>Be me
>go to Taco Bell
>Sees a group of negresses talking loudly
>all of them wearing designer clothes, expensive phones and shoes
>There are 2 non-nigger girls in group. Both of them silent and only listening
>Negresses talking about how men don't treat them right and how stronk wimmin they are
>Complain about dat racism and how Canada is dat racis against negress
>Crackhead hobo walks out of bathroom.
>white, mentally unstable, poor and in bad shape
>starts walking around muttering random words
>Walks towards the negress group
>negresses show disgust and tells man to fuck off in loud rude manner
>Asks him if he knows any intelligence in understanding the words fuck off
>Crackhead responds: "No, but I know black intelligence: Niggers"
>negresses chimpout starts recording him on phones and calls the manager
>Crackhead leaves calmly out the door.
Seriously, I cannot contain my purest form of hatred and anger towards these niggers. Even the ones who are economically advantaged are so fucking dense and barbaric. I literally felt sorry for the crackhead and wonder how society can dump and neglect a man like that but allow fucking chimping nigger-cunt animals to roam free. This country is a fucking zoo.
Be me
Mmmmm sauce on the pic?
200 years ago when America was a great place to be.
It won't last forever leafbro. Niggers are on borrowed time.
>Crackhead hobo walks out of bathroom.
>white, mentally unstable, poor and in bad shape
Average huwhite Jow Forumsack
You're probably memeing but it's actually an illustration by the exceptional artist William Blake, created for the published stories of colonial soldier John Gabriel Stedman.
>: "No, but I know black intelligence: Niggers"
Haha...you can't win them all but this is the best the bum could hope for. Everybody hates and likes to laugh at nigs. Good day on the bum and nigger farm.
You have no idea how good niggers have it here. I'm in Toronto and in comparison it has a lot of characteristics to that of the liberal American cities but the number of social advantages, gibs, and preferential treatment niggers get in fucking tremendous. There are more nigger white collars, business owners and politicians here then probably some fucking African shithole nation. Niggers in Canada are so fucking privileged and spoiled that even asians, spics, and muslims complain about it.
>unzips pants.
I miss when the left was lynching blacks.
>Leaf Taco Bell Racism
Meanwhile, in local news:
based crackhead hobos
Most of the poorest and underprivileged racial groups here are white. I know many of you will say "its not my fault. They choose that path" but the truth is many of them fell because lack of equal opportunities and society being hostile towards them. Whites here are severely disadvantaged and many of them lose jobs or get rejected from schools. Drugs and homelessness comes in to their hopeless lives. Its fucking sad.
Guess I'm above average for a huwhite Jow Forumsack
oh, and btw: nigger
Sinful, devilish buttcheeks.
somebody got beaten up by black kids in school KEK
It is time to relieve ourselves of the great burden we have carried for several generations.
>several generations
And more like for the past 500 years
cool, we all realized this on day one. welcome to planet earth leaf.
and the answer to that is …
>Canada is dat racis against negress
Who the fuck does she think she is? This isn't America. Canada has ZERO history of racism against niggers. She can take her 'muh opreshun' shit and get the hell out of my country. If Canada is 'so bad for da nigguz' she can go the hell back to Somalia and get raped by BBC like the roastie whore she is.
These people are like a tomb. They dress up the outside to be all shiny and impressive with their designer handbags and crap, but on the inside it's nothing but death and rot.
I remember when I saw two young black dykes making out in a taco bell line once. Unfortunately I was there with my father waiting for our food at the time so I felt that had to feign being not appealed by it atm.
Do you see?
>Who the fuck does she think she is? This isn't America. Canada has ZERO history of racism against niggers.
Who cares? That's not the point. The point is that we shouldn't give her anything and if she keeps insulting us she should be forcibly removed.
Arguably, she should be forcibly removed now just because she's annoying.
Guess what? Unless your father is a turbo cuck, he was probably pretending not to be appalled by it.
>Be me
Your first mistake OP
How do you think the African-American race was created in the first place, Jerome?
The point is that Canada hasn't had any history of racism against niggers, and we're LONG OVERDUE.
>nd we're LONG OVERDUE.
Not as long as you have Mr. "I never met a minority I would not blow" Trudeau.
Good bread with some insight to the future of our country if shit doesn't hit the fan elsewhere soon.
Slaves to low iq shitskins in our own countries. How did this happen
that shit looks good. tell me you don't like a little chocolate
Classic example of TNB: Typical Nigger Behavior
Niggers are clearly a throw back, a sub-species of Homo-sapien that lack the micro evolution for civility
The only civilized niggers I've meant irl clearly had a significant portion of white, European DNA in their ancestry, enough to offset their nigger DNA.
They were hatched from watermelons
Friendly reminder that Castro is out this year. He is TOAST. And that's not even considering the corruption scandal.
>Let me make up some fake shit about a race of people I don't like
>He even made the white guy a loser to try and elicit pity
>tell me you don't like a little chocolate
It was a perk of owning the lazy bitches, getting brown sugar when ever you wanted, enjoying those big nigger dick sucking lips
>How did this happen
I could take a guess at (((who))) may be responsible for this
Got that CIA power stance
So what? Even if he is (Which he isn't) any replacement will be just as bad. the conservatives are even bigger faggots then the liberals are and the people's party and ndp have no chance at wining.
There was a time when niggers were 0% in Canada and anti-nig attitudes were as normal as taking a shit.
When our forefathers built America and Canada, they didn't think some of their descendants would be too stupid to allow niggers and kikes to roam free. Oh, how wrong they were.