Zombie Deer

What do you think of this one guys? Kinda off putting if you ask me. Think this has anything to do with the government?

Link to article: wibw.com/content/news/Zombie--506661631.html

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From what I can tell they die anyways. Call me when they become undead

not op but i always love hearing pols opinions

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>Think this has anything to do with the government?
>Kinda off putting if you ask me.
>What do you think of this one guys?
im not getting this shill point.... please clarify

is the government spreading prions in deer populations to scare people away from living off the land?

im pretty sure you can cut that shit off and eat it

done it with fish before

I'm not trying to shill anything. I just want to see what everybody thinks about this. Until recently I thought this zombie deer thing was a meme but about 30 minutes ago I saw a news report and I was like "Oh crap its real."

>features picture of perfectly healthy deer

Seriously, deer infected with CWD look wrecked. Scrawny and shedding. You can still eat them if you dont eat anything up against the spine or around the head/neck.

>You can still eat them

you're probably right but why in gods name would you take that risk. it's so unnecessary.

is this it? Is this how it all begins?

Hopefully not. Out of all the fictional monsters that are out there zombies have always terrified me more. I'd rather anything else but that, lol.

i mean, i see growths on them, but ive never seen a zombie deer
id just cut off affected parts, unless it was rotting
or it was just off

Someone in another thread posted a study linking the disease to the chemicals used for cloud seeding.

The chem trails right? In that case it seems weird it would only effect dears and not other animals considering its airborne.


MO here
This has been going on for years, wonder why the spotlight now?

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Well, since CWD is absolutely nothing new and has been known about for over 15-20 years, then I would say yeah sure.

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>Researchers do not know the origin of CWD.
>CWD was first found in captive mule deer at a research facility in Colorado in the 1960s.
>It was first found in the wild in Colorado in the 1980s and has spread to almost two dozen states.
>The first cases in Missouri were found at private big-game breeding and hunting facilities in 2010 and 2011.
>The first cases in free-ranging deer were found in 2012 near the private breeding and hunting facilities.
Now it's big news? Some reporter thought to call 'em "zombies" rather than the previous "aids"?

One "news" outlet posted a story about it (breitbart I think) and then the rest of them piled on for the clickbait/panic headlines. People are fucking stupid.

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Praise God.

If naturally occurring I think it will be snatched up by the government to make a nasty disease. Or it is a disease they created and released that is a way to explain a way a worse similar disease. That way they can claim the worse one wasn't created by man but must have mutated from the deer disease.

>diseases don't mutate

During the black death it mutated into a variant called the red death. People dies within 24 hours. Their lungs filled with mucus and they poured blood from every part of their body the disease is extinct and didn't last long because it was so god damn deadly people died before it could be passed on.

This shit has been around for decades. Nothing new, only problem is thst it has to do with prions, whic arent a joke. But once again, its media perperuating panic for sheckels

Yahweh told me that evolution doesn't exist

Red death didnt exist, it was a plauge in a story by Poe. Blood out of eyes and shit, but it wasnt real.

it spreading to the wolves and dogs too.
its tumors that never stop bleeding/oozing/growing

all the animals the ticks are biting are getting it.

This is fucking horrifying. These infected deer shed biological agents for two years before even displaying symptoms. The virus can live for years outside of the body on surfaces.

>>Researchers do not know the origin of CWD.
>>CWD was first found in captive mule deer at a research facility in Colorado in the 1960s.
>>It was first found in the wild in Colorado in the 1980s and has spread to almost two dozen states.
Thanks Gov ! Yer always doing wonders for humanity

Is this the prelude to some zombie hunting kino?

This shit been going on where I live for years now. Just don't eat the meat and you're good.

Gubbermint trying to push based ruralfags into urban environments.

Probably a government Op to stop people from hunting for their own food, making them reliant on factory farmed meat.

Every hunter knows about CWD. If you haven't heard about it you're a retard.

These. /Thread.

Deer overpopulation really. They killed the wolves so now the deer are everywhere.

>zombie deer
Holy fucking clickbait batman

Wrong. They are reintroducing all of the apex predators including wolves, cougar and grizzly. My small city has had 35 cougar and 58 wolves killed in self defense in the last year since introduction you retarded cityfag.

I am not seeing how this deer forces governments to take on interest-bearing loans from private entities, bombs nations that trade Oil in something other than USD, lends out $10 for every $1 it has, runs media conglomerates, occupies and subverts the education system, grooms transsexual child prostitutes, or bites baby dick.
It just seems to be a wild animal, with no more or less powers than a wild animal has, and while it could potentially gore a couple of people to death I'm not seeing how it could infiltrate and subvert an entire nation.

Hallelujah brother.

1/10. Being generous here, newfagss love it though.

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So tell me.
Are we doomed?