Should whites be allowed to speak Spanish?

Should whites be allowed to speak Spanish?

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>EU flag
>inb4 1 post from this id

I hope for that person's sake that they're joking

Does the language really belong to Europeans at this point when hundreds of millions of people speak it in non-white countries?

>Castellano not a European language


Is it anymore, tho?

ah yes?

>not european

I suppose tumblr has a point sometimes

>From Spain
>Not European

These people are fucking retards.

This has to be fake, no one is this stupid

>Does English really belong to Europeans at this point when hundreds of millions of people speak it in non-white countries?

Welp its settled boys. Spanish aren't white and by connection Pork chops aren't either. This is a great day for white people!

Bitch please, cultural appropriation is not a real issue. It's a fairytale issue used by leftists to make people mad at fucking nothing. It's a way to stay mad and deflect blame for cultural inequalities. I live in a very Hispanic town and learning a small amount of Spanish has helped navigate through several awkward situations where the person I was speaking with did not speak English. Only fucking lefties would think of obtaining knowledge and expanding your toolset as somehow being a negative thing. Fuck that shit. Knowledge is power and the ability to communicate is the lifeblood of commerce.

Sound spics be allowed to speak Spanish?

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English is spoken mostly by whites, though

they're not white so yes

Just as people from China don’t speak “Chinese” but rather Mandarin, Cantonese or another specific language, the Mayan people do not speak “Mayan.” They speak one of more than 25 languages in the Mayan language family.

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If hispanics own the Spanish language and no one else is allowed to speak it, wouldn't then English be owned by white people and no one else allowed to speak it?

>from Spain
>not European
This is bait, isn't it?

Attached: baiting going all out.png (625x626, 122K)

>Show interest in minority cultures
>Learn the language to better understand them and their problems
>Get called a racist

Man, being a burger must be hard.

Macedonia confirmed Mace-bro-nia

they know that spainards aren't white though
they're moors

Guatemala recognizes at least 20 Mayan languages within its borders.

Mexico recognizes 10 Mayan languages in its southeastern region.

Mayan languages are mutually unintelligible, meaning a speaker of one will not easily understand a speaker of another, though they may share cultural traits within a group.

There may be as many as six million native speakers of Mayan languages living in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and the United States.

Most Mayan language speakers prefer their native tongue to Spanish or English.

A few Mayan languages are tonal, such as Yucatec Maya.

Most Mayan languages lack the sounds /b/, /d/, Jow Forums and /z/.

Word order varies among the Mayan languages, while English is usually represented as Subject-Verb-Object (SVO).

Vocabulary for all comes from Proto-Mayan, spoken 5,000 years ago.

Some words are borrowed from Spanish or other Mayan languages.

No, because they're minorities in countries like US so they're forced to learn and speak English. Nobody is forcing whites to speak Spanish.

>not a European language



I like that whistling language that they speak on one of the Canary Islands.

>Nobody is forcing whites to speak Spanish.
Well, since those minorities don't bother learning English, you have to adept.

Are they retarded. Have they heard of Spain and Argentina

Since when was Spanish not a white language? What the fuck? I'm not going to stop calling my girlfriend mami just because some numale cucks discriminate against the color of my skin.

Many jobs in the American Southwest are only available to people bilingual in Spanish.

Exclusive language for me but not for thee

Fucking hell why am I even in this thread

I agree. Whites only need to know how to say, "Por favor, limpia mi habitacion. LIMPIA. *wiping motion* For chrissake, Juanita, LIMPIA." Anything else is cultural appropriation.

>Spain is not European
>Spanish is not a European language.

This is not real. I refuse to believe this.

You need to get out more often.

>forced to learn
They can always move home. No one is forcing them to stay in an English speaking country. Not our fault we're the only ones capable (apart from Germans and Japanese) a functional country.

>implying niggers had their own languages and writing
>implying they are not just wildlife

Spanish is a European language, numbnuts. Moreover, Spanish is the language of European Conquest. It's the language spoken by the Conquistadors as they brought the Aztek Empire empire to it's knees, raped and enslaved the women and plundered the treasuries of Montezuma. Why shouldn't white European descendants speak it. It's the birthright of Imperial conquerers.

The logic with this is that Iberians are considered Latino/Hispanic in the US census, not White. They'll come for French next, and it'll be "cultural appropriation" because the bottom of Occitanie is in the peninsula, which by their logic makes them Latino too.


