
Read the entire Quran in 10 days

Ask me anything about it

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How many Jews did Mohammed behead

How did you read the 30% of the Koran that isn't even written in Arabic?

how many 9/11s happened in it

Now read the Hadiths because the Quran is unimportant, all the good freaky shit is in the Hadiths

Those details aren't in the quran but the incident is referenced often. A tribe called the Quraysh tribe where 500 people were beheaded for breaking an agreement.

There's a couple of battles. Even a battle between the Byzantines and The zoroastrians. Muhammad was prophesying that they would eventually win because they believed in God.

It's written entirely in arabic.

All religions are stupid how dumb is this Redditcuck to believe there's a god

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>christcucks think their little table flipper can even compare to this

give me a basic gestalt on it

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Are you talking about the Syro-Aramaic stuff?

The Quraysh were his tribe. The Jews were Banu something or other. I heard he chopped most of those heads off himself, but I am not sure.

>It's written entirely in arabic.
Bullshit. You haven't actually studied the Koran, have you?


closer to 900 and took place over 3 days. in modern terms we say genocide. and 900 people didn't break an agreement

By time, man is at a loss (life runs out for all of us). Except those who spread the truth, and do good deeds, and who are pious and patient.

cheers m8

That is Surah (chapter) number 103, al-Asr (the declining day or time). It is said to represent one half or the message of the Quran, in three lines. I paraphrased.


It's not like the torah or the bible which is a coherent story. The Quran is more of a series of recitations which sound beautiful in arabic, the miracle of which have great spiritual meaning.

It mostly consists of the same few themes:

There is no god but allah, no helpers, no one besides him (no trinity or other gods)

Biblical stories of non believers being dealt with by God (Noah, moses, Lot)

God is most merciful all power, all knowing

Muhammad answering arguments of people who are skepticals

Muhammad giving people speeches to get hyped for battle against polytheists/non-believers.

home barefoot and pregnant
was not good enough for them
now childless they die alone

Banu Qurayza* My bad

Religion determines the ethical boundaries in a society. What would you say are the gaps, areas where islam can allow for corruption and decay to seep in?

where do i find english translations of this mud speak?


wife beating
sexual slavery
crucifixions (only if you go to war with god or muhammad ofcourse)

Thank you I couldn't remember it.

I tried to read it, it was just a book of rules of things not to do.
Maybe the later chapters are better, but I found it dull and not very interesting,.

No, while those are in there, they aren't major topics.

The Quran speaks a lot of hate against "kafirs" but doesn't define who they are. It recommends fighting valiantly against your oppressors.

If you can convince people that people are being oppressors or redefine what it means to be an unbeliever (kafir/infidel), people can be manipulated toward violence.

As far as internal social decay, Islam seems as air tight as humans can realistically get.

These people's greatest aspiration is to be a slave to God and act in complete submission to him so that every action of their daily life is in congruence with what God wants of them.

It can often be a dull read, its meant to be recited. Different than the Torah or the Gospels.

There are many PDF translations online.


This is the best I have read in English. It has about 200 pages of tafseer and ahadith, which gives you considerably more information about the both the context of the Quran, and the saying and actions of their Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

What the general consensus about life after death? is there a heaven? is there hell? is good behaviour rewarded? what is the punishment of sin?

>Different than the Torah or the Gospels.
Of course, Satan always perverts God's view.

The 286 verse chapter that is the second chapter was actually written much later than most of the rest, when there was a large community of people for which rules were needed. If you google order of revelation of the Quran, they tell you what came first, and it is interesting. Muslims would never give the original order of revelation any attention, which I find strange.



You can read a religious book without being religious you dumb cunt

You go to Janna (paradise, literally gardens). Rivers of milk, honey, and non intoxicating wine, I believe. You are at an age of you highest physical beauty and strength, and never age, sweat, poop, etc. The virgins don't poop, menstrate, etc.

The Quran talks about Heaven and hell even more than the the bible.

It became apparent to me the Hellfire and Brimstone style of preaching was taken from the Quran.

Heaven is a described as a place where there is everything you want.

