Libertarian minarchism or even anarcho-capitalism are the best political systems to further humanity. Prove me wrong

Libertarian minarchism or even anarcho-capitalism are the best political systems to further humanity. Prove me wrong.

The single best argument for libertarianism is the current >absolute state of the USA and the west in general.
A gigantic bureaucratic nightmare of a state lords over it's citizens and enforces beliefs held by officials that are oftentimes not even elected democratically but appointed by the very same administrative tumor that birthed them. These politicians all squabble pointlessly with no end in sight, with successors often simply undoing the works of their predecessors (essentially wasting millions) until a particularly cucked one passes a law that can ruin a country for good (immigration, outsourcing of jobs, more taxes, more welfare, ect)
This is why the west is in decline. Nothing gets done, while bugmen in asia outproduce and out-breed us.
The only way to come out on top and lead humanity to a better future without giving up what makes us human is trough libertarianism.
Taxation is theft. Simple as that. Every year, the state forces it's citizens to pay them a large sum of money that is 99% of the time spent on something the taxpayer didn't even vote for. For example, it's fairly likely that your money either goes into some nigger's welfare check, into the army to fight for Zion, or to the CIA who uses it to finance their newest MKultra programs.
>b-b-but what about muh degeneracy
Degeneracy simply wouldn't survive under a libertarian system, as it's not profitable.
Niggers would pretty much die out instantly after the gibs stop coming.
Same with spics.
Trannies and promiscuous faggots would cease to exist after a while since there wouldn't be any government funded organizations to push their misguided fuckery in the first place. """Research"""" into these fields would recieve no funding, as it would be unlikely to return a profit.

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I'm more of a nationalist minarchist guy myself...

Women and shitskins vote for gibs, so we're fucked.

I agree man. Makes me sad to see Jow Forums become so against it. Libertarianism is what will turn the focus back into towns that can govern themselves and spur innovation. Our government is so unbelievably bloated and wasteful.

>Degeneracy simply wouldn't survive under a libertarian system, as it's not profitable.

Michael Rozeffs agrees.

>Private-Law Society Will Be Right-Libertarian

100% true.

Military technocracy. There is no furthering humanity if we get wiped out by an asteroid. The primary goal of humanity should be getting off the planet and if that requires mass slaughter then so be it.

yeah let's give all our sovereignty to corporations, there's no chance that would ever go wry

Based Bros. I thought Jow Forums was a stormfront/t_d colony by now.

Corporations need to offer you something before you give anything away.

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>yeah let's give all our sovereignty to corporations
You got all your knowledge about libertarianism from ancap memes, right? The "power" of a corporation over an individual is much lower than the power of a state. If you don't like the goods and services offered by one company, you simply switch to another that covers your needs more. This creates a competitive environment where companies are constantly innovating and improving to attract customers.
You can't switch governments.

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>This is why the west is in decline. Nothing gets done, while bugmen in asia outproduce and out-breed us.

You mean the ones in even more totalitaran states?

>degeneracy isnt profitable

Gender reassignment surgery, drug sales, women being employed... all profitable as fuck

>Taxation is theft

Cringe. If you dont like it, just leave.

>If you dont like it, just leave.

No. Come and get it.

Good luck when the conglomerate has bought and control your natural resources, such as here in Norway now.
We're not talking about not liking McDonalds so you go to Burger King.
We are talking they control all the power supply, so there is no supplier to switch to that is not them.
The goal of this is one corporation controlling everything because they want constant growth in the economy and that means buying up all the competitors.
And removing all regulations regular people have against the corporation so you have no rights but what you can consume.

An idea such a boarder won't exist because it puts a damper on economic growth.
And idea such as race won't exist because it uts a damper on economic growth.
So good luck selling out everything your forefathers suffered in the biting cold to build for you and your people.

You'll pay your taxes wuthout causing any trouble, maggot, because you libertarian fags talk a big game but cuck every single time. And because statism is comfy as fuck, so long as the populace is poliically engaged, to your mad max shithole fantasy

The Bell Curve does not allow many people to agree with you but it's true senpai. Sadly we live in a world of freeloaders who want more and more gibs and authoritarians who want to fuck other people over so be grateful for being Swiss you and Liechtenstein are the closest examples of this based ideology in a pragmatic sense

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>You can't switch governments.

Dae votng and immigration dont real?!

Lel as if the gov isnt a corporation that made you its cuck. Private corps at least have to answer to its consumers demands and dont get to impose laws and rules

op is pseudo-quoting hoppe
>op sounds like, based on syntax and vernacular, mm, or someone in the ancap world, so I'll assume swiss only by proxy. I know lots of swiss people, liberal and conservative, they love structure, they are isolationist at any cost, not ancap.

