What happened to this user ? Why is America turning into a degenerate filled country that obsess with sex and drugs ?

What happened to this user ? Why is America turning into a degenerate filled country that obsess with sex and drugs ?

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Jews. Were Weimar republic 2.0

How is it jews ? America is litterly run by Jews and Jews don't want their most powerful nation to fall.

The belief in Eternal Death instead of Eternal Life, it all comes down to that. If you believe death is the end then the ego takes over and all sorts of wickedness takes place.


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It's the belief in Eternal Death instead of Eternal Life, Whites and Jews are largely to blame.

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It's what you wanted, remember? Magic dirt nationalism, all men are created equal, shining city on the hill, blah blah blah.

Remember mutts, this is the future your parents chose and you continue to choose.

Sure it was the Jews (sorta) but White people are decaying and dying largely because they want to.

>What happened to this user ?
Why is America turning into a degenerate filled country that obsess with sex and drugs?
Everyone is atomized and has no common culture to rally behind. This is why the DOTR will never happen.

Thankfully my gf is infertile so I cant bring a child into this bleak world in it's current state.

We're not Weimar yet. If the next recession doesnt get corrected organically (ie, no bailouts), hyperinflation will set in and then I can call it Weimar.

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Jewish ideological subversion through nigger music, porn, and other disgusting forms of “entertainment”.

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It's an inevitable consequence of the industrial revolution. Study this extensively and you'll see:
>The change in city planning as commuting becomes reality
>The shift from craft-based economies towards consumer-based economies as corporations begin to form
>Electricity breaking the natural sleep cycle
>Immigration increasing
>Cities expanding rapidly like cancer cells
>Instant meals
>Pornography growing exponentially
>Propaganda becomes vital as news travel is controlled by a smaller percentage of the masses
It's all linked.

religion has been replaced with politics and progressivism, the far left pushing their belief that "anything that doesn't directly harm someone should be acceptable in society" with almost no limits.

we did this to ourselves when we quit fighting for our Faith and for God and now society is poisoned to its very core. Even if you aren't a religious person you should have at least acknowledged and embraced the foundational solidity that it granted society, now it's all lost.

>Leftists and their Useful Idiots
>Jews and their subversion (includes media)
>100,000,000 Latinos
>Negros and whites who emulate their "culture"
>Isolation due to technology
Pretty much in that order.

It all comes down to people thinking death is the end dude, seriously. It's that simple. People who think they are going to live forever don't abuse their bodies or fail to plan for the future.

Dad probably a drunk, daughter sucked a dozen dicks before 21, son sexually degenerate drug addict, wife a slut with a secret affair on the side. Stop idealizing imagery, you’re the same type of nigger that thinks 50s television was a accurate representation of the era.

This, it's the belief in Eternal Death instead of Eternal Life. Plain and simple.

the 60s killed our country

Multiculturalism, constant media attack on masculinity, destruction of faith and family, whites are no longer the majority in a few years. Zionist politicians, journalists, actors, etc. Big Pharma.
Lot's of problems.

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Read about degeneration theory.

>turning into
user that process was completed a while ago

because we've passed the peak of society and it's all downhill now.

It's because the character of the country is defined largely by those ruling it. They make the social rules, which bleed out to the population at large. Especially nowadays in the era of mass media this is increasingly the case.

The issue with America is who is in charge, everyone is conforming to them. Liberals are mainly status seeking, the majority of them are just going with the dominant ideology that gets them social rewards and approval. This ideology is being set in place by those at the top.

So your question really should be, who is at the top and why are they there?
The problem with the American system of government is missing a mechanism to firmly establish and ensconce a ruling aristocracy, something basically all the other nations had. This left a gaping hole at the top of American society, a hole into which anyone could place themselves.

Usually this was big capital, so America became a country of the big monopolists and corporations. But later there was a certain wandering elite class without a home that filled this role. They stepped into America like a hermit crab puts on a shell.

The problem with jewish control wasn't fundamentally a problem with jews, they are what they are. It's the failures of policy and culture that left America completely vulnerable to the jews without any real defense. Democracy is just rule-by-media which by extension means rule by the financial powers. You still have a ruling elite, you just don't know who they are.

So one element is the failure of the American system of government, and on the other hand you have a total failure of the Protestant religion to muster any sort of intellectual backing. Intelligent people just really do not want to be associated with this religion or it's ideas.

You're a fool if you think Aryans weren't, you know, Aryan (noble). You're projecting because you think everyone is as evil as you are because you believe in Eternal Death instead of Eternal Life.

You're unironically one of the reasons we live in shit.

