Turn the phrase "conspiracy theorist" against the left

Old thread
I don't know if you've noticed, but this is their latest play :
1) label everything they don't like as "conspiracy theory"
2) "crack down" on "conspiracy theory" content (censorship)

They had to change gear because calling everybody a "racist bigoted Nazi" wasn't working any more.
The term "fake news" was originally supposed to fill this role, but it was turned against the MSM beautifully.
Now we have to do the same with "conspiracy theory" : every leftist must be labelled as a "conspiracy theorist".

- "White privilege" - conspiracy theory
- "Cops kill more blacks" - conspiracy theory
- "Muh patriarchy" - conspiracy theory
- "Russian colusion / bots" - conspiracy theory
- "Gender inequality / pay gap" - conspiracy theory
- If they say "Populism / right wing / fascism is on the rise" - conspiracy theorist
- If they say "hate crimes are rising" - conspiracy theorist
- "There are 67 genders" - conspiracy theory
- "Systemic racism" - conspiracy theorist
- "Race / gender is a social construct" - conspiracy theory
- Calling everything a conspiracy theory is a far right tactic - conspiracy theory

From now on everything the left says is a conspiracy theory. Make it so.

Attached: conspiracy b.png (994x501, 52K)

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that was a good thread and good idea


OP did you have an action plan, or just getting the message out there?
>If they say "Populism / right wing / fascism is on the rise" - conspiracy theorist
Can we rename this? Hydra conspiracy? Imminent Nazi takeover conspiracy?

and use tinfoil hat, that will really anger them
and express concern for their mental health say something like hey are you ok, are you sure?
you look like you need a break

I was already getting the patriarchy conspiracy theory rant when asking why any man has a job when talking about the pay gap.


Silly tinfoil hat leftists! Allow me to add some points of my own.

>Reverse racism
>Racism against whites doesn't exist
>Diversity makes us stronger
>Islam is a modern ideology

It was called "red under the bed" when McCarthyism (paranoia over commie infiltration) was at a high in the USA, so I propose "Nazi under your bed".

>Make sure you check under your bed for Nazis before you go to sleep!

Bump. Good thread

Bumping for fun


Lets get this train rolling

McCarthy was 100% right. He was also based & redpilled.

Can "palestine's occupation by israel" be pushed as conspiracy theory too?

Your nose is showing, Schlomo.

Nice try, osama bin obama

Bump. Based thread, very good idea.

Great idea, can't wait to use it in class.

>Being an unironic Zionist
>On Jow Forums

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Can we get facts to go along with them for added measure?


Think about it... racism is the belief that the failure of non-whites is due to white people conspiring to keep every other race down. Despite the OPPOSITE actually being true and the majority of whites (liberals) are doing everything to help non-whites achieve more than they would in a pure meritocracy. The racism conspiracy theory lets non-whites to not take responsibility for their own failures. They can just blame racism. It's the perfect "beautiful lie".

And of course the Jews take advantage of "racism". They are seen as "white" by blue pilled plebs, and will play along when it suits them. But as soon as they get labelled "racist" they point out that they are actually Jewish.

The chutzpah!


Spread the word Jow Forums

The cultural marxists control the narrative and own these labels. The right needs counter propaganda.

Slavery is a conspiracy theory.

Tinfoil leftists are focused on self-flagellation for:

>buying people from nigger tribes who enslaved each other
>a trade dominated by Jews
>focusing on the white aspect of a trade that took place worldwide

Whilst ignoring the fact that:

>whites were literally the bleeding heart liberals who forced the rest of he world to stop trading slaves openly
>niggers and mudslimes still indulge in the slave trade nowadays

why dont we make turning everything into a conspiracy to delegitimize opinions into a conspiracy
its fucking happening
Whos got the pics of that cunt who said "White Genocide is a Conspiracy" openly saying she was supporting White Genocide
They dont even hide that they are bad actors you could take all of their conspiracies and prove they are all the exact same kind of Liars

To expand on this, the current Overton window in relation to slavery seems to be a debate that focuses on whether reparations should be paid. This means we took our eyes of the ball on this one.

We can do one of two things, or rather, as the kikes do, we should do both simultaneously:

1a. Argue that the reparations discussion begs the question of whether the slavery was actually perpetrated by the whites who live in America nowadays.

1b. Argue that since whites are being a minority and the government would be the one paying reparations, that essentially Mexicans and niggers themselves who, by their own narrative, have nothing to do with the slave trade, are footing part of the bill.

And the other side of the debate, which is:

>Demand reparations for the Arab slave trade
>Research every other slave trade that has been done in history, by a specific race against another, and fight for EVERYONE to pay reparations to EVERYONE ELSE

I've been using this tactic for many moons.
I have a Jow Forumsequest, very relevant to this topic. Does anyone have a .png summary of major times throughout world history when corporations engaged in documented conspiracy? It's relevant to the frequent argument I have with people who dismiss documented court proceedings and Congressional records as "conspiracy theory" but then believe everything they hear on the evening news.
I am very specifically looking at corporate for-profit conspiracies, not individuals lining their pockets or governments lying to their peoole. I know, for instance, my own burger's history is filled with them from British East India Company's tea to our f***ing Federal Reserve Bank.

Get educated, nigger.

>nothing to do with the slave trade
Almost all Mexicans have some amount of Spanish blood, and there's a fair amount of Jews in Mexico too. Furthermore, among Hispanics there's a big divide between Mexicans and those from various other nations - it's nearly impossible to get reliable statistics, but in my extensive experience (West Coast construction worker) roughly half the honestly-working beans are not even Mexican anyway.

do it fagets

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Good idea OP, gonna start calling white privilege a conspiracy theory and telling people they probally watch Alex jones

Why do you think they tried to shut him up?

This could work, just go onto Reddit or in leftist YouTube circles and start spamming insane leftist conspiracies

I for one, have embraced the conspiracy theory label for years but usually hid my power level. Now I go balls out when someone mentions anything conspiracy related
>something something about some people thinking the moon landing was faked / area 51 / false flags / flat earth
>go full tesseract earth / expanding earth / hollow earth / eggless travel / 2006 volleyball incident
then I never have to hear them mention dumb shit ever again

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This is a good idea though. Gonna start doing this