Western women

>western women

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>american women*

euro girls are still trad

>except getting married and having children because that is the patriarchy and exactly like slavery.

Women are incapable of understanding that having the freedom to do something does not mean it is a good idea. They see smashing boundaries, expectations, responsibilities, and obligations as something inherently positive because you're defeating something and becoming "freer" because the things you smashed were "oppressive." Why do you think Communist and Anarchist groups are always 75% female and 80% of the males are basically women themselves?


aaaand no fucks are given

Just because you can do somthing does not mean you should not. Scum fuck men are also at fault. Shitty nigger raised males create shitty nigger raised females, which creates more shitty fuck nigger makes.

>Scum fuck men are also at fault

And what exactly is wrong with this?

Women should be able to do whatever the fuck they want. That's how it should be. I never have understood why conservatards are so anti-woman. You do realize we're going to have a woman as president within the next 10 years, right? The future is female, so it might be wise to start changing your tune.

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>dinners for one


Stfu fatty

Heard your sister is going on a hiking trip Iran, is that true? Better stop her bro.

No they're not. In rural areas perhaps but it's all godless Tinder thots in the big cities.

Lol cuck, equality is not the problems. It’s when your kid is born male and transitiones to famale and starts to fuck everyone because “women are strong”.

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Individuality will be the downfall of the west. The stability of society requires the mentality of an ant colony. When everyone tries to go there own way things end up going completely out of whack.

Those poor cats...

Tits or GTFO.

It's just dumb that you have to say it. Women have been doing whatever they want since the dawn of time. Imagine OP's pic saying 'men do whatever they want in 2019'. It's fucking retarded. Just tattoo it on your fucking neck while you're at it.

Funny how conservashits object to abortion because it takes away the fetus's "choice" but you don't object to gendering children at birth even though it takes away the kid's choice as well.

I'm not a woman.

How much do you give to women (camwhores, findoms, whatever) a month?

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Gender is determined by biology. Are you retarded?


Because sex characteristics and social roles derived from sexual behaviors aren’t blatantly obvious.

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One can have a female or male genetalia but that does not mean it is their gender. Gender is determined by the individual as they go through their life. Gendering someone at birth takes that choice away from them and causes trauma.

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women with nails like that should be Leopold'd

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And this is why the fourth Reich is inevitable.