I get that women are physically weaker, that's a fact

I get that women are physically weaker, that's a fact.
Their minds/thinking are different in a lot of areas and mediocre compared to the -smarter- men. There are a lot more smart men than women, but also a lot more dumb men than dumb women.

If you think that average man is smarter than an average woman (not talking about your usual black/white trash) and you think you are somehow "superior", that's just your delusion from your broken childhood or the people around you, might also be a mental illness but that's unlikely.

Can we have a civil discussion?

Attached: AveragePolUser.png (326x221, 79K)

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Not political

SAGEd and reported

Lets make it political,
Why there are so many incels in USA?

ye women like 2 be raped, just go for it OP

>Can we have a civil discussion?
Sure, let's start with you providing evidence.

The thing you have to understand about women is that they are effectively done developing by the age of 19. Physically, emotionally and intellectually they just hit a brick wall. The way a woman is at 19 is the way she will be her entire life. She will never mature beyond that, never wake up one day and change her perceptions of the world. She is fixed in her mindset and changing it will be virtually impossible.

My wife is exactly the same person aged 34 as she was when I met her aged 18. Women are the epitome of the saying "a leopard never changes his spots"


Not only this, there are a lot more.

So can we test the brain chromosomes of trans folk and prove that there is no such thing as a woman's brain in a man's body?

Maybe, I Don't have evidence for that myself, but you also know that they start developing a lot sooner than men? do you remember when you were 19 vs a woman? Besides life changes them anyway as much as it changes men, might not have "change of perceptions", that makes men more.. understanding? But maturing is still there.

Well, my stance on transvestites is that we have the technology to do so, but if you still have a vagina/penis and people can tell the difference you have no right to go to the opposite sex bathroom e.g.

I hate that they really want to be the opposite sex but literally sperg out when someone uses the wrong pronoun, just do it better.

Yes they do mature earlier. Both the onset of puberty and the end of puberty. Boys take longer to start developing from a child to man and take longer to complete that transition. I remember being 19 and feeling like I was still a boy in a man's world. I look at 19 year old males now and see them as children, but I do see 19 year old girls as children too. I really think it takes a man until the age of 25 to complete maturity. They may physically stop developing but mentally they keep going. There's a reason that gambling and credit card companies target the age group 18-25 because they are still not completely developed.

>we have the technology to do so
What technology is going to change the brain volume during the transition?

>If you think that average man is smarter than an average woman (not talking about your usual black/white trash) and you think you are somehow "superior", that's just your delusion from your broken childhood or the people around you, might also be a mental illness but that's unlikely.

No it's been proven that men are smarter on average you're just talking out of your ass.

Not that, we have the technology to change you to look like opposite sex, and if you have that mental disability that makes you to be like that, you can do it. I dont care, this thread is not about that.

Bring me proof, and even if so, the difference is minimal margin of error even, the fact is that there are more smart men than smart women. average should be -about- the same

>Bring me proof, and even if so, the difference is minimal margin
There was a study of IQ tests and men were smarter on average by 10 to 15 points that is not a small margin women are the inferior sex now go run along and play with your cunt flaps somewhere else

Attached: 1469653554240.jpg (413x395, 38K)

>There was a study
Oh no! A study? it's all over now isn't it?
There are a lot of studies, and to completely discard others and select one is just stupendous.

>More dumb men than dumb women
Every IQ study that has ever produced this result was conducted on ~13-14 year olds meaning the girls were in the middle of experiencing the rapid brain development of puberty while the boys were just starting out on this process, not to mention the brains of boys don't fully mature until their middle twenties while girls are fully developed by their late teens.

alright, really good point

Gender differences is my favourite subject. I thank god I learned about it from a professor who didn't teach PC gender bullshit. Not a single lesson about weird shit. This was in CA too right before tranny shit started being talked about more.

Men and women have physically different brains. Point this out to a tranny and they'll get furious but it is true.
Women have more connections and men have more grey matter. Having more of either doesn't make the other dumber though. Researchers gave IQ tests to confirmed geniuses of both genders with confirmed the exact same IQ. Women with the exact same genius IQ had more connections and men with the exact same IQ had more grey matter. Men are good at pondering on one problem while women are better at connecting things together. Both genders think differently to better work on problems from different angles.

Men and women have different subconscious minds. When asleep, a woman's perception is focused on outside noises. Men are focused on stirring in the group. This is why in stories of break ins it is the wife who alerts the husband. Both work together in harmony to defend the family unit.

Researchers learn a lot about innate traits by looking at young children. These differences when understood help both genders communicate better. For example boys define a friend by one who stands by you. Girls define a friend by one who is like you. Little girls will even pronounce a new word wrong to copy their new friend. If you want to get a girl to like you point out how you are alike and she will see that as bonding.

Boys talk more than girls because boys interrupt but girls wait their turn to speak. This follows into adulthood where men speak more on average than women. This is because men speak in social settings more than women to assert who is in charge socially. Girls are more guarded in public and speak more with those they trust in private where they feel they don't need to guard their words.

The statements could be modified to "more dumb teenage boys than dumb teenage girls" and "more smart teenage boys than smart teenage girls" because there is only one study on 21 year old adults I can think of, and though it lines up with what could be logically predicted by the previous implications and shows men being smarter across the entire bell curve there really needs to be more tests because it is more difficult to arrange for and avoid selection bias when you aren't a population of kids being held hostage in state schools.