Post all Newspeak phrases typically used by progressives.
e.g "diversity is our strength"
Post all Newspeak phrases typically used by progressives.
e.g "diversity is our strength"
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Newspeak is a 'problematic' 'social contstruct'! It is dangerous to 'our democracy'.
no borders no nations
love is love
Also LGBTQ+ is Newspeak for faggot.
Any of the womens day, or other UN pushed pseudoholidays
Equal Access to Education, Training, and Science and Technology: Pathway to Decent Work for Women
Empower Rural Women, End Poverty and Hunger
A Promise is a Promise: Time for Action to End Violence Against Women
Equality for Women is Progress for All
Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it!
Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality
Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030
Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives
Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change
Literally all of these expressions are completely meaningless, they hurt my brain the more I think about them
"stunning and brave"
From "Sexual reassignment surgery" to "gender confirmation surgery". It's creepy as fuck, and no one seemed to notice it.
“Undocumented residents” in place of “illegal alien”. They don’t even use “illegal immigrant” anymore.
its almost like every SJW is a walking apple Ad
Too true. You forgot 'fierce'
fake news
This is not newspeak dumbasses
How it turned from "refugee crisis" to "migrant crisis". No one seemed to notice as well.
"homophobia", "transphobia" and "islamophobia" are all pure Newspeak that makes no sense. I really wish non-leftists would stop using these words.
the list is endless, but take note that it does not include hate speech against christian white men in any shape or form. whitey btfo
How the fuck is it newspeak if they're not in fucking office? It's just slogans.
Every politician does this, if you want some real life examples and not some childish "muh sjws" bullshit then adjectives like robust, strong, safe, secure, progressive, etc.
real communism
Zion Don
Condescendingly saying "Sweety"
Not real socialism
Trump has betrayed us
We all bleed red
Woman can do anything a man can do
We are all equal
Money is evil
Nobody needs an assault rifle
Guns owners just don't want their toys taken away
I've got to go to work. I could keep going for an hour though.
Newspeak is a watered down version of an actual definition so it stays unrecognized.
Globalism= One World Gov.
Racism=Critics on Immigration
Fake News=Dangerous Information
This is propaganda not newspeak
>only those in office hold power
brain dead
It’s was a Migrant Crisis to begin with
No one was legitimate
>we need to have an open and honest conversation about x,y,or z
When really they mean, we’ll lecture you and if you opine you are some type of ist or phobic
>"diversity is our strength"
But it is. Look at the USA, one of the most diverse countries on earth.
>Niggers helped build the country with forced labor
>Irish, Chinks, Pol, slavs worked the factories
>Italians, Jews, and Irish kept the liquor going during prohibition.
>Mexicans pick our fruit and veggies
>Jews finance us
>Germans built our rockets to the moon
>Brits gave us the bases of our laws
Since we pretty much killed our natives, we became the most powerful nation on earth through diversity.
Btw it's absolutely hilarious that after the Trump election the sales of George Orwell's 1984 allegedly skyrocketed.
user, diversity means less whites, not different races working together
> diversity means less whites
Your dictionary must read different from mine.
Trump is no big brother, he's just another Mussolini
>its almost like every SJW is a walking apple Ad
Nailed it. Sadly, all normies are starting to talk like this a bit. It is so weird when I'm having a private conversation with a coworker or something and they're choosing their words very carefully and deliberately to avoid offending any of the sexual or racial minorities who are decidedly not within earshot. I guess it just dawned on me that they are probably more afraid of white tattle tales who would report them to HR and dont know who to trust.
You are retarded.
What diversity means
>Most diverse countries in the world
>"asking" people to pay more tax
lol is newspeak, also newsfeed is almost the same as prolefeed from 1984
...and it’s a good thing
far as im concerned people like that can go into the gas chamber
Exactly. He is thinking of the oldspeak definition of “diversity.”
>"speak truth to power"
>"gender neutral"
>Niggers helped build the country with forced labor
this is my favorite new may may
they picked cotton, they didn't build the nation. They were slaves, not artisans.
They've just been ground down by a bunch of institutions advertised as having their best interests at heart
True. Never understood why everyone compares him to Hitler, when he's clearly Mussolini.
Based. Also don’t forget “empowered”. It’s one of the most meaningless phrases I’ve ever heard, yet they repeat over and over like a distressed bird.
>they picked cotton, they didn't build the nation
Cotton was the by far the largest economic driver of the south, one of the largest economic drivers of the country at the time all of which was possible because of slaves. I never claimed they were "artisans" (although many slaves were skilled craftsmen out of the necessity of the plantations) But they were a vital part of the economy.
cotton picker detected
Lets pin that
>possible because of slaves.
No, it was arguably made more efficient and profitable because of slaves.
>many slaves were skilled craftsmen out of the necessity of the plantations
what percentage, would you say? And where did they learn those crafts and from whom?
You mean the other way round. It was being described as a migrant crisis, which lead many to say “why do they have the right to just migrate?” so they changed it to refugee.
>Illegal aliens are undocumented Americans.
>Squaters are undocumented residents
>Burglers are undocumented guests
>Drug dealers are undocumented pharmacists
Diversity is our strength = Unity is division
Hitler is the most famous 'villain' in human history. Everyone in the world knows Hitler's face. If you walked down a street and asked normies to identify Mussolini all of them would fail.