I don't need any made up Atheistic theory to know that when people stop believeing they will live forever they start killing themselves with degeneracy out of sheer despair and to try to take their minds away from the horror that is Eternal Death.

This, it's because of people like him (vast majority of the population, imo) that it's all going downhill.

>Jews don't want their most powerful nation to fall

No they don't want us to actually "fall" but just weak and subverted enough so we make the perfect host.

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Too much empathy in whites. Such altruistic behavior becomes poisonous to the host when exploited by multiple parasites.

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Yes, that as well. Nobody wants a stake in the future. There's no "I can't wait to have lots of grandchildren" in the modern age


The fate of the Weimar republic is repeating, this time on a global scale, you're not alone in the problem. Judging by what happened last time as a retaliation against it, it's going to be interesting

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They bought a TV. They sent their kids to public school

user, jews are parasites that move from host to host. Read The Track of the Jew though the ages, if you want to know more

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Considering the rebellions and extensive constitutional debates had before and after the major signings, I don't know if the Christianity was the stabilizing force. We are where we are because of a long process of shifting perspectives and ideologies and, of course, people grabbing power and resources. I know, it's a vague description, but that's what I see when I consider the changes our law and culture have gone through. It seems more realistic than saying Christianity, which we have interpreted in diverse ways from the beginning.

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The reason escapes me

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Whites are prone to narcissism. Once the church lost grip of society, the desire to be God exploded like a dammed up river finally bursting through. And what's left? Broken families, and most of the traditional families that are left over are between mixed races, because the whites who didn't lose control of themselves found that traditional family spirit in minorities.

Than schools became multicultural. Segregation was probably a good thing until we fucked it up and made it look bad.

Kali Yuga. And the funny thing is were still supposed to be in the golden age

It's scarily accurate.

lol implying the western frontier wasn't filled with brothels, laudnam and other drugs, and crime and murder. This shit ain't new.

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>that extra dankkk meme
I applaud you, good sir.

There's a difference between decadence and that

Mass media ruined the whole world more than anything ever did.

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It's not even that, you NEED to believe you will live froever to want to do life at all. Anyone who says different simply hasn't thought about it long and hard like i have.

This, Atheism is DEATH.

Partly true.

It's going to be worse than Weimar, public pedophilia wasn't legal in Weimar (i think).

It's not only because of the Jews, Whites are largely to blame too.

>Whites are prone to narcissism.

In many ways Whites are worse than Jews, at least the Jews are ugly so you can kinda understand where they're coming from.

It was looked down upon by most people back in the day, that's the difference.

ur a gay lol

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I want Jews to be White, i want everyone to be White.

>public pedophilia wasn't legal in Weimar
Child prostitution was legal because censorship was virtually inexistent. I don't know to what extent though

People were still obsessed with sex and drugs back then, stupid nigger.


>People were still obsessed with sex and drugs back then
They put pleasure above everything to the extent everyone does today?

Jews seem to believe that if they subvert the nation long enough to make them weak enough to control, they’ll somehow maintain their strength they desired to control

>people are doing drugs, becoming homeless and disregarding family/traditional values due to their fear of death

Yeah, sure

Jews + Boomers were a bad combo

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Are stds God's way of punishing degenerates?

I dunno, I've heard some bad things about mother-daughter prostitute teams.

How can this be so fucking scarily accurate?

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I don't like homos.

Yeah, but not out in the streets in broad daylight. Sounds crazy? just you wait.

No, it would seem most people nowadays implicitly believe in Death and that death is the end and that nothing matters because we will all be dead soon anyway.

Follow the money trail and you will know

no it wasn't the biggest laudnam users were housewives just like the biggest prescription pill poppers are housewives today.

>No, it would seem most people nowadays implicitly believe in Death and that death is the end and that nothing matters because we will all be dead soon anyway.
Nihillism. Something that Nietzsche warned about

>Atheism is DEATH
actually I would argue the failure of the right to establish an ideology that isn't rooted in religion is why this has happened.

Because if I want to make a liberal out of someone, all I have to do is successfully convince them that your religion is bogus. Which is extremely easy to do, especially with intelligent people, and especially when your religion contains stories of talking snakes and global floods, and a 6000 year earth

I have seen this happen virtually in real time, where intelligent kids get challenged on religion, and very quickly start rejecting it, seeing through all the nonsense. And since conservatism is totally rooted to this religion they end up becoming super hardcore liberals.