I would say birth rate and welfare obviously correlate, on average, but you end up with a quantity-quality dichotomy because you're subsidizing everyone supposedly, and then only the lowest-investment and lowest-time-preference people compete in quantity.

suppose you have 5 kids, and $100,000 for college. The smart thing is to give the smartest kid all of it, not 20k each.

the issue is that eventually those who did subsidize birth rates, however idiotic, will eventually start clawing at your door to eat you.
>You'll be atop your castle full of food and books, with your 1 son, mowing down hoards of lumpenprole with a belt-fed m249.

So the contradiction is, at the individual and national level, something like that you need a military to exist, and the efficacy of the military is predicated on wealth. So either you have an ancap military that is wealthy but doesn't exist, or you have a soviet military that is poor but exists. A high tax rate will have a big military, but it will be a poorer military.

I have 3 main arguments against ancapistan, IP as in authors won't get paid and I'll plagiarize everything, it will be a power vacuum, and it will be hyper-localized economically for roads and pollution type reasons. It's a goal though, but so too is everyone listening to Hitler voluntarily.

>You mean the ones in even more totalitaran states?
My point was that living under a totalitarian state turns people into emotionless bugmen.
>Gender reassignment surgery, drug sales, women being employed... all profitable as fuck
No. Tranny "culture" is inherently unprofitable. You can't perform work if you got a dilation stick stuck up your neo-gina 24/7. People would quickly realize that becoming a tranny equals a financial death sentence and wouldn't get surgery, no matter how sick in the head they are. Also, as I said, research into these surgeries wouldn't get funding from the ((((government)))) since it wouldn't exist.
As for women in the workplace, they wouldn't be a problem. An employer would only hire capable people, as only they would be profitable.
>Cringe. If you dont like it, just leave.
Based retard.

>Dae votng and immigration dont real?!
>imagine believing that votes change things


>Private corps at least have to answer to its consumers demands and dont get to impose laws
Because the government doesnt let them
>and rules
Unless you work for them, in which case corporate gives you orders every day

>immigration, outsourcing of jobs
A true libertarian doesn't care about these things.

>bugmen in asia out-breed us
This can't be true. Japan and South Korea have got to be worse than us for birthrate.

True. This is why I prefer a night watchman state with a small but effective military to protect it's citizens from NAP violations by foreign agents.

>Corporations need to offer you something before you give anything away.

how does anarcho capitalism deal with monopolies or organized crime?

>Because the government doesnt let them
What are you talking about? How could e.g. Amazon impose a law on people? What nonsense.

>Unless you work for them, in which case corporate gives you orders every day
Follow orders at my job? What oppression! What do you mean there's a hierarchy in the world? I should be special just be virtue of existing!

>Good luck when the conglomerate has bought and control your natural resources, such as here in Norway now
Rockefeller tried to do that in the US and couldn't manage it. Long-term, really big organisations tend to fail as they get too bureaucratic. I'd imagine that the state was involved in some privateer controlling your resources and you're just unaware of it.

>no supplier
For what? Can't you buy from abroad? If not, that's not very free markety.

>A true libertarian doesn't care about these things.
I do, user. They're a detriment to the economy. Naturally, they wouldn't be an "issue" in a global libertarian system, but that's still too far in the future.
>This can't be true. Japan and South Korea have got to be worse than us for birthrate.
I was mostly talking about India/China/Indonesia

This is why crypto is important , once btc inflation becomes lower than the us dollar and gold in 2020 cryptocurrencies will start governments to moderate their monetary policies or else.

And if they had to moderate their monetary policies they will have to put under control insane government programs.

If they donĀ“t inflation will fuck statecucks and those working for the government in the ass.
Everyone else will be happy outside the system living with crypto as the internet creates free market zones under the radar of statecucks.

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>imagine ignoring half the argument

>What are you talking about? How could e.g. Amazon impose a law on people? What nonsense.

Guns, stupud faggot.

How does one achieve monopoly status without legislation or violence?

>organized crime
By organizing citizens within private cities that offer security packages and that compete with other private cities to attract citizens (customers).

Agreed. Read Rand and stop being anti-degenerate brainlets you stupid NatSocs.

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Libertarianism only works in the west. It's cant be universally applied like in Asia. I live here. Easterners are way too different. But instead of communism I believe fascism is a better suit for Asians.

