oprah. It was some interview he had. I definitely saw it, but it looks like it's been scrubbed from the internet. Trump has a media machine through Kushner's organization, Alamo, etc. all over the web pushing his shit and trying to manipulate consensus. Exhibit A would be you, the paid shill

That would be an awesome ticket

But Russia is also owned by Israel so that doesn't make sense.
And if they weren't, wouldn't that be something Israel would want? to take out another adversary
>Trump has done the most he can to keep the proxy war going
That is completely inconsistent with the reality of pulling the majority of US forces out of syria and defending our "allies" in the region.

Attached: putin jew jew.png (829x494, 36K)

>I definitely saw it, but it looks like it's been scrubbed from the internet.
Lmao look at this dood
>It wasn't on Oprah. It was some interview he had
it was Oprah. And specifically this picture. became something of a format for fake quotes.
you are peddling a 3 year old shilling point my man, time to look in the mirror.

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Even if this is entirely made up and I'm imagining things, that has no bearing on the fact that this guy has completely reversed on his most basic promises about immigration. He's a con artist.

I remember. He seemed very genuine. It's hard to imagine that he was running a con game the entire time, but maybe he's that sociopathic.

>Even if this is entirely made up and I'm imagining things
you can drop the act my man
You are terrible at this shilling shit, need to apply yourself in the future.

no more bumps for you lad
especially when if you actually had read your own article you would have seen this
>"A small peace keeping group of about 200 will remain in Syria for period of time," Sanders said in a one-sentence statement. U.S. military officials have since confirmed the residual force could be double that and that some U.S. troops could stay in the northeastern part of the country, and others in southern Syria.
which we already knew more then a month ago and those troops are also coming home once the yuros get their base set up (who have 1800 troops there no one ever kvetches about) and if Iran can keep it in their pants.

tl;dr- apply yourself in the future

>U.S. military officials have since confirmed the residual force could be double that and that some U.S. troops could stay in the northeastern part of the country, and others in southern Syria.

The military is going to do whatever it wants. They'll leave some bait troops. Then the CIA-funded-and-trained ISIS jihadis will kill some troops, and Trump or whoever follows will say "we must send more troops to defeat a resurgent ISIS" and bam, we're fully engaged in Syria again. It's interesting that you paid CIA shills believe America doesn't understand this drill since you've been using the same manipulative tactics since the Spanish American war. Except now it's just the permanent "war on terror" that you've been running non-stop for 17 years, but you're still using the same exact techniques.

Obviously you have no conscience because no amount of pay per post could be enough for most normal, moral people to do your job.



My hope was that trump would pick Jim Webb as VP, would have been based, not sure if a Republican can have a Democrat as a vp.

No way Jim Webb will be Pres or VP, ever. Or Tulsi Gabbard or anyone else like that.

Im talking about the 2016 campaign btw, Webb was the only Dem who was sane (he probably would of cucked at the first opportunity though)
Is it legal for a Republican Pres to appoint a Dem VP?

He'd have to switch parties. They stopped doing split-party president/VP tickets a long ago. It's all moot at this point, anyway

I figured, i did hear rumours of trump picking webb for new secdef tho. He was Reagan's secretary of the navy and a vietnam marine vet (who didnt get captured and sing like mccain).

Ok kike. Post the numbers. I know them and you know them. They're at the same level as those left in Iraq. It's a common American tactic known as "I'm not touching you". The fact you faggots are all over this board lately spreading half truths tells me the dems legitimately fear the meme.

I know, Webb's a good dude. Any rumors were certainly Trump bullshit back when he was running the election con game

*and in the early part of his presidency. He seems to have dropped most of the spin and is openly an NWO corporatist warmonger now

>I don't believe he would bother running for office to just do the exact same thing all the other candidates were going to do.. his life has been turned upside down.... for basically nothing.
This is what keeps me on the fence. It is quick to judge when the commie bastard media is spinning stories and agencies are creating crimes.
All one can do is have hope/faith.
But if you were to judge a man by his deeds Trump would fall short I believe.

What's an AIPAC?

Trump will go down as one of the biggest turncoats in history.
I knew things weren't going to be good when he said about 3 days after winning "I wont be locking Hillary up, I wasn't being serious and neither were my supporters"

The kike organization that pays American politicians and runs the US government

Good to know thanks!
Seems very un American though if you ask me.

>just have faith in a businessman who's screwed us on every promise
this is boomer-tier

Trump still has time to turn it around, im not entirely confident though, hopefully an actual nationalist/isolationist annouces for 2020

yes, yes it is

I guess all those great high energy rally's just threw me for a loop. It all sounded so sincere.

it's over

he's an extraordinarily talented conman or they completely got him by the balls, but it doesn't matter at this point trying to explain it. he just needs to be primary'd

This election should be very interesting. I almost can't wait.

I thought all the bobble heads in our Parliament would have had Trudeau voted out with a vote of no confidence, but it didn't happen either.

Yea and then the ground will open and beautiful wall across the mexi-us border will be born.

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This is the level of idiotic faith boomers have