Owen Benjamin Live

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It's weird how much he looks like Chris-chan.

OP gets it

jesus christ at least find a female low iq thot kike to give your money to pay pigs..have some dignity

You like to watch the UFC.

no. Blowen Benjamin is not funny or smart

Hey BB, can I get verified as Trap Lover Bear?

Big Bear is on a roll tonight

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Based and bearpilled

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>"Look everyone I have a stache and I'm like so unironic about it"
>shaves it
Why do you people trust this (((comedian)))? That's like spending hours a day giving attention to a street jester or prostitute

this guy seems mentally ill, he's not witty or smart, he's a loud mouthed lunatic, an absolute fucking retard, not sure why he has any fans

England for Tommy singing a song written by Owen's Bears

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how bout something worth listening to

This is bear country faggot nigger leaf.

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I came here to post this.

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Shut up snow monkey


Owen's done more to crush jews than any faggot on this board has since 2016.

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Fuck this faggot

Is he having Alex Jones on?

Guuuuuys, he did gay stuff in Florida. That's why he's so vehemently against homosexuality. Why do you think hes into the whole bear thing? Dude needs to stop fronting.

Anyone verified on Twitter should not be trusted. David Duke is controlled OP. He exists to talk against the Jews in a non-violent/no action way.

He hosts infowars every once in a while.

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What has he done to crush the Jews?

>controlled OP
>OB isn't

He redpills nomries nightly

What a fag. What does he think, turning the other cheek is working? Refugees asylum status has been abused. Time to revoke it, send everyone back. And we know who has been doing it.

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Owen and his fans are literal fags, they call themselves BEARS, nothing is more gay than that.

shitloads of them from across the spectrum of normiedom

The absolute state of right wing comedy. This guy is not funny and is a fucking retard.

Right now Hes literally calling out ben Shapiro for bragging about being 100% jewish and hes is going on about 1% of jews being 40% of millionaires.


Owen is like a homeless guy who says crazy shit and once in a while he'll say something profound but most of what he say's is bullshit he's a cultist and if he keeps pushing (God forbid) he's going to end up in a waco situation.

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Australians are not funny at all.
I guess it was kind of funny when this dyke said she was raped.

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easy there, jew

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he’ll be fine if he can team with tim pool or some other behind the curve green asshat ha
