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Which colors are white Jow Forums?
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answer whiteboi
which country should I go to and impregnate white women and mock white bois?
Isreal is the only true aryan nation.
The guy in your picture is an african American, those are not black (meaning not pure black) african Amerimutts are on average 20% white 80% sub saharan, real africans dont consider African Americans to be real blacks, there is a reson why their skin tone is so light when compeared to africans and no its not the weather.
seethe harder white boy
Truth hurts dosen't it fellow white man.
Italy is barely majority r1b
la creatura
WTF is up with Iberia not having any visible Iberian ancestry?
You negros are not counqering anything, African Amerimutt population in US is around 13% and its not rising, its Mestizo Latinos invading USA and Arab Muslims invading us here in Europe.
Yes, but so are you, your ebony daughter will choke on Jauns and Pedros big brown cock, your grandkids will be brown, thats right not BLACK but BROWN, and China is colonising Africa as we speak, you will sunk with us blak boi. :)
black kids still look black, if this chick gets blacked her kids wont look anything like her #conquered
>Imagine being this delusional
Pic related is how your grandkids will look like mr Tyrone.They will look nothing like you.
And stay there.
East Europe looks like a beast
West Europe looks like a cuck bent over getting fugged by Sweden benis
Turkey looks like a pile of dogshit
What do you mean? These maps are only of male lineage. There is no specific Iberian male lineage.
This is now a genetics thread.
sure buddy, watch your precious white girls get taken
Yes but not by you, but by Arab muslims, while your girls will be taken by Chang Kang lee in Africa and Pedro Gonzalles in America.
AFAIK Iberia is essentially south-west Europe. Specifically Portugal, Spain, Catalonia, Basque, etc. so I'm not sure what the graph means by Iberian. I searched the l2 haplogroup and apparently it denotes West Africa or Central Africa.
your saltiness makes the conquest sweeter
Stay delusional, you are on a sinking ship with us.
attaching specific labels to these paternal haplogroups doesn't really work
broad labels like "Germanic" or "Slavic" only work when one deliberately sorts for paternal lineages known to belong to certain ethnic/linguistic groups
>I searched the l2 haplogroup and apparently it denotes West Africa or Central Africa.
haplogroup I is one of the oldest European male lineages that isn't found hardly at all anywhere else
Africa is mostly haplogroup E with a small pocket of r somewhere in central africa
green and blue
Oh look, a nigglet
Should've capitalized the L there I guess.
Debased topic and discussion anyway, have a good day m8
Based and redpilled