Why do Italians shit everywhere? Pic related
Italy wtf
They're just trying to ape India. They want to be superpowa.
D&C faggots get the rope too.
Just-a like-a me mama used to make!
I swear I saw this same guy taking a shit when I went to Rome.
I suppose that by your ameristandards that thing could be considered white but here in Italy we call them niggers, you know
Nice D&C, Eli.
At least it's not on the sidewalk.
You need to go back
You forgot Giuseppe at the end.
The French piss in the street too. It was extremely common, even women did it. I walked about two miles in Paris and must've seen at least 15 people pissing. The streets reeked of piss. I know it sounds like I'm taking the piss but I'm completely serious, I guess it's a cultural thing.
That guy is Italian?
That;s the joke, OP implying Italians are niggers. Either a kike, a mutt or a race spiraling nord cuck.
you mean, niggers and arabs piss in the streets in France.
nice meme dude love this thread
Are Pakistanis, Italians? There are lots of 1st and 2nd gen Pakistanis in your country. Soon your country will be like London. How do you feel about it?
yup. r you a Pasquale or are you a Bartoloméo?
I thought he was taking the civic nationalism approach.
in 2019
op is the right side
>There are lots of 1st and 2nd gen Pakistanis in your country. Soon your country will be like London
Not really, Pakistan is the 11nth biggest group among immigrants
Who are the 1st and 2nd?
Romanian ancestry
Daddy ?
Romania and Albania