Oh no no no no no

oh no no no no no

Attached: taxcuts.png (508x326, 176K)

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>it's official
Anyone with more than two working neurons knew this when the details of the "biggest tax cut ever [for the Jews]" were first revealed.

Attached: reaction jesus fucking christ i'm out.jpg (412x293, 10K)

For the middle class. The nation's millionaires and billionaires are doing great.

Rich got fucked by $10k SALT deduction limit

There's still 2 years to go to see how much this will truly help the economy. But to say it's a bust this early? That's bullshit.

Trump has a 52% approval rating among voters when it comes to the economy.

>But to say it's a bust this early? That's bullshit.

Attached: video games shit.jpg (802x437, 84K)

Lowest bracket also gets a $10k tax deduction. Don't forget about that.

Suck it libtard i got an extra 400 dollars a year

>duh, I didn’t get a refund

I keep an extra $3k a year. Fuck off.

It's Official:
pic related

Attached: gradeDbeefbutedible.jpg (480x342, 34K)

I got an extra $2000 in child tax credits alone not to mention the tax bracket rate went down several percentage points

>A single news source's headline says that Trump's economic policies weren't good

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aren't they temporary, anyway? (well I guess everything and anything could be temporary) but by design. like 2024 or something they expire

I go to a pretty expensive gym, $160/month membership in the capitol city of my state. As a result I get a lot of state senators, congressmen, and lawyers in the locker rooms with me so I get to overhear their conversations. Many of them are talking about how the majority of citizens don’t realize that they actually got more back this year because they got bigger paychecks, but their tax returns were smaller so they all believe that they got fucked by trump. It’s a blue state so I’m sure you can imagine how thrilled they are about how the tax cuts are being perceived.

My taxes were lower this year than they were in the previous 6 years, despite making $7k more. Works for me.

>It's Official: The guys we've been relentlessly slandering is being slandered.



Standard deductions were TEMPORARILY increased. We added 1.2 trillion dollars to our national debt to give large corporations tax cuts. We already know this isn't going to stimulate the economy based on how the additional capital is being used. Large corporations purchased their own stock to keep prices high to increase their shareholders fortunes. None of it was used to increase wages or build additional facilities.

There's really no way to help people who don't understand how taxes work
Too many people think that getting a grand or two for a return is somehow money the government pays them like a job
And most people are pissed because they can't use their refund to buy stupid shit

It all depends on if you were affected by the SALT cap. Keep in mind that the increase to the standard deduction is temporary. Overall this is a tax increase across the board that is being used to lower corporate tax rates

I think you are missing the bigger picture. The republicans adjusted the withholder table to make people believe they got a big tax break. They were not expecting to have to pay additional taxes and most people dont have the saving to do so.

Just assume if you live in any of these states you got f’d over by the GOP tax plan

California 13.3%
Hawaii 11%
Oregon 9.9%
Minnesota 9.85%
Iowa 8.98%
New Jersey 8.97%
Vermont 8.95%
District of Columbia 8.95%
New York 8.82%
Wisconsin 7.65%

Nu-uh. This time it'll work. Fox News told me.

Last time I checked costal Jews would be the hardest hit.

The Tax Policy Center estimated that the Bush tax cuts raised the after-tax incomes of the top 1 percent of households by 6.7 percent. They only boosted middle class incomes by 2.8 percent. The bottom 20 percent saw their after-tax incomes rise by just 1.0 percent. Research shows no evidence that tax cuts have any impact on the spending habits of upper income taxpayers. The Treasury Department estimated that the Bush tax cuts would only increase growth enough to make up 10 percent of the revenue loss.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that the Bush tax cuts would add $5.6 trillion to deficits from 2001 to 2018. That's about more than 25 percent of the federal debt owed by 2018.


For Democraps

>I pay less in taxes
Much refund shrank
This is how democraps think
You’ll never see another presancy

Truth. Oregon user here and I owe $660 to them for last year.

1) I’m a fiscal conservative
2) This is in regards to the State And Local Taxes exemption cap.

If you live in any of these states your tax liability exemption was lowered.

* This assumes residents of Wisconsin paid at least 1.5% of their gross income torwards property taxes.