Hell is a place where you are burning and starving, all the food provides no nourishment and is covered in thorns. You will be forced to drink boiling water.

Very similar to the christian heaven.

The Quran talks about Heaven and hell even more than the the bible.

It became apparent to me the Hellfire and Brimstone style of preaching was taken from the Quran.

Heaven is a described as a place where there is everything you want.

Hell is a place where you are burning and starving, all the food provides no nourishment and is covered in thorns. You will be forced to drink boiling water.

Very similar to the christian hell.

I think you're misunderstanding. Im saying its written differently.

It refers to much of the same things.

hi matt

>Believing hadith garbage

>A man beheaded 900 people by himself

You fucking Sunni deserve to be exteeminated

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>virgins don't poop
BRRRRAAAPPP posters absolutely btfo

Let me give you an info that will blow your mind.

The Qur'an is a completion of Bible and Torah. God in the Qur'an said to read Qur'an and Bible and Torah

>O you who have believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Book that He sent down upon His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day has certainly gone far astray.

If OP really read the Qur'an, he would have noticed. But he is just another kike Sunni subhuman heretic

To add to this statement. Real Islam is basically Making a point between Qur'an, Bible and Torah to understand everything (and dismiss the added garbage in Torah and Bible)

That would explain it.
I quite enjoyed the new testament because it's like a novel, there is storyline to it, good and bad characters etc.
The Koran was like a workshop manual for religion, if that makes sense.

pick the religion that has the hottest women.

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>I fuck goats for a living, I'd know these things

Quran say the Bible is corrupted, and that is the truth. There is uncertainty as to who really wrote which sections and then you must take translations into account. The Quran would be much closer to its original form.

>A civilized discussion about Islam
Oh no, here comes the Shiite.

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do you speak arabic?
if not, how much confidence do you have in the translation you read?

>Ask me anything about it
What did you do with it after you read it?

He have to keep it, cause it's more precious then Mein Kampf!!

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the problem i have with the concept of 'paradise', in any religion, is that you cannot have good without bad. You cannot have winners without losers. It just doesn't work.


My dumb muslim coworker said the quaran stated the exact date of the moon landing is this true or was he just trying to convert me

no he's an israeli with a meme flag

Oh there are losers, according to the story. Hell sounds unpleasant.

Open a random page of the quran and it will have a verse on either converting 'un-believers' or killing them. Disgusting piece of trash.

What do you think about Allah's lie about Christians worshipping three separate gods & one of them being Saint Mary?

You've been very naughty says God, while on earth you indulged in sadomasichism and other perverted sexual acts.. now you are dead I'm sending you for eternal torture..

Good/evil are subject to our own feelings and interpretations, this is why heaven and hell fails as concept.

Yes, but they aren't in 'paradise' are they?

I agree (about the gospels at least).

I might read them, or one of them next.

What race was he?

>Believing hadith
>Literal unverified fabrications made by some faggots to give more power to religious leaders

Holy shit what a brainlet

I am quranist, not Shiite.

>infinity playing scrabble with bible bashers == hell

No, certainly not. They make a distinction, although I don't believe hell is forever.

> Bible is corrupted
> yet Allah's words cannot be changed
> while Bible was also sent by Allah to people
so which one is it now? lmao
also where in Quran is it said that Bible is corrupted?

>I am quranist, not Shiite.

How do you do salah/namaz as a Quranist? What is your practice?

>I read the Quran in 10 days
>I read the Bible in 10 days

The truth is, you didn't understand what you read you faggot.

Read the local Phonebook next poser

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> completion of Bible
Then why does Quran deny Gospels' events?

I quite like scrabble..

Being stuck in a room with 14 year old boys playing fortnite for eternity.

Exactly. While Bible and Torahe are corrupted, they still hold truth in them. Carefully reading Qur'an, and link the points between it and Bible/Torah is a work that none of the ((((religious scholars))) done despite it is clearly mentioned in the Qur'an

This is why religious leaders push the hadith narrative this much, they don't want people to carefully read the Qur'an, they want them to resort to hadith to answer religious questions rather than finding the truth hidden in the 3 holy books

never waste toilet paper

I think Muhammad is right. Jesus did not teach he was god.

