Boys, I Did It

I fucked up and dropped all the red pills. I am visiting my parents and fucked up. They are both conservative Republicans. My dad is more of a libertarian but also a magapede. My mom was a never Trump Kasich voter. She was always the the more conservative one, though. She's strangely the more moderate one now.

I dropped all the red pills. Every. One. Of. Them. But son, I thought you were such a liberal, why are you a racist? Well dad, let's start with classical liberalism . . . fuck.

I fucked up, pol.

I dropped every red pill, including the JQ.

Why did I do this?

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You did nothing wrong. Checked.

I am retarded.

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Checked and keked.

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Dude, this isn't a joke. I really did this. They think I'm crazy.

You seek their approval. They think you are crazy though.

They're my parents. It's natural to seek their approval.

They're the crazy ones. It's not like they're going to disown you, faggot.

You shouldn't have been a turbo autist fumbling with pocket spaghetti. You should have used some humor and patience instead of sperging out like a dummy.

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What did you say exactly? How did it come up?

I'm not that bad. I've been married. Yeah, I'm not perfect and am divorced, but I'm no autist.

just don't talk about it again, your parents probably won't bring it up either. And if they bring it up first, just be rational and cool about it. Also give them some ground too, like 'yeah in some aspects libertarianism and Kasich may be viable and I respect your stance, however in some other apsects I have my opnion and it's ok to disagree'

Give it time to sink in. I accidentally fell down that slope awhile ago. Because you start with one thing, then they want the full story. Which means you have to back. And back. And back. Now, my dad is almost as serious about all this as I am. And my mom apologized to me for having me circumcised, and protests it. They birthed you, and somewhere deep down, you got your ideas from them. Give them the benefit of the doubt and wait before you judge how infected they've been by the jew.

My mom was a public school teacher . . . everything she says is "I'm not racist, but: so I thought she'd be more susceptible. She taught at a black school, and I was relieved when she retired. I started bringing up it isn't culture, it's them. Culture is a product of people, not vice versa. I pulled my phone out and started showing stats, then it became IQ stats, and it all went downhill.

You probably just should have stuck to that point instead of dropping all the redpills.

Listen, it's going to happen. You must stand up for your beliefs. You are going to be hated, slandered, ridiculed but t means you aren't doing your job.
The truth, no matter how ugly, must be told. You must be brave. Truth is heresy in an empire built on lies. If you scared your parents, oh well. You planted the seed in their heads. It will grow.
I redpilled my dad one night on everything. He was screaming at me. Face red, standing up, screaming at me like I was a heretic.
Eventually, he called me one day and told me that he is starting to believe I was right. This was around the time of the Jussie Smolett case. Eventually he accepted it and said it was very hard to accept that fact that all his years growing up in the 60's and 70's were built on lies. That his whole generation was stooped.
It gets better, user. It just takes time.

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>but t means you aren't doing your job.
but if you're not, then you aren't doing your job.

Liberalism is based on Marxism, Fascism, National Socialism, and Communism…
Liberalism in the early 20th century was based on Innovation and Technology and not so much about these other National Socialist things. Germany and Britain were the great National Socialist Countries because that is where European Marxism originated from.

Checked. You are being protected. You did it because a part of you knew there is something bigger for you and possibly your relationship with your parents. You did it to move into the wilderness of being misunderstood. Adventure in this world is hard to find, but you CAN find it with bursts of authenticity. Now are really living. May God light your way!

"How can you believe that, son, I know plenty of really well, high IQ black and productive black people." My dad's best friend is black.

Well dad, just because there are X on this side, does not negate the fact that the average is Y.

My dad is not happy with this.

Whatever you do, don't be the one to cut off contact. Show them you are not isolating yourself, and that you seek to communicate and be understood. Tell us how they reacted, then I can help more.

sorry, i've been drinking. i'm off this week and visiting family.

Lol what a fucking retard

If you told the truth and you spoke your mind without hate, then all you have done is been yourself.
There may be consequences for you being you, but that's what you should be.

Romania, you will have to be more specific. Do you mean your Gypsy ass is a retard?

Once I got on a roll, I couldn't stop.

You don't talk about those things especially with your family you dumb fucking mutt, do you realize how insane they view you now? and all you did was tell the truth.

You're getting a very high % of checkels here user. The spirit is moving you. Have confidence. Take heart. You are a brave warrior.

Did it a long time ago.. only cowards hide power level.. questioned the koran to hardcore muslims, questioned fags if they got born like that etc. Nobody cares as long as you know how to formulate yourself

I like this kid.

