Why is it whenever one of you incel nazis sees an interacial couple or gays holding hands you automaticly cry about world war 2 blaming it on everything?
Why not ww1 or the napoleon wars?
Maybe the more recent and larger in scale cold war had more in shapping our society?
Muh ww2
I hate you but you make a good point. Picture you posted pictures the main problem of western faggots on pol. Now get to the oven
Get in the toilet
Both are factually true; the holodcaust indeed did happen and the holodomor was a man-made famine (not a jewish plot) but a consequence of commie policies, whenever it was used to crush Ukrainian nationalism is still a debate, but if it was meant to punish Ukraine-- you can consider it genocide akin to the Armenian one.
>cry about world war 2
Well it certainly was a waste of time getting involved at least form the US's perspective. The options were either putting half of Europe under communism or killing all the Slavs.
>larger in scale cold war had more in shapping our society
Yes it was far more influential, and considering that modern capitalist society now looks like mid 20th century Soviet race mixing propaganda I think we all know who won.
>holodomor was a man-made famine (not a jewish plot)
Lazar Kaganovich was Stalin's right hand man and enforcer of the Holodomor and incredibly jewish.
Jew official =/= jewish conspiracy
that's why you stormniggers are laughed at.
Excellent posts
People like you are the reason i keep returning to this shithole. You are like chrischan:" go hitlerchu! Gas to the extreme!
How more disconnected from planet earth can you get
I'm not saying it was a totally jewish plot, but Bolshevik jews were at the highest levels of planning and enforcement not to mention recruitment among the city bourgeosie as "requisition" officers. If you think they didn't enjoy getting to starve the Slavic peasants to death as a form of retribution for all the years of "anti-semitism" in Orthodox Christian communities I have a bridge to sell you.
On my mudda tone wooden doors.
What is this kike babble supposed to even mean? I don't even like Hitler, but I certainly don't like jews.
When has there ever been serious debate, faggot? No one claims that there's literally jews sitting in a room, rubbing their hands, retard. My problem is why jewish alleged genocide keeps getting repeated month after month while christian genocide is literally fucking unknown. Ask yourself these questions, shill
>6 million
nice highball
>7 million
nice lowball
Who are you talking to shlomo? Take your meds
>I can tell what kind of pistol that is but not what uniforms they're wearing
>People are unable to change clothes.
Right, and the Germans never, ever picked up Soviet equipment off the battlefield.
No white woman would ever find blacks attractive without Jewish programing.