No more Children propaganda

Yesterday themost prevalent free news source in switzerland posted an article about some lady in germany who has written a book about how people shouldn‘t have anymore children because of climatechange.

This of course is just another move to undermine the west and destroy the europeans by lowering our birthrates even further.

Today they reposte it AGAIN to make sure people talk about it and consider the whole thing.

The commentsection has to be the most disgustimg thing I have seen in recent times.

People hating humanity, children, themselves. Feeling good about the decline of our species.

This shit makes me violently ill.

Humanities survival is the only real objective. Everyone who disagrees should be kicked off planet straight into the sun.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I agree with having no kids, but only for the third world
pic related (and that's just one african country)

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Terence McKenna has been promoting this shit since the 90s hoping retarded hippies would follow. Amazing how it's now a mainstream idea

Let's be honest, people who read 20 Minutes are already lost. Probably not a big loss

The meme used to be the world is 'too overpopulated' so don't have babies. Bill Gates actually has a good interview floating around about the origins of that bullshit myth. It repackages itself every X years into something else like climate change

>Tell countries who already have few kids to have even less/none
>Encourage poor countries to do nothing but make babies

>just one
Imagine how much worse is going to get when they start having them on a country where they're not gonna be loosing 2/3 of their niglets

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It‘s surprising no one fucking talks about this. First of all, there is plenty of room on the planet for a few more billion people. The resources at the rate the west is spending them is the real problem.
But if its about numbers, why should we have less children in the west? Its Africa, India and China that are exploding population wise.

I‘d like to agree but 75% of the country read it.

We must protect the environement !
For future generations!
By not having a future generation!

Every single individual who has ever said a single thing about the environment has literally zero idea
Nuclear power is literally the least impactful on the environment
Not a single "green" has ever even thought about it
because they don't think at all
only copy what they hear
morons being led by kikes

even better one

Attached: Population.png (781x506, 18K)

The intent is to undermine the Western Christian concept of eternity and kingdom come, that is, planning for a future you won't see in your lifetime. If there is no future, there is no need to plan for it.
The other day, someone posted an article from the 1920s about polar glaciers melting and sea levels rising in the next ten years.

>Spending resources is the real problem
Why? Where do the resources go? Do they just disappear into thin air?

to the dumpster

If it's like here people just pick it up when they're bored in public transport so it has a big reach but hopefully they don't take it too seriously

And then?
user, there are whole industries dedicated to sorting through the trash to identify and reuse the non-biodegradable resources, and there always have been.

I should have elaborated more but didn‘t since I‘m on my phone.

The problem is that the amount of resources needed for one person to get trough one day in America or even Switzerland is much larger then for someone lets say in Africa.
There is a direct correlation between this and your standard of living.
Like eating meat every day. Or buying a new phone every half year.
Shit like this is only workingout for us because a few million people maybe do this. Imagine if all 8 billion people in the World would live like that.
We could never sustain that.

The only infinite thing we know of for now would be energy provided by mastering nuclear fusion. The Chinese very recently made quite the step forward whitch is fantastic.
But we cant eat energy so yeah.

>an article from the 1920s about polar glaciers melting and sea levels rising in the next ten years.
Shit I was just thinking about how this used to be a very common talking point in the 90s and early 00s
According to them I should have lost my house to the sea fucking years ago

>To the dumpster

So we don't have to search for them?

This is from 1990, it insists, backed by 'hard science', that the sea levels will cover New York and LA by 2015.

Thx user I'll watch it when I get off work
Any idea where to find this 1920 article?

I actually agree: anyone out of europeans and (maybe) north americans should stop having babies.
The reason though is not climate change

I thought I had saved it, but I didn't, and I can't find it in my history.

Thx for looking anyway

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