Once you speak a little Spanish to someone you will never get your new best friend for life to shut up about it. Literally the only people who are against Anglos speaking Spanish are Chicanos who wish they could speak Spanish and their (((handlers))).

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Are people genuinely this retarded or is this satire?

For some reason that's funnier in Spanish:

Una vez que hables un poco de español a alguien, nunca conseguirás que tu nuevo mejor amigo de la vida se calle al respecto. Literalmente, las únicas personas que están en contra de los anglosajones que hablan español son los chicanos que desean poder hablar en español y sus ((manejadores)).

We'll stop speaking Spanish when the rest of the civilized stops speaking English.

>Not European
Pick one
Also >American education

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>languages just change origin based on what set of niggers steal it or were forced to learn it.

If you really believe this there's no hope for you. Might as well kys rn

>no one is this stupid
Have you been in cryo-sleep for the last 30+ years?

Oh man, you need to go outside. This is like entry level stupid.

You niggers are so retarded. Just stop

t. authoritarian

>Second language studies required to graduate highschool in many states

I'll take "Wrong" for $500 Alex

I hate my country so fucking much sometimes.

Fucking clown.


Spanish is a European language!

No one even wants to speak shit spanish, we are only have to hear it because we have been invaded!

Spain confirmed nonwhite

>Spainish the language from Spain, is not a European language.

you realize thatit's illegal to hate israel though right?

> is it anymore?

Stop appropriating white languages like spanish you shitskin



also, a language isn’t owned by anybody, or a group of people.

if enough people steal something. is it really even stealing

this. We don't give a fuck 2bh.
>you have to adept
no, you dont. They have to

Whiter than you Mohammed

Holy shit man. They want us unable to communicate and organize with each other outside of our own little racially segregated ghettoes.

Imagine being a low iq spic mongrel and thinking your language is your own and not a european language.

Embrace ignorance ludite, wear that shit on your sleeve.

nothing belongs to europeans anymore

They are just a shit child like people.

I mean they got conquered and raped to death by muslims same with the greeks why do you think they're all swarthy kebab niggers. It'll happen to you too.

Who was responsible for the quote "I have a dream"?

Franco seguro qué no!

They pressed play too early on the anti-white sentiment. It's festering and rotting and whites are still here.

Yes, Spanish is a white language you fucking moron.

It's just more all white people are the same and have no culture. Why shouldn't the same rule apply to trying to learn danish or french. Simple because all white people are the same and have no culture or anything to be proud of. This shit is so god damn sick.

Europeans are the minority on a global scale, therefore the whole anti-racist ideology (cultural appropriation included) is invalid in the first place.

Spanish came from LATIN speakers, which were yes.

Spanish is a language invented in Spain, a white country. What a dumbass.

Lasagna bitch

Americucks should thank us for proselitizing and culling the subhuman scum of south america and granting them our glorious language and order, if not for that you'd be ankle-deep in filth.

Spanish is European you tumblr fuckhole.

Are Spaniards truly white?

This. The same people who called Jim Crow segregation, now want segregation.

No, the Spanish should be forced to speak English. Drop all the ugga-bugga lip smacks and tung clicks and get on the english train, you savages.

Yes, they are. Southern Spain, as you well know, has enclaves which are NOT.

That´s in Madrid.

America, y u always so mean to iberians?

He's gonna shoot the nigger kid right in the face

>Interviewing gypsies and chonis.
wew lad

how can they have been culled when south america is literally filled with subhumans
not only did you not cull the native population but bred with them, you also brought in countless negroes

This one is in Granada.

>gypsies and chonis.
Muy cierto Pablo.

I fucking hate non-whites so much
They know so little about history they have no idea where their own language came from

Jesus Christ look at all the literal wetbacks crawling out of the woodwork.

Regardless of whether or not Spanish was invented by whites, anybody sbould be allowed to learn it. The same thing applies for any language. Chinese, English, Arabic, doesn't matter. In what universe is learning a language offensive? People are so fucking sensitive.

Lol spanish isnt a european country

>The same thing applies for any language.

No. No one should learn Clingonian.

>Spanish is not European
holy shit is this bitch serious?

This is some really retarded shit. By this logic French Portugese and English aren't "white" languages either.

Spaniards confirmed nonwhite.

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Spanish isn't even a country
Now Spain on the other hand

We still own the guilt for slavery, colonialism, the holocaust and somehow the Crusades.

i would say bait, but knowing a bit of burger education im not that sure