Post the best you got
I want my conditioning unconditionally shattered

I'll start of with a wild Supercut of the recent JRE podcast coincedentally I myself put together with a little Tarantino esque spice added:

I've come to the conclusion that Alex speaks & thinks in a non linear fashion, you just have to gobble it together yourself & just like that he's tackling the JQ head on!

Attached: Alex2.jpg (1920x1080, 763K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's a classic

Attached: 515653-call-of-duty-black-ops-playstation-3-screenshot-the-game-unravels.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Attached: alex jones.jpg (584x604, 160K)


Dude, he KNOWS about the roaches with the chips on their heads, he read Mein Kampf

Attached: IMG_-2honp.jpg (883x710, 225K)

'sall I got.

Attached: pilgrim.jpg (777x462, 252K)

oh , no wait... I-I got this one too...

Attached: Globalists_In_Your_Gut.jpg (750x750, 310K)

Maybe he was talking about himself when he stated the frogs or groypers are turning gay

Attached: IMG_20180825_075037.jpg (719x563, 214K)

That's it

Attached: alex.jpg (1920x1080, 709K)

He was doing research for a story. Are you working for the globulists?

I actually made that comp back in the first thread this popped up because I thought it was funny. It came full circle with this vid now haha. Dunno if I can belieb the offical story on that one joe


Attached: 1532985579294.jpg (1000x750, 461K)

AJ is all man... he is so manly in fact he needed another wife one could not contain him he was wading through that filth to show us what he's fighting against and people are smearing him to hamper his crusade... he's a big guy don't sell him short.

Attached: maga.jpg (570x473, 177K)

Does anyone have sauce on that video with purple one eyed Alex? It was him ranting right after being shoaed everywhere

- Alex Jones


i love alex because HE'S ALL CAPS

Super Male Vitality makes you ALL CAPS in irl.
You should probably visit the infowars online store

neat editing, great choice of movie for the background.

Did anyone else go on astral journeys as a kid?

Makes me a bit jealous. Alex was learning the secrets of the world while he was young and fucking hot Satanist chicks at the same time.

Oh PinTr1p did that one too? Love it, thanks

Thanks bud, it was actually an afterthought. I did the audio and Alex first.
The movie track also only has like 4 real cuts. It fitted almost perfectly. Both to the music & thematicaly. Very weird


Attached: IMG_20180827_033114.jpg (702x936, 68K)

Well not that but night terror & sleep paralysis with creepy as hell shit happening


Come on, let's get this rollin


No one?

>thinking your good with photoshop when this is a trash image

Balance is off yea & I use that effect because it's basically autotune for photos. Throw it together fastly when it's already up in Krita. Works as a thumbnail tho, you can make a better one if you wanna. I'd use it

Attached: ThumbFull1455.jpg (1920x1080, 900K)

Fucking tranny spam threads stealing my (you)s

Last bump, get gassed ya roodies

jesus christ dude do you have something that isn't so skitzo?

Yea sure, check the other stuff like The Rainbow Nation or the gilets jaunes edits

are you too busy spamming your own thread to post links? seriously how dumb are you?