American medshit here

why should I fight to be part of a community or country that doesn't support me, doesn't consider me white, calls me a muslim rapebaby, and only says i'm part of europe when my ancestors did something important? It's a situation that doesn't help. If you ever manage to find someone here that considers southern euros white, it's only 1 out of 20k people. It's pathetic. Dna testing and paintings have disproved your autistic claims of ancient mediterraneans being nordics countless times before, and somehow you think you're in a position to say i'm a nigger because my home country was displaced by north africans. I don't think so.

Attached: sicily.jpg (236x320, 18K)

Do you want your children to be raped and sacrificed by kikes or not? This is what it all boils down too.

I have brown eyes already and italians are genetically close to kikes so it doesn't really matter.

Just get out of here.

Holy shit mate. Chill out.
We can have a med masterrace ethnostate.
Nords and Celts are welcomed as well.
Balt niggers and slav niggers stay out.

I have brown eyes so nothing worth preserving.

Ugliness is everywhere in the world. Beauty is rare.

kill youself

Stop eating up memes you faggot.
My brown eyes are beautiful.
My brown hair luscious.
And self hating faggots are annoying.
Fucking chin up bucko and realize that memes are psychological warfare.

That woman is stunning.

Wait, are you saying you are okay with child predation?

it's a boy.

Reverse the image and you'll get some weird german pedophile who photographed sicilians.

She's like 13-14 mate.

Son of Europe you are a white man.

slide bait thread

Attached: 000amsnacaX9922m_AHA11-MX022221301AR233R71HJ4b-2227.jpg (3800x1904, 2.96M)

All Europeans in America shall henceforth be "white". Except for Jews of course.

no i'm not

Attached: 1541149040301.jpg (2592x1936, 1.16M)

Don’t get caught up in identity politics with these autistic retards.

Oh it's you.
Posting this same photo over and over again, claiming you're italian.
Go fuck yourself.

That’s incredibly creepy and disturbing. I thought it was a woman in at least her mid-20’s.

your mom did it for me


>why should I fight to be part of a community or country that doesn't support me, doesn't consider me white, calls me a muslim rapebaby
Meds are white unless they're muslim rapebabies like in your pic related.

If you don't like it then fuck off back to Africa, nigger.

It’s not that obvious...I’m pretty sure it’s fooled a lot of people before.



Your white. I'm slightly more tanned and I am still white.

>If you don't like it then fuck off back to Africa, nigger.
>t. 56%

Attached: italian iq.png (376x281, 72K)

you're not white

whites can't tan

eat shit amerimutt

Attached: dark feets.jpg (634x474, 36K)

yes we all know greeks are somalians or arabs or mapuche

Attached: greeks3004_greece_phenotype00045.jpg (708x726, 468K)

How can you do this all the time. I see you often enough. Why?

Germans are literally retarded, they actually bought into the blonde hair agument that a man with dark hair sold them in order to pat them on the back so they would follow him.
People obsessed with blonde hair or blue eyes as "white" are no better than Africans talking about "muh dick"
Meds are European. They are white. Germans everyone north of that were practically cavemen until Meds brought them civilization.
Their opinion is loud and obnoxious but also invalid.

Nigga I took a 23andMe test and the results was 98% European. I'm closely related to the people of London and Dublin

how can a person that's 100% european be darker than a 98% european?

do you think that this men, is 'less white' than the palest brit you can find? do you know what a phenotype is?

Attached: scottish_Sean_Conery_21-1140m023.jpg (297x375, 27K)

you're translucent.

He's baiting.

>o you think that this men, is 'less white' than the palest brit you can find?
yes, and so does most of this website.

>300 replies

Some people just tan. Even Swedes tan.

nordics turn pathetic and orange when tanned

If you fall for kike LARP on the internet you lose your white license anyway, its like in the mussie threads where meme flags claim to be muslims and want to kill all "wh*teoids"
Id consider you white but now when i see how gullible you are im suspending your white license.

Attached: nordshit.jpg (1314x860, 395K)

Just a random question here. Do you know about the Elders of Zion?

Averaged demographics prove nothing about me. I'm probably actually the palest wh*teoid on Jow Forums.