Why do Law Enforcement Officers get berated by Jow Forums and Jow Forums? Imagine this.
>wake up at 4 in the morning
>say goodbye to family not knowing if you’ll come home
>have to deal with ungrateful civilians who could care less about your life
>still give 100% every day
I mean they do things for us we may never understand. I know a lot of people will invoke emotional arguments like
>”Dey shoot people and kills them without need!”
>”Dey r da Joos henchmen!”
But in reality they’re trying to uphold the law, and should you break it then it should be within their power to respond however they deem necessary. They swore an oath to the state to uphold all laws and regulations so what makes them bad for doing that?
>inb4 “they’re gonna take our guns!”
If a law is legally passed within the house of Congress then of course they will...it’s their job. That’s how this country works. We are a republic and elect officials to vote on our behalf. Honestly, we can all agree most people can get but with a shotgun and a hunting rifle anyways.
Police in the US
They’re entitled, and expect discounts and special treatment everywhere they go even though other jobs that are just as dangerous and contribute just as much to society get no recognition or special privileges.
They’re often culturally insular and hold the belief that it’s always an “us vs. then” thing. They think they’re some superior warrior caste who need to bully everyone else because everyone else is morally and socially inferior. They hold a view like they’re Spartans who need to kick around the helots.
Many of them have macho Chad attitudes and just wanted to be cops because they like the idea of cracking skulls because it makes them feel like more of a man.
They only "uphold the law" when it benefits the Far Left and corporate interests, or when a nog chimps out. Antifa are more or less given immunity, and any conservatives that are targets of Antifa or go against them are brutalized by police. Furthermore, the second amendment was drafted for the explicit purpose of Americans defending their freedom against a tyrannical government. Any police that comply with Congress against the second amendment deserve to be blown away. They are corrupt jackbooted thugs that only serve Judeocorporate interests. I might begin to respect them if they actually defend Americans against violent communists and protect OUR rights.
You have never met a cop outside of speeding ticket.
in a nut shell people have a tendancy to rebel against authority figures. Most normal people only ever encounter cops when they get pulled over for speeding, or get told to leave some place they shouldnt be, doing some minor illegal thing, or some other non-signifigant issue, therefore cops to them are "bad" for ruining their fun.
In reality as we grow up we begin to understand that if you need help Cops are friendly and generally try to not be interested in minor crimes. They signed up to catch "bad guys" not some drunk idiot who stole a paper mache sword from a putt putt place.
Sounds like a job. Maybe they should explore a different career path if they dont like getting 40k a year plus benefits and a million dollar payout to the family if they get killed
If a unconstitutional law gets passed it's their job NOT to enforce it. That's why we have a civilian police and not a standing army. Retard. All current local, state and federal law enforcement are an enemy to a free republic.
>people have a tendency to rebel against authority figures
>non-cucks have a tendency to rebel against authority figures
Fixed that for you, brainlet.
This. They took an oath. If you choose to become a police officer in today’s climate when you KNOW there are bullshit laws, I have no sympathy for you when the day of the rope comes.
>not knowing of youll come home
Like everyone else, right faggot?
Cops are blue niggers
>You have never met a cop outside of speeding ticket.
I think you stated one of the reasons why people dislike police.
Truth is that crime really isnt that bad outside of most of the inner cities yet there are large police forces in even small towns with enough equipment to go to war with a small country.
The taxes aren't enough to pay for all this and it is a must that they tax people more through fines and seizures.
This being just one of the reasons why people dislike them.
Fuck cops, I live in a rural area and there is not even a reason for them to be around, if a crime happens they don't stop it all they do is come write a ticket or report about it, and when they do talk to someone all they do is end up harrasing them and making things worse for everyone.
If any cop comes to take my guns I will kill every single one of them, or at least as many as I can, anyone that says otherwise is a bootlicking faggot.
Anybody with an associate's degree and clean record can be a cop in NYC. Yet they can open carry and I can't. It's not dangerous but I'd still like to be able to conceal carry because of all the muds.
You got your assholes and your dicks. All the asshole cops are the problem and always shitting all over everyone. The dick cops are cool and discriminate on who they are gonna fuck.
You’re a fucking loon lmao.
