Should this be allowed?! So offensive!
>The 32-year-old later beat the UK women’s bench press record too, joking that his work was “strong, stunning and brave”.
Should this be allowed?! So offensive!
>The 32-year-old later beat the UK women’s bench press record too, joking that his work was “strong, stunning and brave”.
Other urls found in this thread:
I did this to get out of sexual harrassment.
This should be allowed as long as are you not considered mentally ill if you are transgender.
Powerful. People just can't handle a strong black woman.
Oh look, the entire systems’ mal-designed and incentivizes people not to act like they ought to in civilized society. Shocker.
Based. I'm going to take up women's boxing, smash the fuck out of some girls.
Brave and powerful.
The absolute mad man
Fucking BASED, epic trolling on their asses tbqh.
Modern problems require modern solutions
Yes, it should be allowed.
This will ultimately red-pill women.
I will be identifying as a trangender woman when applyng for a new job, then I wil identify as a normal man.
The world is run by the mentall ill.
this is fucking great.
if i was a mad enough lad and not socially anxious i would do the same but in boxing going ham over roasties faces with zero repercussion.
Please hurry
Unironically a based nigger
Is he on here somewhere? He seems to be a true Kekistani.
Based black man
I love seeing strong black women setting world records. You go girl!
This is what women wanted, they can have it
It's great seeing PoCs who smash patriarchal white records. I hope her record is one day broken by a jewish transgender black bisexual furry muslim.
> The 32-year-old later beat the UK women’s bench press record too, joking that his work was “strong, stunning and brave”.
>now own the female deadlift record
Absolutely based.
>strong, stunning and brave
This is an advanced troll level. Is this /ourbong/ ?
>Chick on the left is just done with America
What a fucking clown world
I respect your respect for #equality good sir.
>strong, stunning and brave
>I did this to get out of sexual harrassment.
tell me more user
The only solution at this point is to ban all sports otherwise the PC thot police will come after you.
Perhaps that's the endgame. No sports, no nothing, just a gray world filled with ants that serve the Queen.
Fucking baseddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
just got gas at a sheetz somewhere near the tn/va line off of 81. they have a tranny working the register. very awkward. did not make eye contact.
jesus fucking christ why do they think they can pass for women?
I'm going to visit the west just to abuse the system
Being trans literally requires you to be mentally ill.
you're a liar
James 2:24 - Man is justified by works, not by "faith only."
Let's archive that:
He proved that women can do anything, just look at the amazing jump in strength from the last record to this.
Women are strong, much stronger than you think.
Matthew 7:21
>Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
What about a bunch of )))transgender((( infiltrators abusing the LGBTQPRBRAP system and causing massive mayhem in their ranks?
How can you be transgender without being mentally ill
lol, well played
>local record
literally nobody cares
40 posts in
>Le archive meme
>Le archive meme
>1 post by this ID
eat a bucket of AIDS you enormous newfaggot
Based & redpilled.
This is how niggers win.
They just don't give a fuck.
>The 32-year-old later beat the UK women’s bench press record too, joking that his work was “strong, stunning and brave”.
Excuthe me, did they just diminish this strong beautiful woman's work by saying she JOKED about it?
Looking forward to women's sports leagues being dominated by men
Emperor's New Clothes pushed to the limit
have a you
Rugby, man. Just imagine the tackles, the scrums. Imagine women getting ragdolled like a bad 3D engine physics demonstration all over the pitch.
It would be glorious to watch with some nice cold lager.
Ignore this kike that’s not how salvation works.
>Women's bench record is now 140lbs higher
>see men and women are more equal now!
I'm going to identify as a 12 year old girl and join under 18 mma and break some arms.
Highly based.
Maybe this will move people so they consider saving female sport from contemporary trap propaganda.
I looked up the European power lifting records for men and women some time back for this. The highest weight class for women, 90kg to infinity was matched by 74kg 17 and under boys.
90kg to infinity grown man power lifter would double that fucking record.
So...are they gonna actually put her in the record books? Or are they transphobic?
How long until people start saying they identify as a 14 year old so they can plow high school snatch?
>This Is America
I'm working on it, user. uwu I'll do my best OuO. Oh and uh, FUCK ISRAEL AND FUCK INFIDELS
call me when he's been on testosterone blockers and estrogen for a year + instead of doing an ebin may may
A man's works can only be good if he is already saved. Sorry Papist but you can't work your way into Salvation by putting money in collection plate and giving to charity.
If you paid attention to the story of Cain and Able you'd know this.
in the*
based nigger rapper
Based nigger doing gods work. 100/10 How can I buy him some beer?
He went through puberty, he'd still wreck the shit out of those records.
There's already some mentally ill Danny DeVito lookalike that identifies as 6 year old girl or something.
Fallon Fox already did that (I think that was its name anyway)
as a*
He could cut off his balls and still have more testosterone flowing through him than any actual woman ever could. Welcome to the basics of human biology.
>Yes, it should be allowed.
>This will ultimately red-pill women.
Youre so naive
Yeah, Fallon Fox. MMA fighter, cracked the skull of an opponent.
Is he going to school again?
That dude gets to shower with those college women
then he goes home and laughs about it
... Continue
I've seen greentexts of people joking about this. Now it's reality, I don't know how to react. My mind draws a blank akin to the one it draws when it looks at the vastness of space
Well there's already a branch of feminists who are apparently a little less braindead than the rest, so they condemn trannies as deranged nutjobs. I don't remember what they are called though, they had some funny acronym.
i have to admire a man that has the balls to do shit like this.
kek fucking based
>t. ableist
nothing will redpill women because they are ultimate NPC's, they don't have a properly functioning brain to connect the dots.
I'd bet money the "dad" fucks this guy in the ass/mouth and other sick shit and the wife joins in.
So heres the real scoop.
I thought that he legit broke records, but turns out he was just trolling on twitter. I was all excited for a moment there.
Well that's because he's not white. If you're not white you can get away with any kind of non-pc shit now.
You deserve this (you)
Zuby: “I have seen people saying there is no inherent biological strength difference between men and women."
If there is no biological difference between men and women, then we should erase gender separation in boxing. All males and females should be put into the same division and made to fight each other.
Patriarchy status:
Smashed: X
Not Smashed:
If you’re going to cut off your ding dong then I think you can qualify.
Reminder that Yusef fucked him.
Holy shit. I never even thought about that, but as soon as I read your words... all the puzzle pieces fit perfectly. Everything makes sense now.
At times, I am too naive for this world.
it looks just like Tom Hanks