EMF Brain Damage Mechanism Enclosed

Seems it's an offshoot of the CIA program "Operation Pandora" where one of the subcontractors, UCLA physiologist Ross Adey, could discharge calcium ions from the plasma membrane of cells using non-ionizing radiation--the structural changes allowed for greater permeability. In addition, EMF (i.e. 2.4-5gHz) resonates directly with the voltage sensor of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. These forces synergistically compel extreme levels of calcium ions into the cell, leading to excessive mitochondrial calcium sequestration and, ultimately, cell death via apoptosis/necrosis. Taking a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, in theory, should at least remediate some of the damage. What exact frequencies 5G will use is still unclear, but, presumably, the problem will increase exponentially like it has from 1G to GSM 4G.


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Wow. Phones are lobotomizing us. Seems about right based on the progression of things since 2007. Everyone is a moron now. The end can’t come fast enough.

Yea, I think there are even a few studies looking at time spent starting at the screen itself and how simply doing that changes grey matter. I don't own a cell phone, but the EMF is everywhere (smart meters, DECT wireless home phones, GSM towers, wifi, etc.). Realistically, I think it's time to either move to the country or immigrate out of here, especially before mass psychosis is electromagnetically induced via 5G. Expect a continued rise in autism, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar, and hypertension to name a few

Cell towers radiate ultrasonic frequencies, and these interact with water molecules such that they lose energy (Read it's absorbed as thermal energy) similar to microwaves function, however it is much less severe.
These cell towers can send their signal through you.
The slight thermal change of water molecules in your brain causes disturbance of thought to become marginally more pronounced, meaning you are literally less capable of thought in the range of cell towers.

Very interesting angle. It seems like there're multiple things these towers are doing. Clearly, they are being used for mind control from the calcium channel angle alone (see: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29038219). Do you have any studies/authors who deal with the effect on h2o? I'm compiling a list of resources.

That's just me saying that for now.
The cell towers operate with microwave frequencies, and saying as they penetrate people, walls and anything not made of metal or excessively thick, it checks out that they would have the typical effect on water molecules, and therefore water in the brain could receive thermal energy converted from the interaction that the microwave has with the water in the brain.
As this is a parameter of the makeup of the brain changing unnaturally in a way that was not found in nature before the invention of the cell tower, the human brain does not seem to have any natural defense against this, and would then be slowed down by the changing conditions within itself.

Your simple sentences show nothing for your supposed inheritance of higher level thinking.

>not found in nature
*on a grand scale

More Calcium means more fat will build along brain connections thus causing you to think and do life support functions faster. A complex environment helps you learn better, after all.

At levels that are significant, correct.
I'm taking liberties to make my points more succinct, if OP didn't understand what I meant, it would show him to not be a person smart enough to discuss anything with.

Lol what?


Significance is subjective. Not even gonna finish reading your reply until after I post this.

I only got a B+ in Advanced Physiopsychology big deal.

Ignore (czGM=mjs) they are here to make conversation unfitting to the discussion of cell towers and their effects on the human body.

My ears didn't start ringing, until 2007...

have a bumpstock and some cocaine

Yeehaw and bless, mate!

"The Mind Has No Firewall"
From the above, it appears that electric and magnetic fields have opposite effects on water clustering. Unstructured water with fewer hydrogen bonds is a more reactive environment [286], as exemplified by the enhanced reactivity of supercritical water. An open, more hydrogen-bonded network structure slows reactions due to its increased viscosity, reduced diffusivities and the less active participation of water molecules. Any factors that reduce hydrogen-bonding and hydrogen bond strength, such as electric fields, should encourage reactivity. Water clusters (even with random arrangements) have equal hydrogen bonding in all directions. As such, electric or electromagnetic fields that attempt to reorient the water molecules should necessitate the breakage of some hydrogen bonds; for example, electric fields have been reported to halve the mean water cluster size as measured by 17O-NMR [111] (see also 'declustered' water) and increase reaction rates [1336], hydration and solubility. Electromagnetic radiation (for example, microwave) has been shown to exert its effect primarily through the electrical rather than magnetic effect [455]. The increased hydration ability of water in electromagnetic fields has been shown by the dissociation of an enzyme dimer (electric eel acetylcholinesterase), leading to gel formation, due to the microwave radiation from a mobile phone [714]. The resultant aqueous restructuring caused by such processes may be kinetically stable.


