Just so happens to be on Trump's 777th day in office.
Praise Kek
Today will be a fun day.
MFW it will finally be to LOCKHERUP!!!!
YES YES YES, send this lying piece of shit to jail! He tricked us into supporting him. This is what he gets for trusting the kikes! Bye Bye Don the Con!
Roll digits for swamp indictments
bueller :DDDD
Here comes the PAIN
I don't see how this is a big deal when the whole entire political system of the western world is corrupt and deserve to be put on trail.
Mueller is the scum of the earth
Yes you do you worthless pos
I unironically hope he takes Zion Don down so we can primary him.
Just give the word Mr POTUS
And you’ll lose more spectacularly than 2015-16
Abedin and both Cuomos
Hey meme flag fag
This..but..who isn't an Israel worshipper at this point. Pence is likely to start bombing shit as soon as he gets the red button.
That is not an argument, you didn't explain shit, you just had a emotional reaction to what I said. You either need to go back or show me your tits.
WOW i’m shocked you don’t know how to effectively persuade
Journalists have been saying this every week for like 2 years. It's all so fucking tiresome. Has there ever been a longer and more retarded "investigation" than this?
Damn it I got suckered into the whole voting mattered thing again, yea nothing will change by voting. It's all bullshit.
Huma and Hildog
Not since the start of history, no
Give it to me straight. Is anything going to actually happen today?
Such effective shilling. You’ve just “black pilled” me into total apathy!
So you're an NPC please stop (you)ing me in that case.
Trying for Wiener and this insurance file. The only safe place for him his a federal prison.
how about a final solution
All of them
I think you are trying to shill me desu, take a good look at the USMCA. It's NAFTA + TPP.
So I'm not wrong. America 1st my ass.
" the USMCA would integrate the U.S. economy, Canadian economy, and the Mexican economy into a single North American economy. Not only that but it would also force workplace “gender-identity” laws upon us, increase support for illegal immigration, create an international bureaucracy through the Free Trade Commission, subordinate the U.S. to foreign organizations such as the United Nations, and make many other freedom-stripping implications a reality as well."
Horrible useless meme that was. Every letter you type further outs yourself
There's a name that's been fucking memory holed.
You have yet to have an actual argument for or against ANYTHING. Do you even have a view point on like the weather for instance? I mean shit tell me the sky is blue and tell me why anything. Have you had an original thought in your life?
How could I have been so blind. My “black pilling” is getting more severe. You faggots don’t can’t and won’t understand why Trump will never be defeated. He is unstoppable and will win 2020 by 150+ EVs. How can you explain and describe loyalty to naturally disloyal vermin?
You make it almost sound like a cult.
Every Trump voter + 50 million non Trump voters know the name and story. Even more know Seth Rich. None of it’s not been forgotten
I would vote for Trump again and again. Forever. Under any threat. You will never win
God I hope Trump gets murdered
Maybe don’t persecute someone more than Christ and Hitler combined and these things don’t happen?
that would be glorious
Well finally you actually state your intentions. I too have not had a strong father figure in my life. This I think can bond us together. My name is Kevin. Whats yours?
I think you forgot to take your meds. No offense but that's an incoherent reply to something that goes completely against his campaign promises.
Except today is the 778th day.
What is incoherent about it? He's saying you (as in all you rats) have falsely condemned the President, Donald J Trump - an innocent man who committed no crimes even while being targeted with a global blackmail and psyops campaign of unprecedented size and scope organized and run against him by his own government - more over the past nearly 4 years than Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler combined. He's not wrong
Kek. Not happening.
Nothing is going to happen.
Enjoy the show.
Stick your ugly fucking cats up your fat ugly glownigger asses
>Multiple sources
Whoever runs that account pretends to be a news service when they're actually some retard reading tweets from other news agencies and reposting it as O.C.
Why are these fucks such numerology autists?
Those are some numbers
These digits. This post. Kek has spoken.
Wrong. It's morning in America, bong.
>777th day in office
Are you sure it's not tomorrow, on Shabbat?
Because Satan revels in defying God and they serve Satan.
Everything that is ungodly and sinful they do with delight.
Ding dong the Drumpf is done!! Constitutional crisis confirmed. Nancy Pelosi as interim president until a new election crowns Kamala Harris as our new president. Ten year Harris presidential term confirmed.
Yang Gang Gang-Bang?
Today is the 8th Mar in Bongland and Burger Central, if you include today then it's 778 days in office. Not including today makes it 777 days.
Damnit I will be working all day too,.
Trump is the most evil corrupt leader the world has even seen besides Hitler & Mousselini. He is a child trapped in a man’s body, a narcissistic, delusional individual that has caused more dissention in not only the US but the entire world. He uses divide & conquer tactics to get his way. Look at when he shut down his gov’t & forced people that were earning a decent living to go to food shelters to survive; some lost their homes. Trump inherited a country in good shape because of Obama, the greatest world leader that ever lived besides Kennedy & Mandela & MLK. Obama inherited a country in a very bad state because of Bush - another Republican that sacrificed his own people in the name of oil. Trump did not WIN the election, he stole it. Snowden is the top hacker in the entire world & was exiled to Russia & was there during the election. Hillary was out for blood on Snowden & said if he EVER came back to the US, he would spend the rest of his natural life in jail. Trump said 30 years ago if he was to ever run as President, he would run as a Republican because they are the dumbest people on earth, they will believe anything. I could go on for hours, but I’ll drop the mic right here....Opiod use, drug overdoses & suicide are at an all time high in the US, unlike anything the world has ever seen before - why? Zero faith in this world leader. He has created a dark cloud over humanity. 80% of the people polled that voted for him said it was a grave mistake & they would never vote for him again. A monkey with a bag of hammers could do a better job...
Can’t wait. The crying will be insane when it’s another slap on the wrist for some flunky no one cares about. Fucking tards thinking anything will happen. Fucking shot mannduck shit fucknshitnfucknshitn. Watch boneclinks on twitch he a funny dude.
It's fucking nothing
Go blow your dog some more you fucking faggot.
>Mueller is the scum of the earth
Kek, cant wait to see trump taken down for his collusions corruption and crimes.
>disgraced former cia director who lost his clearance says
>>mfw Mueller indicts Clinton Bush and Obama
Does BNL have a good track record?
>this is what shills are posting in 2019
>its the same shit as the we cant let him get the nuclear codes pasta from day 1
> 777
No guessing which side Mueller is on, see pic.
go back to your yang threads
Budd, no
They deserve a round through the skull and to be tossed in the ocean.
if lapring. medium bait. if serious, holy fuck, you are a tool
Already caught trump colluding with fox news, your campaign finance fraud has been exposed. The walls are closing in on you MIGApedes.
>Already caught trump colluding with fox news
>your campaign finance fraud has been exposed
lmao this is some shit tier shill my dude
Good catch. Saved
>I believe that she will win
The thread.
>Here comes the PAIN
>Meme flag
>Ben Shapiro pic
Fox news was banned from the debates because trump was using a rating system for loyalty. they take talking points directly from him literal 1984 propaganda LMAO.
schizoposting faggot
fucking Brennan was the head boss of the MOB so now he wants his tin badge back
>literal 1984 propaganda LMAO.
you realize all the news headlines are concocted by an AI for maximum sheep carriage
It's happening! They finally found out Hillary is behind it all and even lied to congress and she's indicted on international women's day.
>no longer fresh damn it's still good
Final solution