But the nationalist ideas of the alt-right are not religious. Notice how most of the alt-right leaders are atheist (Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Andrew Anglin....etc), and the alt-right followers are coming from a typically liberal demographic mold. I would argue that's also why it's been so successful, and why the left is terrified of it

That was a bubble only made possible vy the fact that Europe was on its knees after ww2 so USA was pretty much the only world power. Never in the history of mankind was it possible for the average person to support a family (let alone a large family) with only one income. It wasn't even a thing before the industrial revolution, and even then it became a thing in the rich class of the society, not for everyone. Prior to the industrial revolution, 90% of world population were living in the countryside and farming. Not only both husbands and wives worked for the survival of the family, but even the children did.
The idea that it's "traditional" to have every husband in the country work and every wife be a housewife is a delusion. That's a privilege of the select few, but surely not the way of life of most of our ancestors.

>actually I would argue the failure of the right to establish an ideology that isn't rooted in religion is why this has happened.
Again something Nietzsche warned about. Also

>alt right
Unironically fucking kill yourself

Based Slovenia. My Amerifat friends love nihilism and knee chi simultaneously.
Sometimes I suspect people don't actually read books.

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>My Amerifat friends love nihilism and knee chi simultaneously.
Only dumbasses that never read Nietzsche, think he was arguing for nihillism.

>most of the alt-right leaders are atheist
>Andrew Anglin

Anglin is an outspoken and ardent Christian, and has repeatedly said so on his site.

got those other two people spot on though.

Yes, people who think they will live forever behave accordingly.

The Supernatural is real, i'm not sure exactly what the fuck is going but The Supernatural is definitely real. I just hope my soul gets to live forever no matter what it is.

So? we all take drugs, Aspirin is a drug. Laudnam (whatever that is) isn't heroine.

It's the belief that you will just die someday and that will be it, seriously it's that simple. Once people unironically believe that they just start spiralling down.

You NEED religion, it can't be made up. People need to beleive their soul will live forever (and there's no way of knowing one way or the other so it all comes down to faith in the end).

BTW, if White people believe death is the end don't expect them to give too much of a fuck about saving the White race and definitely don't expect more than a handful of them to die for your cause.

If death is the end then nothing matters.

>oh but what about this and that?

No, none of that shit matters. It's all vanity. It ALL dies in the end according to you, remember?

They just observed what went on around them. People are just as shitty now as they were when this was written, as they always were. That's why it's so "accurate". It's like writing a prophecy that says "days will last 24 hours, and day and night will come one after the other". And then you claim it was a prophecy written in some pre-"24 hour long" days. Ohhhhh how accurate.

>What is Zionism?
Or if you need to be spoonfed:
Zionism is, essentially, the idea that Jews need to rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem in order for the messiah to come and help the Jews conquer the entire world. Once the messiah arrives and the Jews establish control, all gentiles (goyim) will become defacto slaves to the Jews.
Christian Zionists believe that the temple must be rebuilt for Jesus to return, and they therefore support Israel to that end.
Christian Zionists believe that the Jews will accept Jesus as their messiah on his return, after rejecting him the first time around.
This is why so many Christians support Israel. And this is why Israel doesn't give a fuck about the USA.
If the most powerful enemies in the Middle East are destroyed, then the Jews likely believe that they can begin construction of the new temple.
They use the USA to that end, they also undermine and work to destroy whites, since Europe and America are the biggest threats they face.
Keep in mind though, this is obviously illogical, this isn't rational behavior, it's religious. The promise of controlling the entire world and having all goyim of the world as your slaves is a very powerful idea for Jews.

>It's the belief that you will just die someday and that will be it, seriously it's that simple. Once people unironically believe that they just start spiralling down
More than spiralling down, humanity quite literally dies if everyone was nihillistic. Loss of purpose, complete loss of the individual and collective self, it just creates of void of... nothing

You started letting in niggs and Mexicans.

They wrote that 5000 years ago, and predicted the golden age would end right about this time. They didn't observe what went around them, because the opposite was happening around them at the time. There was absolutely no loss of morals, it was the opposite

>You started letting in niggs and Mexicans.
t. paki or poo

Is he wrong though?

This, and it's not just a wholesome "oh well i guess death is the end, better do the best i can in the time i have and promote life". No, people start focusing on their ego and the things they will NEVER (allegedly) be able to change and they start becoming meaner and meaner. It's bad.

Atheists will always try to rationalize things they can't explain from a materialist framework. They won't admit it but they're scared of the implications of The Supernatural being real (mainly: divine judgment).

America was obsessed with sex and drugs back then too

Nope, just laughable since UK is so much further down the rabbit hole.

>You NEED religion, it can't be made up
I am just saying you are not going to convince smart people of talking snakes and donkeys.