>durr I might be a skinny fat with a nugget and hi-point but if I see cops with body armor come at me you can bet your socks I’ll smoke um’!
No. No you won’t. You’ll literally get killed without having killed any of them. Keep living your fantasy life Rambo.
>pic related is unironically you and anyone else who actually believes the cringey shit you say.
Because they'll pretty consistently put themselves between us and the status quo, but more than anything, they feel far too entitled, and think they're on par with soldiering. Which they aren't. 2 different jobs. More than anything, I'm tired of this bullshit where everyone owes a debt of gratitude, from cops to farmer's and truckers. They get paid to do it. It's a job.
copfag here.
Everyone who talks shit about the police just parrot the same talking points.
In my experience only degenerates hate cops. There is little chance you will ever interact with a police officer outside of a traffic stop or traffic crash.
If you find that you are constantly having run ins with the police. It is because you, or someone you associate with, is constantly commit crime, or leading people to believe they are committing crime.
Pfff I'm related to several cops, the guy isn't wrong. This thin blue line, Sparta bullshit is true for them.
Well said, and I agree. However, I was given a ticket in January for 'rolling through a stop sign', and the fine was 200.00 dollars. That is tyranny. I did think about shooting up the entire police force over it. I was quite angry.
This is true, but at the same time, there are SOME cops who are child fucking Satanists who get away with murder. You guys need a review system which is not handled internally for obvious fucking reasons. If you think your job is too hard than don't do it.
idk, I view it force to force. Berkeley cops can burn in their shit covered hell hole for all I care, but there's a lot of precincts which are pretty trustworthy.
Fuck the law and fuck all of you blue nigger hall monitors
Because just like every other profession you get different people with different perspectives. When shit hits the fan the enemy will appeal to authority and claim that the military and police are on their side, many of us claim they are actually on our side. The reality is that this schism goes through everything and this conflict will be fought at every level of government from local to federal. Law Enforcement is a profession that will always exist because the deviant will always exist. When we win, there will still be cops and soldiers, many of whom were so before the conflict. It's not just anecdotes, statistically most soldiers and cops voted Trump.
I'm not saying everyone is perfect. I can only speak for my department. And in over 3 years i haven't see anything egregious or unlawful. That's not to say that the chief of the next town over isn't a child fucking satanist.
I disagree with external review boards, because in today's world they are going to be filled with professional victims who hate the police.
Stop speeding and you wont get tickets faggot
If the police stood down all American problems would be solved within 24 hours.
Ive met plenty and hate all of them
How does it feel to know all those smiling kind faces actually hate you and are fine with being fake just to move you along?
I think firefighters put their lives at a much bigger risk than police officers
Cops are traitors
Yes. Yes he will.
If you raid me youll get the same. .raid my neighbor and youll still get the same.
I hope you take two in the chest by an illegal immigrant while you eat lunch in your cruiser. It's what you jew serving jack boots deserve.
Fuck you nigger
The interstate through town is 70
EVERYONE does 80+
The speed limots are too low and your a greedy nigger lover
Fuck the law
Like civil asset forfeiture?
Kys faggot
That car belonged to a cop. As in the cop himself was saying he's against gun confiscation. Which is a pretty common perspective amongst cops, especially those who know it'd be a suicide mission.
>>say goodbye to family not knowing if you’ll come home
stop with this bullshit. their jobs are not even top-10 tier dangerous. they fucking write tickets and act as roving tax collectors.
they shoot dogs for fun, they steal. fuck 'em.
I don't hate cops, some a jerk sure but most are normal white guys. That being said I don't trust cops for shit either, so much so that I literally got a job here at the local LE station so I can keep track of what they are doing.
I’m a federal LEO. Cops are mostly self important fags frantically sucking their own dicks over power fantasies that elevate them over the general public.
>muh thin blue line
>muh sheepdog
It's almost like it's entirely preventable. Yet you choose to ignore it.
more of them need to be put down while they conduct these missions. it will send a message to the rest.
Small town police>Fashion of state police forces>POWER GAP>Sheriff's department=City police>>>>>>>>>Secret police>>>>>>>>Literal dogshit>>>>>>>State police
Oh you mean like when we seize the car in money of a drug dealer are you defending drug dealers
You fucker
>"if a law is passed by Congress of course they will"
The United states constitution is the law of the land. Enforcing a law directly at odds with the bill of rights of the people of the United states is a violation of the law and law enforcement officials are justified in not engaging in them.