>I fucked up
>They are both conservative Republicans
sit back and watch some Molymeme or hardcore them with

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Romania stop pretending to be holier than thou. You're not helping. Go hang garlic cloves outside your mud hut.

You just spilled the beans infront of your makers Burger King

I dropped a couple red pills on my Vietnam vet father over xmas. We were both pretty drunk, so I showed just a bit if my power level to test the waters. He was drafted so I thought might be more open to the JQ. He blew me off in a "I dont wanna think about it" kind of way. Not the "you're". Babysteps. Pretend nothing happened because if they think you "obsess" over these facts it gives them an easy out. Play it cool now.

Kid? I'm in my 30s. Fuck. I'm an adult, and stuff.

>Burger King
At least we have Burger King, Simon.

Try to stay composed if they start insulting you. That always got to me. My father couldn't contend with me in debate, and so he would inevitably insult me. The resentment accumulated over the years. I highly doubt I'll ever speak to him again. But, apart from the occasional tinge of nostalgia, I don't miss him. He became a severe pill addict and thoroughly embittered man.
The redpill is actually the white pill for the thinking man, as the quest for truth can not be subverted. If you go along to get along, the craven path will crush you slowly but surely.
I hope you are able to maintain relations with you parents, user. But don't betrayed your beliefs to appease their normie sensibilities. It's time we got a bit colder in advancing our position. We are under full spectrum assault; if we have now, Everything is lost.

Jokes aside, I am drunk now. I took the week off to visit home. Now it's a tense situation because I dropped all the red pills on my parents. They thought I was their leftist son because well, until a handful of year ago I was. Now they look at me as a far-right extremist.

You also have blacked, Mexican neighbors, transsexuals and an unasked Jewish Question Roland McDonald

I hear you. I'm 42 and I'm on fucking pol for crying out loud. I just had my own parental call out last Christmas btw after not speaking to them for 10+ years. They are raging liberals though. My mom is like a regional leader in climate change awareness work. She'd probably cheat on my dad with Al Gore if given the chance. About as blue pilled as you can get.

You're a Nationalist lol they're finally proud of you Destiny

I hope you start a blog. Auto subscribe me from my email in the backcode of this post by clicking on the drop down menu under the the arrow.

Consider how difficult it might be for a parent (especially father) to be arguing with his son and have to capitulate to him. Pride mixed with the era and surroundings they grew up in doesn't allow that.
Things my dad would struggle to say...
>you're right, son.

this libertarian to alt right pipeline . . . .

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This is correct.

underrated post

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I guess in your case the only reconciliation is "agree to disagree" and be adults about it. If they have Trumo derangement syndrome then that's a tall order

Holy shit rofl.

In addition keep in mind that you yourself were almost certainly not convinced of your present positions in one sitting, and that you will have to keep chipping away at it until they get it.

You need some Asha Logos in your life. Ultimately you should be able to explain to them that your political views come from compassion for mankind, and rejection of convenient lies and anecdotes.

I spent so much time trying to explain to them ethnic self-determination. , and that this is a liberal concept. White people are entitled to them same thing as blacks and Asians. Why can;t we have our own countries, too?

I'd say stage 4 TDS. Though they are polite enough not to talk about it constantly. They prioritize reconnecting with me over political stuff, though I could of course sense a bit of "outreach" work they were attempting. And by "callout" I should have clarified, it wasn't political, but more about old shit from childhood. Still I think there are connections to their political views. Most liberals are adult children, and I've known this about my parents for a while, and it's difficult. They also don't really have good family values, choosing to uproot our whole family while my two younger siblings were still in school, merely for the pleasure of moving to a golf course community outside of Seattle, ripping us away from our beloved grandparents (based fucking war hero and Rush Limbaugh die hard -- had a sign in garage: "Rush Limbaugh fan parking only") and the political strife was intense at times in the past. But this discussion was much more personal. They are too emotionally fragile to have a real adult conversation with one of their kids who has grown to have vastly different political opinions than them.

Based Norge

This too. You need to press the importance that what you believe isn't out of malevolent hatred for mankind as (((they))) would have you believe, but out of what is ultimately better for everyone involved.

If you are knowledgable enough on the subject, it's not really that hard user. I straight up tell my parents that Communism was worse than nazism, but I use rhetoric in a way so that it doesn't sound like a total sperg out.

“I’m just exploring suppressed ideas and sometimes I get a bit emotional about not getting to the truth. Help me find my libertarian true north daddy. I’m not a racist holocaust happened...” etc. etc. etc.

Never do this. They will always suspect you, and you will live a lie so that they can continue to be misled? Shittiest and most off point advice you could give unless you don't actually care about your parents.