What is supposed to happen is the cultural values of your religion are transmitted up the social ladder, so even though your elite might not share your religious views they identify with those traditions. This has happened very successfully in Japan for example. So while almost no intelligent Japanese person believes in Shintoism, most of them practice Shinto customs and identify with Shinto beliefs. Or look at the jews, how many jewish elites are actually religious? And yet they funnel money and institutional support down to the jewish people, and are very loyal for the most part to the jewish project.

But with Christianity, and Protestantism in general, we are seeing something different. The elite in Christian society actually have extreme hostility of the Christian cultural identity, and reject it wholesale. But they go further, they start actively campaigning against it.

Here you can see Styx talk about his transition away from Christianity, his story is very similar to a lot of people from his social milue (although not the Satanism stuff):

This post would be absolute perfection, had it not been for alt-right glorification at the end. Still pretty good though.
What's dumber - "all races are equal" or "you'll burn in hell for all eternity if you don't believe in a talking snake" ?

Back when?

I'm not glorifying them I am using them as an example, and they did achieve some success

Well if pure nihillism happened, the death of egoism would as well. Like I said, a void of nothing

No the term "alt right" is redundant and stupid

What makes you think they were so super moral and amazing? The stories they said about themselves?
Besides it's obvious from observing human behavior that we have both a goid side and a bad side, and all progress comes with a dark twist to it.

You seem like an intelligent guy, and make some good points, but quit fucking sabotaging yourself with cringelord terms and e-celebs.

it was fake to begin with

>I am just saying you are not going to convince smart people of talking snakes and donkeys.

Bullshit, smart people nowadays believe in gene editing and in the theoretical possibility of creating a talking snake/donkey.

BTW, don't just assume The Supernatural isn't real, that's so fucking arrogant.

Believing the Universe was created for you alone and that you're oh-so-very-special.

In the absence of the blind belief in Eternal Life everyone becomes pureevil because it all becomes about ego and limitation, there is no honest discussion btw. I'm prolly the only honest guy in this thread, all this other retards are trying to bullshit me like i can't see through them.

>What makes you think they were so super moral and amazing?
I'm not saying that but you said that they observed what was happening around them which isn't true, I'm not religious and I don't believe in Hinduism

How so? The normal "right" has too many boomer platforms and an unwavering loyalty to Israel. That's why I've been calling myself alt-right since 2013.

Wasn't the term coined in 2015?

The alt right was literally a term propagated by Hillary because she found it convinient, and the """alt right""" was just turned into controlled opposition, most of its people and """leaders""" are pro israel


People who believe in Eternal Death are all about their ego don't believe a word they say, even their seemingly selfless actions are based on pure self interest and ego.

>Believing the Universe was created for you alone and that you're oh-so-very-special.

So, being religious? Especially Abrahamic.

Haha no. Only bandwagoners hopped on then. For fucks sakes earlier Daily Shoah episodes described themselves as the "edgiest podcast on the alt-right" and that was back in 2014.

Propagated? Yes. Created? No. Its usual Democrat research executed poorly.

Definitely atheistic

Jesus welcomes everyone, remember?

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Do you really think rulers of the old days were not corrupt? That people back then were not prone to indulging in degeneracy? I wouldn't be do sure.

This is definitely a good post. But like others have said, just say "nationalist". Or if you prefer to be specific, say "white nationalist". Alt right is beyond useless. Also, avoid naming specific people.

The reason this matters is because rhetoric does not need to be concise. It only needs to be accurate within a degree, and provide enough room for an individual's mind to fit themselves into the idea being presented.
Rhetoric is about helping a person to break themselves out of a specific way of thinking, to break their bias and open their mind to ideas they'd normally reject out of hand. But people are going to fight hard to hang on to those biases, and that's why avoiding specifics is important.
Rhetoric will NOT convert people, effective rhetoric will only break a person's conditioning and allow them to let down their guard and put aside their bias.
THEN you push with facts and specifics.
That's why memes are so effective. They're distilled rhetoric. They're better if they have links or sources for people to verify the claims, but often is doesn't take much more than getting them to laugh, and then their mind is already relaxing.
Your post is a quintessential of rhetoric. You prove nothing, you have no facts, just commentary. Your purpose is to shake up a Christian's belief that atheists are worthless and that all conservative movements must be inexorably tied to their religion. Your post does this well, and you didn't even need to mention facts.
Once you get them to let down their guard, then you can press further.
Good post though.

Imagine letting jews into your "nation" and then letting them fuck it up and complaining about it on a japanese derived website for fucking autitsts and weebs.

>b-but the jews though what about them

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