The ones that do? Traitors to the constitution and the people of this nation.
Police Officers don't swear an oath to do what congress says, you stupid faggot. Their job is to uphold the constitution and help their community, not to take our rights away. For decades they've reversed these two things, they've willingly chose to take our rights away by confiscating firearms and so on, and refuse to help their communities. It's impossible to find a police officer when you need them, because they hide in their fucking cars that are designed in such a way that you aren't able to spot them. Not to say they're entirely to blame for either of these, they enforce the tyrannical law for fear of losing their jobs or going to jail, and don't help their communities because said communities don't care for them anymore either. When most cops are white, and minorities make up most of the population of cities and crimes, the hate from non-whites is louder than the support from whites.
Nah. I don't hate cops, but as I said, I'm related to a few, been around them my whole life. They aren't shit people, they just tend to act like they're not a part of the society they live in, but supervisors. Many of them honestly think they're on par with the military, and are owed a good ass kissing. Extremely entitled.
there's literally nothing wrong with dealing drugs.
cops stealing cars on the other hand is completely fucked.
This, not all precincts are perfect. If you’re in a cuck state you’ll have cuck cops.
Cops are 95 IQ pawns that will do whatever gets them their paycheck.
They literally refuse to higher people that are too intelligent as police.
That's why they let antifa do whatever the fuck they want, then charge anyone who defends them self with a hate crime.
fuck you boot licking statist
>pic related
Look at my flag. I’m with none of those agencies. The only reason I’d give a shit about domestic law enforcement is if some faggot soldier did something stupid a la Bradley Manning or Nidal Hassan.
>they’re trying to uphold the law
No, they are getting paid. They are not some altruistic heros, they work for cash like everyone else doing something they think might work out. Don't be so emotional about it, it's not a dangerous job either, you're considerably more likely to die working in construction.
Because the majority of Jow Forums are high schoolers who don't understand how the world works yet. bad leadership is what makes bad cops, see Broward County.
I don’t hate police officers, I simply don’t trust them.
Crooked ones deserve to die, while the kind and considerate ones deserve more recognition for the points you listed.
>The issue is that the crooked ones are often protected by the government, the district attorneys, and other police officers
>When was the last time you could shoot the wrong person, be found guility of it by an (((internal review board))) and then still keep your job?
Like I said. Only degenerates hate cops.
Relax brother I was giving you shit. I'm a veteran so I used to work for the feds too.
It’s not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the USA. Being a garbage man is more of a risk than being a cop
I have a feeling that stat changes depending on the city you work in
You know it's not just happening to drug dealers. It's very easy to find stories of normal people getting screwed by this.
How's that boot leather taste, faggot?
I was too. Landed me a sweet gig where I watch contractors do everything. Great work if you can get it.
The same applies to the garbage man.
They are the fucking jews' henchmen. So fuck you.
We're grown men and we don't lile being told what to do. Shitpigs have never helped me in a single aspect of my life, but have imposed multiple annoyances and grievances on me.
Furthermore, I can protect my fucking self. I don't need some fat donut-eating fuck to look out for me.
>inb4 muh guns
Okay but that is actually happening right now in california. Police, doing there jobs might include enforcing laws in place but lets be honest, there’s a shit ton of unconstitutional laws in the books. A lot of them are convoluted and are, in execution, only enforced based on how the enforcer feels. Their community is separate from the citizenry at large with a superiority complex. And demonstrate themselves to be more akin with glorified tax collectors via tickets and fines than protectors of the people.
I love cops. My dad was one. I love soldiers. I’m a vet. But a protection of sovereignty should be the most important to our police. I feel that they would actually be more effective in this manner if they were locally organized and funded rather than city and state owned. When you pull them from the community level, it incentivizes government to use them against the people. And how will the people react?
We’ll refer to our second amendment right.
>listening to anything a cop has to say
>especially one that uses Jow Forums
>how to say the same thing 7 times
>>have to deal with ungrateful civilians who could care less about your life
They just woke up 1 day and said "I hate the police" for no reason whatsoever.