Buying out all competution and startups
>By organizing citizens within private cities that offer security packages and that compete with other private cities to attract citizens (customers).
You mean what countriesare ALREADY doing?

Did. Its a bunch of stupid larpy mary sue bullshit

>just immigrate bro
That's much easier said than done. Plus, the same issues about governments persist in all of the western world.

Chiang Kai shek Kuomintang Park Chung Her style.

You realize Amazon would make WAY more money by offering their services than by engaging in war with the world?

You must be very young to think that Bezos would be more interested in waging a expensive war against fully armed citizens than offer them their services and become the wealthiest man in the world. Lay off the Hollywood kikery.

Its also easier said than done to start your own business or whatever the fuck you tell people who complain about their job

That would be great for business, wouldn't it? You don't think there might be some sort of resistance to that?

Ridiculous comment.

They're just as cucked as us.

>India, Indonesia
They don't seem to be that much of a threat in terms of production.

The state is a huge pusher of degeneracy though. They use education to push their bullshit.

>Buying out all competution and startups

Oh yes, buying out all startups won't somehow backfire or be abused. Let me guess, you don't have a business, right?

Totally. The Jews slide these threads because they know Libertarianism hurts them.

>Degeneracy simply wouldn't surive
Exactly correct. Most of the niggers who do nothing but smoke weed and fuck would have no government to fund their "lifestyle". Thus they would die out.

>Guns, stupud faggot.
>implying that maintaining a standing army is even remotely profitable for any company
The East Indian Company, despite it's wealth of resources, was constantly on the brink of bankruptcy because they had to maintain a huge army to deal with poo revolts.

>Buying out all competution and startups
Rockefeller tried. It didn't work.
>You mean what countriesare ALREADY doing?
I must have missed the part where you don't go to jail if you don't pay and the state can't expropriate your shit whenever it feels like doing it.

>Its also easier said than done to start your own business or whatever the fuck you tell people who complain about their job
What? When did I ever say anything remotely close to this?

You are the one who follows a kike ideology bud. Its not profitable to fight if a government will destroy you. Im mot worried about anarchoAmazon. Im worried about anarchoRothschild and anarchoBlackwater, you stupid strawmanning lolbert

Can't prove you wrong. Ancap, as described by Hoppe, is the ideal society.
But we need an organic fascist state to prepare humanity for it. It's really really far in the future and will happen only if everything goes well.

Exaxtly, it will be abused - do destroy competitionand gain monopoly

Because i care so much about the financial bottom line of the corp standing on my neck?

Transgender people don't pay for their own surgery most of the time. Most of that goes on in places with ""socialism"" like here in Europe.

Europe does not have socialism, doctors are still paid handsomely, still paid overtime, etc. The taxpayer pays for it. Medicines are still paid for, the taxpayer pays. University staff don't work for free. European socialism is the most pro corporation system in existence because the government doesn't care if it's being gouged by drug companies, it's not their money anyways.

The refugee crisis is extremely lucrative for failing hotels. Hoteliers convert their hotels into refugee centres and instead of sporadic and seasonal tourism, they get a big fat cheque from the government every single month, and the government always pays. People who never intend to work live better than people who work, and those working people are emigrating or just bowing out.

There's also the secondary benefit that taxing the middle class eliminates the competition. The middle class pays for all this and it severely limits them in starting businesses, buying property/shares, etc. So the only people who can increase their wealth are the already wealthy.

You're the one who follows Hollywood stereotypes and sci-fi post apoc tales about muh evil corporations to the T.

It just doesn't make any sense when you think about incentives.

Blackwater and Rothschild power comes from governments dumbass. Without government you have Amazons, not Rothschilds.

>was constantly on the brink of bankruptcy
Got any material on this? Ever since I read that privateering essay I yearn for more of this kind of fun stuff where private enterprises manage to do a better job with less funding that governmental outfits.

You get penalised for not paying for the service if being in a protected zone with laws, yes. This is justice, we do not need dead weight leeches.

What a strawmanning confused hyper little faggot you are. Fuck Canada, the cuckiest nation in the enitre world.

I'd like to see you try to buy out all competition, would make for a perfect example of how someone ruins his business by being a fucking 10IQ idiot. But with that brain of yours you'll never be in that position.

Quality thread. Bump.

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Are you implying that governments and corps often make deals to benefit themselves in spite of the taxpayers? Like, idk, the military industrial complex and the US and its endless wars?

Your thought leaders are all literal jews.

