Should rape be legal?
Should rape be legal?
No you fucking savage
depends on the races of the individuals involved
No, what the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe only if the victims are jews or shitskins, but otherwise hell no
If we don't respect our women, we're no better than niggers or sandniggers.
Only of unmarried women over 16
faggot, those attitudes are the one thing shitskins get right.
Practically every single person has at least one ancestor who was in fact a product of rape. Should we all be shamed into not existing because of some modern feminist ideal regarding 'consent'?
Seems about right.
Streets around gay clubs would become no-go zones.
Sure, but there's always their women.
niggers can't consent
Rape is already legal if you're good looking or rich
Know your place goyim
When on Jow Forums you should always assume that any question of policy is in addition to killing all jews and fags
Only in self defense
No, but the scope of what's considered rape should be reduced significantly.
Taking a woman by violence or threat of violence is wrong and needs to remain illegal, just like any other assault. Same with drugging a woman without her knowledge. But a woman who willingly becomes intoxicated and has sex with someone has not been raped, nor has a woman who has sex against her will but does not resist.
every kind of rape aside from stranger rape should be legal.
you should be able to rape your gf/wife but not force some woman walking down the street into the bushes and fuck her
If you are a retard and believe that gender is a social construct then yes, because rape would also be a social construct. There is no rape in the animal kingdom.
I would argue the opposite
Who wants to rape the person they love? Now that slut wearing the thong walking in the park? I'd put muh dick in that
Only male on male, if you’re too weak to defend yourself you deserve to be dominated by a more alpha male if he so chooses
Here's your answer.
No, but the incorrect modern redefining of what "rape" is needs to be reversed. Rape is not and has never in history been "forced sex" or "sex the cunt does not want"(a cunt's desires do not matter), rape is "sex with a cunt another man owns". Cunts are property, rape is a property crime basically like theft. A man can not rape a cunt he owns(his wife and daughters) he owns such a thing and can use whenever he pleases.
We must put an end to this modern notion that cunts are people and not simply things for men to use.
Only on a rocky planet with drastically spare resources
Although I agree with you, your flag confuses me.
>willingly becomes intoxicated and has sex with someone has not been raped
I'd agree but only if she was with that man before the intoxication. It's just predatory to go around looking for wasted chicks to fuck.
>men outlawed rape to protect their property
Fixed that for you
Nope don't be a cunt : ask if they want sex, check if they are intoxicated, if not and you got a positive response have sex and be safe
>a man can rape his daughters
You get the rope, edgelord
It depends. Warbrides should be legal (fuck the cucks). But taking a woman without work or brawl shouldn't be warrant of reproduction.
Thats what rape is meant to be and always has been, a property crime similar to theft. But modern feminists have horribly expanded the definition of rape.
A man using a cunt he owns can not be rape. A man owns his daughters, it's his right to use them us he wants.
>per say
>should violent crime be legal for my benefit?
Autism at it's finest
who cares? Its so rarely used anyways.
Fucking degenerate, you're no different from muslims
Of course.
You have no foundational principles, have you?
Merkel needs to be shot.
Pretty sure the talmud says yes, as long as it's under 3 years old.
Lefty memes are so cute, always too many words, always missing the point
you do not even know that there's right wing versions of this meme?
>being such a newfag
Common, post it.
are you actually this stupid?
here's something similar
Of course not you stupid fuck
No, it's a violation of the NAP.