Powerful. Can you say the same about YOUR wife's son?

Powerful. Can you say the same about YOUR wife's son?

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i love how they think children are some sort of authority now. They're small stupid humans with no knowledge or life experience, they treat them as if their "naivety"(ignorance) is somehow morally superior

...and other things that really happened.

>i love how they think children are some sort of authority now
The child never said anything like this because a child is a child.

Can women even vote wherever he is. Pretty sure his wife is rocking that stealth mode hijab

>Qasim Rashid
Shit. Even Islam can't resist the Globohomo

It is because the have naive childlike views

what mind writes shit like this aaaaaaa the cringe

I also wish I didn't have to wait until 1920 to vote

It hurts doesn't it

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Really powerful. I was really touched by this story. What a brave kid.

no ten-year-old bulls knows about the 19th amendment

I hope he will get stoned or blown up for that tweet

And then everyone clapped.

Save your wife's son from the belly of a whale on the bottom of the ocean.

nor should they



and then a guy passing by gave me the keys to the city

this "my kid" excuse to write the simpliest dumbest things without appearing like a retard is hilarious
its kinda like "my friend is interested" when want to ask something heavily implicating like can you catch STD from being fucked in the ass

This. We've started to idolize children as somehow being "enlightened" and I thin it has to do with just how comfy we've gotten, most of our work is done behind desks (service economy) instead of in a field or factory (labor economy) and this in itself breeds a childlike mindset; it's low-physical labor, its in a comfy well-maintained spot...

Don't forget : babies are not racist

10 years late to that abortion? NBD congress will fix that anyway

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its all true!!! he said it mid prayers in our local mosque, i was feeding our pet pig atm

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who cares what this fucking herb thinks

>conveniently forgets about Elektra to force a narrative