Don't listen to this fucking faggot, backpedal bro you know the truth and you know how bad it hurts, don't go any further and don't redpill them it will just make things weird, keep it to yourself and strive to become a better man, just tell them you were playing around trying to trigger them or something, the spell is already casted on the masses, big happenings are needed for people to really start seeing the truth again.

Dropping red pills is an artform. You cant just drop everything at once because then people will think you're crazy. Nobody wants their world view being challenged so it takes time and some real effort. You always start slow and you never make it to clear about (((who))) is the reason why the world is such a degenerate place. You give people hints, give them some evidence and facts and then wait until they realize themselves who's behind everything.

>30 year old grown adult
>still mummy and daddies little boy

Brah if you still can't be your unashamed self by age thirty you're a bit of a fucken poof.

>fucked up
Do you think it's better for them to live in their delusion?

Well if you sperged out and went full redpill right at the start and they weren't instantly repelled then there is some hope and they may have been hiding their power level too.

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You'll be fine. They'll ask prying questions now and again in a sort of effort to tease you but if you're confident in what you believe and can articulate it clearly, their attempts at teasing will backfire on them horribly every time.

Was is it Bear Creek?

No. Similar though.

I feel for ya. My parents are traditional conservatives and I rebelled against them through my teens. Fuck bush...etc. they didnt say shit about Obama out of fear of being called racist. I redpilled my dad on McCain, though.

They're your fucking parents OP it doesn't matter. In any case it'd be a chance to make them think like you

This is most incoherent post I’ve ever read on this website and that is saying a lot.

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Fight the good fight if only for your grandfather. You’ll have to face him in heaven when the time comes anyway.

Those digits assure that you didvthe right thing, good job OP

I bet it felt good though. The truth will set you free. You know what that means OP? It means you can see clear and can give your will the physical reality. The feeling of freedom is amazing but acting free is even more amazing.

This makes no epistemological sense.

lmao it doesn't matter.
I dropped that shit on my liberal parents years ago. They just think I was going through a stressful time, which is true desu because I was stressing about revealing myself constantly.

Now they think I'm smart because I can name drop philosophers and have a basic understanding of history. They respect my political opinions more than than most peoples, even if they don't always agree.

Just don't point out the jews or niggers so blatantly again. If you do make sure its part of a greater point not just "fucking kikes man"

Who gives a SHIT what they thing

All disagreers deserve death

whew.. but yeah man, dont be a pussy.

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So what? You told them the truth.


Alt right is a meme. It goes libertarian to Monarchy

The Jesuits created both nazism and communism, also egoism, and corporate fascism

There's a copypasta that floats around here of a teacher that taught at a nigger school. Download it and give it to mom. And dad.

Its okay OP take a breath and sit down... Did you mention Pizzagate?

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No worries, you're only officially an incel

This happens to a lot of us. Don’t worry, the older they are, the longer it will take to accept, but if you told them so much, there will be enough seeds to make them question things that they will start to realise you’re right. Just be compassionate and remember everything you told them is just a theory until they see the evidence themselves. If your father was really triggered by it then good, he won’t forget what you have told him. He will be forced to acknowledge whatever buttons you pushed in him. Godspeed user.

fpbp and relevant checked

Boomer spotted, get your sentence structure right next time old timer

OP is redpilled turbo autist
I tell drop redpills everyday nearly, OP has got this idea in his head that these views and opinions (the truth) is so edgy you cant speak about it irl.
grow a set and GTKRWN

Bro your agrument is too childish, I’d be disappointed in you too if you were my son. All you do by making unsubstantiated claims based on your own perception is communicate to your parents your racist beliefs. You didn’t justify yourself at all by saying “they made their culture” because you’re not a sociologist, you are making scientific claims beyond what you can reasonably know and they understand your reason for acting like that is to justify what you know in your heart to be immoral yet satisfying beliefs that you’ve come to reinforce. They get it, you’re insecure and white supremacy is your way of feeling better about yourself, they are just disappointed that they failed to grow you into a man that doesn’t need such primal pathology to feel good about himself.

you did good user
how do you feel?

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Amerimutts must hang.

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Long time since I've seen that meme around.
Anyway rape your Dad. Assert your dominance, it's the only way.

>t. coward

You are a moron for not lurking like you were instructed to. You deserve this. You can not just hamfist the redpill down peoples throats they will always reject it. You have to provide them small tidbits for them to consider, and you have to do it in a manner in which you do not appear to be pushing it on them.

Good job user. I red pilled all my family members long ago. If you are ashamed to tell uoir family what you think you are a spineless cuck.