I know a guy that worked on that shit. Are you telling me that it wouldn't be true? Hmmmmmm.

I was about to say...this guy is mad dumb or a shill

Note now he's attempting to build credibility but maintain his ability to fall back on his ignorance by saying it's someone else, and not him that knows what he's talking about.

Have you ever heard a weird sound in only a specific area, that when you moved into it you could hear, but not source the sound, and when you walked out of the area you could immediately no longer hear it?

>using a smartphone in current year

Oh dear. Not everyone can be Einstein considering we live a world where Einstein already existed.

>Wordplay to express that he's not smart without saying so directly
Last (you)

You're right. Performance IQ is all! Too bad my verbal is much much higher.

Check em

Anyway, if people want to see videos on this in lieu of reading papers:


The mechanism, basically, is dependent on an excessive influx of calcium ions into the cell, which does everything from breaking DNA strands to lowering ATP production. Martin Pall recommends an antioxidant regiment but he also cites various calcium channel blockers in his papers via research originally done in the USSR. These pharmaceuticals include verapamil, nifedipine, and nimodipine [the latter two are highly lipid-soluble dihydropyridines, meaning they can easily cross the BBB]. There are others if you're interested, but ideally avoidance is the best strategy.

A wicked smart neurosurgeon named Jack Kruse (on youtube, books on amazon) also deals with practical ways to live in this environment using special diets, building a faraday cage, avoiding blue light, and more (warning: he is very physics-heavy).

Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD is another guy who recommends a few botanicals that seem to help like rosemary extract.

It's also critical to avoid conductive metals in the environment like aluminum and mercury (see: vaccine adjuvants), as these will turn you into a walking antenna in addition to brain damaging you on their own

Again, avoidance is key and you'll do best in a low EMF-environment like the unabomber said

Well I guess that user left.
Sometimes if there's sound in inaudible ranges, and they strike one another they can create audible pockets of sound.
This may not be what causes the ringing in the ears, as I too have experienced this, but perhaps is interesting to know.

>building a faraday cage
Now, I'm not trying to be a smartass, but wouldn't a tin foil hat actually be better since you would still be able to use your phone, and not have to worry about every room needing to be shielded?

So this is a tricky area, especially with the 5G business. If the frequencies used in 5G jump conduct, then the only Faraday cage that would probably block most of them would be lead-lined dry wall like in MRI suites. Still not sure which frequencies will be used in the U.S. so stay tuned.

Wearing an...aluminum...foil hat wouldn't do much, it would likely act as an antenna as there is no ground. Plus the rest of your body is getting blasted, leading to generalized inflammation. There are some cheap-ish solutions that are probably good enough if you want to do a whole room, namely just really thick aluminum foil.

If you're on a budget, I think there was a post on here a few months back where someone made a super small F cage around a sleeping bag.

Wait, 5G can penetrate aluminum foil, and Faraday cages?
No wonder they're pushing so hard for something nobody asked for.

Oh baby, you ain't seen nothing yet. Not only do some of the proposed 5g frequencies penetrate aluminum foil/jump conduct, the 60gHz band potentially interferes with how hemoglobin binds oxygen:
"At the millimeter wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy absorbed by atmospheric oxygen."

Remember only higher power transmitters can actually penetrates the skull. Your wifi router wont kill you. The 50km range cell tower outputting 5 gigawatts of power per second can and does effect neuron firing

So, they could... heat the air?
I'm confused as to what that could do other than make it terrifically inefficient at transmitting signals.

It means your body could be artificially deprived of oxygen, as the primary carrier of oxygen in the body, hemoglobin, wouldn't be able to bind the valance (outermost shell) electrons on oxygen.

Was the tin foil hat thing a way to prevent people who could learn about these things and taking action to protect themselves from being taken seriously?
If so, that's some forward thinking, and reinforces my belief that there is something not human driving forward the unusual, seemingly anti human trend of all major governments.