If you think about incentives, conquest is very profitable when there is no massive state or desperate populations to fight

Not an argument, mohamed

>oligarchies dont exist

The west in in a state because of stupid libertarian free market policies idiot.

most people in the libertarian/ancap world fall to one side or the other of nozick, he's a good division line, and its worth nothing the only positive right america originally guaranteed was a public defender, while the rest were either codification of the system replacing the tyranny, or negative rights preventing government action.

the question my work centers around is trying to codify the limit of public action. In a broad sense I think consent is an flawed narrative that gets us to the vote-to-rape hoppe and rand describe, but more specifically how would a covenant be codified with limits.

Im implying the go hand in hand. Rich corporations love government, and will keep it in place so log as they exist.which in ancap they will, because muh free market

Lolbertarianism is based on a fantasy world that doesn't exist and never will

Based thread lads

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How would it benefit the WOMEN?
How would it benefit the MINORITIES?
How would it benifit the IMMIGRANTS?
How would it benifit the PENSIONERS?
How would it benifit the RELIGION?
How would it benifit the GOVERNMENT?
How would it benifit the TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS?
How would it benifit the MONOPOLIES?
(and the jws ofc)

Pro tip: it won't. It will actually hurt those listed above. And it will hurt really, really bad.

The only ones that benifit from libertarian stuff are YOUNG WHITE MALES.
Thats pretty much it. Strong, capable, intelligent, healthy and swirling with energy young men are going to rule everything like before, like all things were run before feminism. They are going to take over all of the business spheres, they are going to take over the government, military and police, and without state-enforced quotas WHITE YOUNG MEN are going to simply create a monopoly on everything that is even remotely important.

And then what? You gonna create a patriarchal utopia of freedom and might? No-no-no. No. You are a battery, Neo. You live to serve, to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves, and you are going to create heaven for these worthless subhumans, while they rule you and make you live in shitty conditions. Thats what your life is about and thats what current taxes are about, they take from YOUNG WHITE MALES, squeezing everything out of you, driving you to your absolute limits, and they give it to those that are listed above.

If you suggest to change this system, you need an actual war. Or at least a sizable, intimidating force of well-armed trained white males who have a cause - to create a libertarian society. Anyway, you can only do this by gathering a lot of military men, to rival the state's monopoly on violence, until they: a) get intimidated and give up the government b) fight you and die. There is no way around it.

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>Libertarian minarchism or even anarcho-capitalism are the best political systems to further humanity. Prove me wrong.
>Something that exists in imagination of several sick morons is the best for humanity
Bring up at least one working example of your ancap and then we will have something to talk about. Now this is no better than jerking

Hes right tho dickhead

Neither was anything you said, just misrepresentations of the points being made.

>Exaxtly, it will be abused - do destroy competitionand gain monopoly
What he was saying is it will be abused by people selling start-ups, the opposite of how you're representing it.

>Because i care so much about the financial bottom line of the corp standing on my neck?
No, the business bordering on bankruptcy will care. This, again, is a complete misrepresentation.

>Prove me wrong.
Of course you're right. This is old news. What is interesting is how we get there. It sure won't be through democracy - the libertarian quadrant is devoid of voters.

Nobody will buy fake startups, retard. Only the genuine threats.

Yes, the NeoEastIndiaCompany will find ways to be more profitable at the expense of others. I still dont care what their finances are if they stand on my neck.

Dumb faggot, got anything else?

Any governing body always grows. Even under AnCap the militias, mafias, tribes would start and grow and grow. I tried so hard to be a libertarian, but all paths still lead to socialism. Besides that, the world is so socialized now, there isn't any turning back. Even an armed uprising at this point would lead to martial law and more lost liberties. Give up the dream. How many full on socialist countries allow the degeneracy of the west anyway? After the power struggle of establishing socialism, it immediately turns its culture into a strict conservative one. You fear the gulag. If you are a normal person that has self-control, you have nothing to fear. Our modern criminal and prison system is probably worse then any gulag or concentration camps in other socialist countries.

What stops me from buying shit from a small business on an ancap society? Or making my own corp to provide a better product than le evil monopoly? A gov can stop me with a fuckton of taxes, regulations and 'public services'.

>the libertarian quadrant is devoid of voters.

Because libertarians are a tiny number of NEETs in their basements. Literally nobody sane and well adjusted wants libertarianism.

This. The only libertarians are young white men anyways

>A gov can stop me with a fuckton of taxes, regulations and 'public services
A large established corp can dip their prices until startup costs rape you do death.

>Nobody will buy fake startups, retard. Only the genuine threats.
>Buying out all competution and startups
Canadians are the worst. You guys are really light-headed weirdos.

Welp. missed one.

