Muh feminism

Can't go anywhere because of fucking women's day.Street crowded with screeching whales give some memes to cure the itch and redpill.

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Go suck some feminine penis low t boy

Oh boy another meme preventing whites from getting married because all the stars and planets are not in perfect alignment.

Sure memeflaggot

I'm 45 and don't really want to date my friends daughters so... I would say that if a woman I was interested in were a virgin, that would be a little weird. And if she were debt free it would probably be due to bankruptcy and he fact that she's too much of a loser to afford a car payment. just sayin.

It's been said that men prefer women who are like them...

its annoying bro, and keeping my mental purity is annoying aswell. every place i look are tits and ass in tight clothes.
Im my own man though, no impurity for me.

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>marrying a woman with yellow flags popping up

fucking beta, baka

This always makes me laugh. No loyalty shown, none given.

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Shills are out in force today

I just realized something from this pic.
You know how common stereotype is that all women's fantasy is that prince charming on a white horse and horseshit like that?
Isn't common fantasy of men a humble girl like Cinderella?

How weird is that those two fantasies are completely opposite of each other?

You're just a loser, grandpa. Shut the fuck up and don't pour down that cuckness on young people. You should be wiser than that with your age

a man's orgasm is needed to create life
a woman's isn't

Toll paid

happy international womens day

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I have an arm tattoo from 5 years ago. Is the removal process expensive?

>the 45 year old virgin

>just sayin
And with that line you have just exposed yourself roastie

>I would say that if a woman I was interested in were a virgin, that would be a little weird
Would you feel weird about eating at some restaurant unless you were assured by the staff that the Chef dipped his balls in your drink and seasoned your food with his seed? Get the fuck out of here, fag

pol is loosing here

Damn almost quints

Women want wealth and status, men want young poon with little expectations relative to what they can provide.

>virgin princess: I will have only as many children as it takes to secure 1 male heir and a spare. Pffft, only fine fur? Where is the silk? I need my own bedchamber. If you demand too much, I'll tell my daddy to go to war with you

>chad peasant girl: hell yeah i wanna fuck you again! F-fur? I'll be happy with linen that isnt torn, user-prince-kun. Warm your bed? Of course, i have nothing else to do. My blacksmith daddy is so proud to have you as a son in law, he made your guards some free armor

I'd say go outside but I guess actually doing so would trigger you.