Well when You put it Like that......1 to 10 how FUCKED are we?

I used to think this too, but the wifi/"smart" meter/DECT studies deserve serious attention: electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/mice-proteome/

Im a biologist by trade and my understanding currently is we really don't understand how thinking works. Perhaps there are people who do and they can effect thinking on some electromagnetic level. But alot of the stuff would most likely be used to force brain to fire every neuron killing it.

I really wish I didn't know how bad things really are now.

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It's also important to remember there have been whistle blowers on this, including Paul Batcho, PhD, a DARPA scientist at Los Alamos who stated directly GSM towers broadcast illegal frequencies in addition to the ones I mentioned: biggerthansnowden.com/batcho.html

Its not all bad, a truly benevolent person could use this tech to teach faster and reinforce concepts in the brain. Aswell as potential developments in direct input virtual reality

But its like nuclear weapons, its a risk vs reward assessment and in all honesty i doubt we're ready for this type technology

I've wondered this myself, but have no evidence to support it. In general, I think the purpose of mass media is to coerce people into adopting technologies, attitudes, and behaviors that aren't good for them or those around them.

I just wanted to play videogames, and shadow organizations are making my life more miserable in abstract and indirect ways.
The fuck is this life even?

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Absolutely. This is what Carl Blackman found at Wake Forrest, that the EMFs specifically chosen have the unique effects of massively altering calcium signaling. Other bands are totally capable of avoiding this effect, industry just didn't choose them and FCC only tests thermal effects.

Buy a HackRF if you are that paranoid about radio signals in your immediate area.

the brain is just an antenna, thought occurs externally
see noosphere research
also the soul is in the heart. and the heart contains memory cells.

The level of physical mind control is very gross, but check out Jose Delgado's work (prof a Yale in the 60s) on physical mind control ["Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society"].

The psychic dictatorship clearly broadcast through mass media is likely much more effective, but I'm way beyond my expertise here.

Still, fear extinction is primarily mediated through L-type calcium channels ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29038219

I definitely feel better as soon as airplane mode goes on. Phone off better yet.

Don't worry I'm not a neurologist. So once it gets past wwhat the individual neuron is doing, im useless

lmao most screens are already capable of this desu

> Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.
Type: Grant
Filed: June 1, 2001

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That's more likely just because you anticipate a difference of feeling and therefore trick yourself into feeling it.
I doubt a phone nearby puts out enough juice to be felt, unlike being triangulated by cell towers.

Some of the Soviet experiments were insane as well, like anesthetizing an entire city with electromagnetism: arxiv.org/pdf/1312.1148.pdf [Ctrl+F "Radioson"]

Yea he was in several DARPA projects as well

>>Life is a state of mind :-)

thanks for that, I know DARPA dont fuck around, ill see what he has to say.
you better pray this isnt real, you dont even want to know what ill do with no geneva convention.

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I Think Not Even the First geneva convetion did Anything good, So another one would not change Stuff Like This, i guess


>Your mind is the life of the state

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Nigga I recently came across this dude in Fallout 4; Shortly after I read the article of MIT being able to send messages through lasers...

I can't even care at this point anymore bro... There's clues so around us. Jesus needs to beam the real ones up frfr

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God bless, Mr Gorski.
I never understood what you meant, and may you rest in peace.


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>direct input virtual reality
sounds like psychosis to me

In english, doc



Underrated info. have a bump


Any have any more q's?

Would a Tesla coil be able to disrupt 5G or at least regular cell tower transmissions from reaching you?

what do you think of wearing crystals to absorb some of the energy? would that work?

lead would be more effective

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Bump. I was just arguing with a friend that I feel that shooting waves of All frequencies is bound to effect us on a massive scale. This gives me a place to start reading.

I couldn't say for sure, but if it were me I'd focus more on shielding materials (e.g. type, placement, grounding, thickness, etc.). A thicker aluminum (even an aluminum mesh) is pretty good against current 4G LTE, which will be around for a while. I think the 5G network won't fully be in place until 2020, and it may turn out aluminum is protective against it, I'm just not sure yet.