>robs you at gunpoint
>shoots you because you resist
>you lie there on the ground bleeding out in agony
>”Wow user, it’s like it was entirely preventable, yet you chose to ignore my orders!
This is how fucking retarded your logic is, user.
Not everybody is like that which is exactly why you don’t generalize
One of the reasons for this is to deal with spillover from the cities. All too often in small towns, city niggers move in and begin selling drugs to white teenagers and trying to get with white girls. Having a heavily armed police force is good for dealing with that
cops are cool when they are on the correct side. liberal cops are terrifying and im glad i dont live in a shithole like LA or San Francisco.
saw a youtube video where SF cops arrested a guy for trying to enter a parking lot slowly while protesters were standing, blocking the entrance. there was oncoming traffic headed toward the car so he had to enter the parking lot, otherwise he may have been hit.
>actually being this autistic
Cops are thugs in the US. They are not heroes.
>meme fag
>most likely skinny fat with the fantasy of being no-knocked by a cop
>believe that you’re some one-man army who can take on any threat in your way
>be beta-boy with nugget who gets assblasted by 10 cops with AR’s
Why are you people so delusional
Keep thinking that, you might run into someone with a ptr91 and some home rolled AP
I'm not gonna argue with you, I'm just going to reiterate that I hate cops.
Dude, cops get killed all the time by retards and reprobates. A deputy US marshal was just killed in Michigan the other day serving a no-knock, and those dudes in Texas are still alive.
Basically every agency’s SOP’s involve pulling back/fucking off when they take casualties or hit any level of resistance that they can’t overcome IMMEDIATELY.
its interesting to see how different cops are based on where you live. in liberal cities cops have never read the constitution, think its outdated toilet paper. and most of the time were the bullied kid in highschool looking for a power trip. while in conservative area's its mostly veterans. who for the most part are decent human beings.
the biggest thing i would suggest about dealing with police, get a concealed carry permit and always carry a gun, its amazing how much nicer a cop is when they realize you have the ability to defend yourself
>muh liberals bad muh conservatives good!
like 80% are retarded criminal thugs....
Thats why.
Checked. The Jap gets it. Victory against authority figures is not found in who has better tactics, it’s found in who is willing to die standing on their hill and who is not. The dudes in SWAT that bust down doors are not hardened operators, they’re douchebags who got bullied in high school and only act with force when they have the protection of their rifles, body armor, and Bearcat armored cars. As soon as one or two of them catches a round of 5.56 in the throat, shit hits the fan. At the end of the day, they are not willing to die for the stupid bullshit they stand for, and in turn will ALWAYS lose to a man with a rifle who is willing to die.
They've done a fine job of creating an "us vs them" society. When have you ever met a cop that maintained a civil mindset? They're pussies with badges that gives them free reign to be assholes. Rabid dogs who forget they are just another civilian with a hunk of metal. It doesn't help that laws help make that distinction that Government is superior to civilians.
WOW! A PTR-91 you’re truly a badass. I bet you own a basedzoy75 too huh?
All golems of the new world order deserve death. It doesn't matter if they have a family. Maybe someone should explain to their kids that daddy is a slave and dying is part of his job and necessary to free the people from tyranny.
>house of Congress
nigger are you serious
>You have never met a cop outside of speeding ticket.
Why is it that there’s a greater police presence in suburban, white, low-crime areas and less in gang-infested ghettos? This is statistical fact.
You’ll probably say “hurr da police is why suburbia is safe”, but you can’t convince anyone for a second that Jenny Jane Soccer Mom would jumping at the chance to hold up the liquor store if only there weren’t so many damn cops.
Cops, like anyone else, tend to take the path of least resistance. Officer Pulaski would much rather sit on his fat fucking ass in a car in the burbs, sitting in his car that he leaves to idle for 10 hours a day, keeping the streets safe by cramming his face full of donuts and catching teen drivers going 9 over the speed limit. Then he gets to retire, his pension and upcoming heart attack paid for by the same people he handed annoying, bullshit tickets to for 25 years of his life.
part of it is they know you passed whatever background checks needed to obtain the permit and are probably not a criminal and the other part is this guy has the means and training to probably kill me.
its a mutual respect and it usually leaves you with just a verbal warning lol