Well, it's March 8th. Nothing happened. No report. 777.
Amazing how there are STILL Qtards around who believe that musad agent
Well, it's March 8th. Nothing happened. No report. 777.
Amazing how there are STILL Qtards around who believe that musad agent
Did you think something was going to happen?
Manafort was sentenced to 38 more months in jail. It’s almost as if the storm was a fabrication, meant to induce the calm. I’m getting sleepy guise
You have to wait for 7hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds. EST.
it happened, you just didn't see it.
>4:00 in the morning
what the...
Let's be honest you're still going to cut your dick off tranny
it's 4am in america faggot
Q is for boomers who've had their brains melted by facebook and fox.
It's fucking 2:25 am.
I'm not saying it's going to happen. In fact I figure nothing burgers are our meat and potatoes.
But comon.
kys you gigantic retard
what is that in universal standard time, you know, the one they use in space so you dont have to work out 24 different fucking time zones??
The day isn't over
GMT or UTC 0, so 13 hours 35 min left.
kushnershill wrong again
so, midnight?
that cant be good...
thank you user
>Well, it's March 8th. Nothing happened. No report. 777.
its also 4 am in the US leaftard
We dont want a fake calm we want the calm to end all calms since the ritual murder of saints for martyrdom always led revolutions in stride
> here you go op.
A gift.
Cost ya 3.50 neet bucks dwight
To redeem just repost the digits listed when mr T delivers a bloody mary at 6 am est. Cuck a doodle doo to you too mr president