Either from yemen or dubai i really have no idea he's a shitskin with straight hair

>also where in Quran is it said that Bible is corrupted?

I am unsure.

I liked the old tesatment a little more since it felt more fable like. The new testament is great and all but it felt more like a screenplay in its structure

Where in Quran is it said that Bible & Torah are corrupted if Allah's words cannot be changed ( a phrase that is mentioned in Quran)?

The interpretation is corrupt.

Those hadith collectons sound problematic at best. Compiled two hundred plus years after the fact, and all by Persians, I believe. I haven't read any hadith except for those in the translation of the Quran by Hilali and Khan.

Any badass quotes or passages thatyou can remember? I'm definitely planning to read it myself soon.

you do realise that Christians don't worship Jesus as a or the God, right?
do you want to know bunch of sections where Allah verifies Gospels, the books in the Bible that tell the life story of Jesus from birth to crucifixion & ascension, in Quran?

Christians literally do though

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He sounds both stupid and insane. If he's from Yemen he's probably illiterate. Dubai could mean anything from N. Africa all the way to Bangladesh. Islam has a shit ton of retards posing as imams.

how is it corrupt exactly when Allah affirms Gospels in Quran?

Why does it deny Jesus?

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no, they don't.
here's the core of Trinity:
three aspects of one Godly essence, simple as that.
Aspects themselves equate to hierarchical roles that are to teach Christians what is the might of God & model for sons of God (us, the humans).
Jesus, (some but not all of the God's essence in human flesh), is the prophet and living proof of God's mighty that fulfils the role of showing us what a son of God is.
Holy Spirit (again, some but not all of the essence of God) that is God's influence that touches humans and guides them through action or makes a person act exceptionally,
And Father (again, some but not all of God's essence), the father model whose rules & guidance a Christian is to follow unquestioned.
All of these three aspects form the Godly essence & equate the total revelation that is the loving God.

>> while Bible was also sent by Allah to people
There's no mention of the Bible or Talmud in the Quran, there's the Torah or Gospel.

Also it's not the word of Allah cannot be changed, it's if a book get corrupted another one gets revealed so the teaching of God never disappear.

And according to Hadithes, the Quran is the last book that God promised of protecting it from corruption.

>even non-believers are talking peacefully in the thread
>questions are being answered opinions are being stated
>fucking cocksucking faggot progressive shiiite comes
guess what happened next

I know it acknowledges the Gospels, the Torah, the Scrolls, and something else, but Muslims nowadays said it is corrupted. I am not sure how that came about, and don't really understand it; you will see Muslims, for instance, saying the Bible predicted the coming of Muhammad (pbuh), but if they say the Bible is corrupt, then you can't really pick and choose sections that support you views, no?

I do salaah in the standard way (it's after all all derived from quranic verse), however I do all hijr and no sirr.

I do also wudhu the Quranic way.

Also Christians don't worship Mary as a god like Quran claims. Why would the "all knowing" Allah lie to / deceive Muslims like that?

Because the Bible is corrupted. Correct Bible parts can be verified with the quran

>however I do all hijr and no sirr
What is that, my friend? I don't know those words.

False, Sharia law only applies to post-pubescent adults.

Also when it comes to the punishment of the thief, you get you're hand cut if you stole something of value.

And BTW, you get cut by a knife not ran over your hand by a truck!!
That pic was probably a dumb kid who stuck his arm under the truck and the adult is trying to help him.

More like "I renounced everything in my religion that is against democracy and humanism, also I find religion illogical but I do not have the balls to be an infidel. So I am ignoring Sunnah part of the religion and arguing with every decent Muslim I see. Please accept me West

Gospels contain the story of Jesus from birth to crucifixion & ascension, something that is affirmed by Allah in Quran.
> that God promised of protecting it from corruption
yet Uthman had to collect all the wrong versions of Quran to burn them to establish the one & only version of Quran. This happened literally in less than 10 years since Muhammed died.
And since we know that Caliphs were not divinely guided (otherwise they would be prophets too), how can we be sure that protection of Allah's message was successful?