International pedo cult sent known blood witch-whore Marina Abramovic to Poland, with a mission: >to offfer Poland to Satan I wish I am memeing, but that is official course of action, bitch is coming to city of Toruń, well known in Poland from being hub of ye olde catholic ladies radio Catholic circles already offering resistance in form of rosary prayers around the building where witch will be conducting her rituals this shit raises 2 questions: 1) How come this ugly bitchwitch were even allowed to come to catholic country 2) why burgers send us their refuse and trash 3) why are satanist globalists so retarded, we already crowned Jezus Chrystus as King of Poland and bitch dont have authority to offer us as a whole to father of kikes
burgers, I blame you for this bullshit. If you followed through pizzagate you may have lost Trump, but you would;ve won your souls, and definitely removed kikery out of your lands
I hope nobody shoots her to death or stabs her to death or bludgeons her to death while she's there.
Elijah Fisher
Gabriel Wood
>2) why burgers send us their refuse and trash That's because so many Poles love the burgers so much and feel pandered that senpai noticed them and made some remakrs about Poles being based. In ten years you are where Germany is now.
Hudson White
Torun is so pretty :( She is not our fault though, I'm pretty sure she was born in Serbia.
Jeremiah Bailey
It's interesting that everyone is so sure which side she's on. Reminder: without her it would near certainly have been Her Turn.
even more PROOF that you guys are heading for the same faith as we do in 5 years, See the small amount of LGBT in Lodz Poznan etc? They are going to turn into full blown SJW`s not caring about the workers abroad, But taking workers IN from abroad... Sometimes from very very far, I have Syrian neighbours since last year.. Why?
>Jews >Judaism >2019 Pick one, That religion ceased to exist 2000 Years ago with the arrival of Christ, (((Them))) should be used for the Illuminati, The Hijackers of Judaism who is preaching Zionism among some of them.
Michael Brooks
>Kidnap that bitch >Force fast her on holy water for 40 days >??? >Profit
whatever the name, they still use jewish terms and jewish front to push their evil bullshit their efforts are in vain tho, our King will protect us from this shit
>Reminder: without her it would near certainly have been Her Turn. Her partner in crime, Lady Gaga, sabotaged Hillary's last mass rally with subliminal messaging by dressing up as a nazi.