So why are so many westerners moving to Poland instead of saving their country of birth? I spit at them! Tfu!

So why are so many westerners moving to Poland instead of saving their country of birth? I spit at them! Tfu!

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Oh shush, you poles export your garbage to every other European nation - take your own medicine

Because the ones moving to Poland and Hungary are greatly outnumbered in their home countries.
If Orban opens his arms to Western Europeans, you should too.

It's the other way around. Check the news. You niggers move your trash to Poland illegally in hundreds of tons.

Because Poland is shitty enough that its basically expating, same reason people move to Romania for cheap property, pussy and status.

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Can I bring my beautiful wife and children and in live in Poland? Why do you not want more nice white families?

What's in it for me?
You don't know the language and you will never be polish. Your children won't be polish. What's the point?

Wow I've never had the chance to talk to a polish nigger. Hail Chopin and Penderecki!


Would you rather destitute, innumerate, illiterate religious zealots bent on destroying your society or wealthy, educated people with a desire to live peaceful productive lives?

cheap booze

Why should I care about lives of foreigners?

That's the only safe country in the fucking EU sadly.
I hope that you conquer Germany BTW, they deserve it after what they did to you in WW2.

why should they so they could vote for the same shit that happened to their countries?
same example with stupid americans in california
tons of them moving out because everything is expensive and the state is a shithole and they still vote for the same laws that destroyed their state

You aren't Polish and the people who are Polish don't want you there regardless of your lifestyle, how hard is that to understand?

same with you i hope italy returns to africa again

Can confirm. I can walk drunk as fuck through a city of million in the middle of the night and never anything happened to meI love it. I love walking by night.

I had the same experience in Dresden back before the refugee crisis. I never felt safer walking 3 miles back to my place in the pitch dark.

I have not once voted for a party pushing for mass immigration, but it happens anyway because people like me are greatly outnumbered by shortsighted ideologues.
I'm not Polish, but if I move anywhere it'll be south of the 49th, so it's pretty irrelevant.

They are dead now.

why tf are so many polish mutts moving to Iceland?

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The people or the Refugees? I know right after I left they burnt down the refugee camp being built which made me kek.

The city has white minority now.

cheap and full of beautiful thots