>the NeoEastIndiaCompany will find ways to be more profitable at the expense of others. I still dont care what their finances are if they stand on my neck.
You still don't get the point being made, do you?

Ireland remained in a state of anarchy for at least a thousand years, and organized itself around Brehon Law. It jostled a network of clans a families and you had the option to start your own clan if you didn't like your current one. The Irish King had no actual power and was more of a religious figure.
Somalia right now has a similar system, and it's actually better off without a state compared to its neighbours. I'm not saying that I'd live in Somalia, just that it's faring far less shittily now.
As for stateless societies, the entirety of the Middle Ages was near-anarchist given its huge fragmentation of power between corporations, villages, feudal lords, churches, kings and trade companies, with many legal codes operating in the same area sometimes. A highly centralized state is a recent phenomenon.

Predatory pricing to gain a monopoly doesn't work in a free market. Just sayin.

A loss-making enterprise? Why didn't I think of that?

Gee, its almost as if "genuine" startups is implied in that second quote, not gay scams by retards like you

You fags rarely make points.

>Are you implying that governments and corps often make deals to benefit themselves in spite of the taxpayers? Like, idk, the military industrial complex and the US and its endless wars?

the united states has a large jewish lobby, and the whole reason that the lobby is so powerful is because ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ which enables them to infiltrate the academic world and the political world as well as finance and everything else. Anarcho capitalism is such a retarded idea that i can't even fathom the retardation it takes to believe in such bullshit, but it doesn't surprise me since it's primarily americans who support the idea

also the whole point of calling it Anarchism is itself retarded because private property laws do not exist in fucking anarchism jesus christ people

Prove it, retard. A established corporation can afford to operate at a loss for a bit. You cant.

I'm a Minarchist myself, i'm for a Dictatorship, with only member of the gov to be military guys, also regalian man. No Strong State but strong interior policy !

Temporarily, you dumb faggot , until the startup croaks

>systems that do not neutralize the threats of the leftist-capitalist alliance, the real obstacle to freedom, are the best political systems to further humanity
Retarded. Even libertarian parties get utterly subverted.

So how lower prices are bad for the consumers? And is the corp strong enough to keep those prices so low forever, to prevent others from rising? And why would anyone be angry at such low prices? i'd gladly have a monopoy offering good products for cheap.

>Nobody will buy fake startups, retard.
It's exactly what Rockefeller did. A guy sold him three oil refineries in a row, refineries he had no intention to ever use, but built anyway because he knew there would be a sucker who'd buy them. Cartels and mergers regularly failed because of internal and external competition, they usually lasted about six months/one year, and only got stable when they figured out that pandering to politician would accomplish their goal. Even a marxist scholar had to concede it when he made a detailed study of the railroad markets, Gabriel Kolko if I'm not mistaken.

It's called competition.
Businesses can pull out of the market until the company that price cut suffers enough losses. Or wherever the company that's selling at low prices other businesses can buy those products and sell them cheaper else where in the world.

Imperial Libertarian Fascism is the future

In Latin America also there's a Libertarian Dawn, because our politicians have destroyed our economies by raising taxes and establishing a progressive bureaucratic system. Libertarianism isn't about race, or religious beliefs - it's about economy. And all we know that the government owning the means of production it's not a good idea.

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And then when they put their prices up to four times what would be the market rate, what happens? Imagine if you could make a car at 4 times less than what the market was providing. What would do? Enter the market? Be a cuck? Be Canadian? Kill yourself? You have no idea what you're talking about. You're living in a fantasy world.

>only a retard would buy any start up!
>first post implies you think all start-ups will be bought
Canadians are such fags. You can't handle the pressure of an argument and start contradicting yourselves. FUCK Canada.

Articles of Confederation, Jackson era America, etc.

Again, the case against Standard Oil was predatory pricing. Surprise surprise, it never engaged in such prices and competitors were constantly entering the market. Aside from this, predatory pricing, even if the company could absorb the losses, would not solve the problem given that the physical plant is still there and new competitors can buy them for cheap.
>but the big nigga corp can buy it too
Except it can't, because money in this case stops mattering after a while. To enter a certain line of business you only need money up to a point, investing anymore can't guarantee a return high enough to justify the investment. With random numbers, if entering a market requires 100k, anyone can enter it. Spending 110k represents another net loss, after the big nigga corp had to make its prices plummet to drive out the competition. Disregarding the fact that it merely did its customers a favor, it also lost even more money.

Low prices to secure monopoly prices in the future

>new competition rising

Nobody wil try after they see wat happens to those who go up agaisnt megacorp