A creative idea I've seen is building a twin bed in a copper mesh cage (copper is an excellent conductor, about 40% better than aluminum, but it is more expensive).

Well, you would be happy to know that it's literally hopeless because they've been on the ball discrediting conspiracy theorists for a long time and all the information you could discuss here currently is conspiracy theory as the overton window was subtly shifted to accommodate for making everyone more docile and less aware of the experiments preformed on them.
Of course, I could be mistaken but if not then this is a very dark redpill.

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I'll experiment with getting my phone to lose signal and triple that for personal protection.
It's time to get creative.

I really don't know, but as far as *wearing* materials, there is silver mesh clothing that is probably better than nothing. I definitely would firstly consider silver mesh underwear to protect the testis because even if you live in a Faraday cage, you're still exposed 16 hours/day.

This is what I believe the pyramids were used for, some sort of intensification of the good frequencies perhaps to amplify the Schumann resonance and protect against EMF weaponry? Pyramids are found all over the world on geomagnetic hotspots called ley lines.

It is and it isn't. Funnily enough, the EMF threat to public health is what woke me up and I think when more and more people become increasingly ill, there will (hopefully) be a mass search to discover why. I was listening to an interview with Catherine Austin-Fitts the other day and I've basically adopted her mindset that most people will not make it, either physically or psychologically. It's a temporarily dark reality, but all you can do is help those who want help/are open minded while helping yourself

Yeah this shit makes me believe Alex Jones, no human could come up with such a psychopathic and twisted machinery that incrementally builds, boiling us like the proverbial frogs in the water until humanity is extinct.

I would appreciate if you could explain a bit further, please.

Well, something affecting them will most likely shift the overton window on it's own, if they don't keep on top of it and blame something else.
I should hope they've found themselves stretched too thin to stop the people from uncovering this truth themselves.
I just want a normal life in a not conspiracy anti human world.
Is this too much to ask?

I live pretty close to 3 cell towers, how fucked am I?

Alex Jones is part of the discrediting against conspiracy theorists.
If you make your enemies arguments for them, but do so poorly, you can convince others that said point is not right.
Such is how they operate.
They are REALLY fucking smart, I'd bet if not literal aliens, some other non human entity.

I forgot, maybe demonic.
Read here if you really want proof of why I think the Devil is in contact with our species.
Pic related.

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Reminds me of the old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times." What we're facing is the most insane, powerful force right on the cusp of summoning an effective god that is AI. And here we are, aware of it, surrounded by sleeping people who--if they had the facts--would not be acting the way they are.

People who are awake are analogous to white blood cells--it's their job to alert the rest of the immune system that there is a big fucking problem. It's initially horrifying being a white blood cell, but once the body responds to the threat, a fever develops, and, in the long run, the body recovers. The sooner the alert, the less tissue damage.

Listen to Jack Kruse's stuff on youtube and/or check out his website. I'd recommend shielding your sleeping space (see above), ditching wifi and DECT phones. That is an excellent start

I'll tell you something rather grim that fits the analogy.
A lot of white blood cells die fighting the infection.
At this point I see that as an improvement, I hope you continue to fight as well.
God bless.

Do you have any other info on the esoteric aspects of this technology? This is a personal interest of mine

Wouldn't u still be exposed to the cell tower radiation when ditching the phone?
How much does one tower produce?


thanks for the timely response. i'll check out the underwear.
i was thinking maybe the crystal could act similarly to a zinc on the hull of a ship, but not knowledgeable on such things.

Third eye training picture.
I'm dumping my spiritual black ops folder.
I've killed glowies in my sleep, lol

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Very true, i guess the only difference is being told and informed on what's happening. Alot like how lsd effects an unknowing person compared to a person that knowingly took the drug.

Parts from this can be applied to when you are meditating, or if you smoke DMT (which is basically the same as mastering meditating but less effort)

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will i go insane if i stare at this?

I wasn't going to mention that part ;). Personally, I've lived an amazing life so far, but going forward, I really have no other purpose than to help with what's ahead. I'm pretty young but escaping to Costa Rica just doesn't do it for me. Keep up the fight, but take care of your health first--