>don’t pay much less on the street got
>don’t buy from criminals
>buy from us you can trust us
Government already jewing on weed
Very cheap considering that you also got that plastic bottle with it.
I'm contemplating moving to Canada.
Help me pick:
Quebec City, Canada
Hamilton, Canada
Red Deer, Canada
Ottawa, Canada
Calgary, Canada
Edmonton, Canada
Mississauga, Canada
Considerably lower quality than advertised on their website and they refused to refund or send me my proper order
Quebec City - French
Hamilton - Arab/white trash (known hick city)
Ottawa - recently overrun with migrants
Mississauga - almost completely Arab
The other ones I couldn’t comment
as an expat myself i have to tell you senpai that it totally depends on where you're coming from.
I see but do you know a forum, blog, book on topic to check? I want to study it all, see all my options.
Why are leafs such colossal weed fags? Anytime I think of a leaf I unironically think of a trailer park boy WT redneck. Cancerous nation full of degenerate maple niggers.
>Quebec City, Canada
fuck off we're full
and i mean it we're really fucking full
not a single one. if you have any questions feel free and i'll tell you straight up what it's exactly like here.
Sauga used to be the place where all yuro immigrants came, its how my parents and extended came and settled
Unfortunately now its becoming very brown but there are still many pockets of white yuros. Lots of work in the area, close to Toronto but housing is getting a little expensive
I live a stones throw away from Sauga and work there often, am considering buying a house in a white area there or in Toronto after I finish college and work for a bit
Were not supposed to talk about how entire cities are now being taken over by ethnic groups
Yeah but it’s legal. That’s a pretty big deal. Have the RCMP put in rules about driving and smoking?
The only “whites” left in Mississauga are mostly unintelligible fresh off the boat poles. All the buildings light up green at night it’s a Muslim city
If my weed was 11 percent, I would be pissed too.
Buy from 3rd parry sites. A lot of the guys who sell too the government also sell to the consumer illegally but safely.
This is only going to enrich street dealers anyway they are shipping lower quality than advertised at a very high price. Better weeds are 12-13$ a gram with no discount for volume. Who is going to pay that when you can grab identical stuff for 150 an ounce ?
it's treated exactly like drinking and driving, which is a felony in this country.
I get Bud for $65 OTD, at the rec shop, 25%-32% THC. Eighths are $12-15. Just focus on regulation and the market will correct for issues like high price.
>Yeah but it’s legal. That’s a pretty big deal
No really a big deal. It's been decriminalized for years. The difference now is people growing it will have the tax man kicking down their doors instead of the cops. Weed is the new cigarettes, too many people quit smoking and the gov needs a replacement for all that sweet sweet tax revenue.
We'll how can they tell if someone is high? Also, people are proven to actually drive better and more carefully in empirical studies of "stoned" driving, so having a smell test DUI is pretty much retarded
In this province it’s only legal from government dispensaries. We also have a liquor control board that sells all liquor in the province. A bottle of whiskey that’s 9$ in years USA is 70$ here also. There is no market force because the govt has a monopoly. This was my forst and last time ordering weed from them
weed is legal but only if you buy our under weight moldy or dry crumbly weed for triple the black market price less government when?
Poles are still white, fuck off with this divide and conquer shit of whos white and who isn't
Ill take yuro immigrants who at least try to make a living unlike the muslim garbage that lives 5 families in one home entirely off of welfare
they give you a mouth swab on the roadside i believe. now the issue is that those tests only indicate if you've smoked in the last 24-36 hours. you could be stone cold sober and fail it.
third party suppliers dont deliver, use crypto for payment or ask for money orders. I cant even buy from the grower in town since it has no physical sales presence until it pays 5k+ for the chance to have a licence.
Wrong there are countless online sites where you can order it for cheaper and it’s shipped straight to you
everyone was buying from MoMs before the law changed everyones still buying from MoMs now
I pay 40$ for 7.5G. Just bought some Blue God yesterday for this weekend
Buy from the darknet man - you're going to pay at max $2.4 extra a gram, but the quality would be top shelf, aim for lots of trades, highly rated, good reviewed vendors - buy bulk like 25 + grams.
so you got a weaker than usual batch, they do this all the time, the percentages posted on the websites have a margin of error of a few percent.
I usually buy shake, it's a better deal and thc percentage often in high teens similar to lower grade bud
people who fear breaking the law/finding a shady dealer you stupid fucking canuck. The people WANT weed they can get at the gas station, at walmart, at a dispensary. It's such a fucking hassle wrangling some dumb nigger for weed, buying on HIS TIME, not your own. That is peak cuckoldry.
Link them. Lets see them accept credit cards. Protip: they won't because its trackable
>buying weed from the government
Top goy
Fuck off, we're full fucking nigger
what state is that?
Frig off
Hey man, i went to darknet.com but I didn't see any weed for sale.
>It's been decriminalized for years
It literally hasn’t stop spreading lies
there are these things up here called MoM's that have existed forever afaik. you register on a normal website, buy your (technically illegal) weed and it's mailed to you. i've never heard of anyone going to jail or anything like that using one of these services. not sure how much that will change now that the government is actively looking for tax revenue but w/e.
you pay with an e-transfer.
why do you need to move to canada, craving a dog blowjob that bad?
those ugly fucking towers piss me off. Sauga probably has the worst skyline in Canada
cant you just grow it? it is a weed after all
>It's been decriminalized for years.
also, the bigger picture is now they have everyone in the database using their ID's to buy it so now they know who they are. blood testing after minor traffic incidents will be mandatory where they will get your dna. the mouth swab things theyre developing will also be standard practive. everytime you get pulled over or go through a checkpoint, theyll take your dna
A 60 ouncer is not $9 in the US retard
>literally hasn’t
Fuckoff pothead. You probably are just not white then. Useless you are growing or selling the cops have not gave a shit about anything under an once for years.
Depends where you go and if it’s on sale. I’ve seen some cheap as deals in some of the freer states
What in the flying fuck are you doing smoking weed?
>6.1-11.0% THC sativa plain packaging
Lmfao nigger I would put you in a coma here in Denver
Pic related is at least 60%
And my nuggets of Tangie are at least 31% thc/thc-a
I’m literally laughing at your fucking waste of money and ate your “legalization” hahahaha
I ate a cookie with more mg than what’s in that bud lmfao
cheap yes, not $9 for good whiskey cheap. that $70 bottle is quite a bit better than kirkland brand vodka. It's cheaper there but not like that and sales are not indicative of the average.
Sorry I zoomed in and it’s at .28
Lmfao lmfao !!!!
Baby lungs probably got ass blasted high too off this garbage lmfao
I’ve seen bottles of cc and crown for cheap. Maybe not a Texas mickey for 9$ cheap but yeah we get fucked over in booze. Truly expensive stuff is everywhere
Stay out of Quebec Anglonigger
Unless you're a shitskin do not move to Mississauga . Move to the states this country is so shit
>Also, people are proven to actually drive better and more carefully in empirical studies of "stoned" driving
holy fuck another american brainlet. do you want your doctor smoking weed? when i smoke weed im a far superior doctor.. see how fucking stupid your logic is? lmao
What? I get a 1.75 liter of Caliber for 9 bucks every other week in Missouri.