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You know you want it, Jow Forums
Ethan Edwards
Other urls found in this thread:
Logan Brown
Adam Hill
If my citizenship paperwork gets finished by that time I will 100% be voting for Yang
Landon Peterson
Samuel Lewis
Asia will BTFO the zionist am*rican dogs yet again
Asher Martin
stfu npc hore
Adam Sullivan
>a tranny calling someone an npc
that's rich
all fields btw
John Stewart
>npc calling others bot while switching ips
Jackson Wilson
US Politicians Who Hold Dual US/Israeli Citizenship
>“If Americans were ever polled on it—and they never are—the majority who now object to increasing aid to Israel would also likely object to quasi-governmental and governmental positions being staffed by people who — by citizenship or sheer strength of identity politics — are primarily occupied with advancing Israeli interests rather than those of the United States. It is obvious that the real reason AIPAC and its economic luminaries such as Fischer never substantiate any of the advertised benefits the U.S. – Israel “special relationship” delivers to America in return for all of the costs is simple—there simply aren’t any. As greater Dual Citizennumbers of Americans become aware that the entire “special relationship” framework is sustained by nothing more than Israel lobby campaign-finance and propaganda networks, the harder the lobby will have to work… In the very short term, Americans can only fight such undue Israel lobby influence by again — like during the drive to attack Syria—staging a mass action to demand their senators reject Stanley Fischer’s nomination,” Grant Smith, IRMEP
Christian Bell
Past and Present:
1. Attorney General – Michael Mukasey
2. Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff
3. Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle
4. Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz
5. Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith
6. National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams
7. Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby
8. White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten
9. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman
10. Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass
11. U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick
12. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger
13. UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton
14. Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser
15. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen
16. Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith
17. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten
18. Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield
19. Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz
20. White House Political Director – Ken Melman
21. National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak
22. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman
23. Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
24. National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff
25. President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler
Bentley Jenkins
26. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten
27. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger
28. White House Speechwriter – David Frum
29. White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer
30. Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger
31. Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman
32. Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen
33. Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis
34. Federal Reserve Chair – Janet Yellen
35. Federal Reserve Vice-Chair – Stanley Fischer
Jonathan Turner
Current (and past) Members of Senate:
Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
Representative Howard Berman (California)
Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
Representative Susan Davis (California)
Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
Representative Bob Filner (California)
Representative Barney Frank (Former) (Massachusetts)
Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
Representative Jane Harman (California)
Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
Representative Steve Israel (New York)
Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
Representative Adam Schiff (California)
Representative Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania)
Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
Representative Brad Sherman (California)
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
Representative Henry Waxman (California)
Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)
Juan Scott
You're not American so why does it matter to you? I'm already well off so why would I want more taxes? Studies have shown that those that favor socialism tend to be below average financially. On the other hand, those that didn't favor socialism tended to be better off financially. The only way I would remotely even consider agreeing with socialism was if we lived in an ethnostate. Until then, minorities will consistently underperfom as they feel they have been wronged and the government owes them something. I don't want more of my tax dollars going to gibs for niggers and spics while inflation and government spending go way up. Enjoy your stay on Jow Forums, I sincerely hope you learn a thing or two.
Hudson Gray
House of Representatives (or lower chamber of the United States Congress):
Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
Representative Howard Berman (California)
Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
Representative Susan Davis (California)
Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
Representative Bob Filner (California)
Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts)
Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
Representative Alan Grayson (Florida Alan Mark Grayson (born March 13, 1958) is an American politician who was the United States Representative for Florida’s 9th congressional district and a member of the Democratic Party. The United States House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the United States Congress which, along with the Senate, composes the legislature of the United States.)
Representative Jane Harman (California)
Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
Representative Steve Israel (New York)
Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
Representative Adam Schiff (California)
Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
Representative Brad Sherman (California)
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
Representative Henry Waxman (California)
Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)
Isaac Flores
I mean I hate trannies too but you don't have to act like a sub 80IQ retard. You can just argue what you don't like about this post without being a nigger.
Lincoln Gutierrez
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Jonathan Kelly
Patrick Little 2020
His platform:
>Introduce legislation outlawing lobbying efforts of foreign governments, specifically those of the terrorist state of Israel (AIPAC, ADL, etc).
>Introduce a bill that would lead to the embargoing of Israel until they agree to repay all foreign aid previously rendered, with interest, as well as reparations to families of the victims of Jewish terrorist attacks on the US.
>Introduce a bill to the US Senate making it illegal to raise funds for any foundation related to the perpetuating of propaganda related to a “holocaust,” formally making the US’s stance on “the holocaust” to be that it is a Jewish war atrocity propaganda hoax that never happened.
>Introduce legislation restoring immigration policy in the US such that the 1965 Immigration Act is repealed and restoring the policies of the National Origins Act.
>Introduce legislation restoring the original intent of the Constitution, explicitly stating that the United States is an ethnically European nation.
>Nationalize Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all other natural monopolies in the IT industry.
Dominic Hernandez
Fuck yea give me my 1k. I don't need a gun and who cares if the government stops me from being able to leave my house for disagreeing with them! 12k a year woot woot YangGang!
Asher James
Neet bux > Any freedom!
Austin Morales
>because of nazis over 30 million europeans died. are you fucking insane?
Hahaha. Ok, let's say that they did kill 30 for the arguments sake. When did the National Socialists do it?
Was it after Lenin and Trotsky killed 7-10 million in Russia in 1918-20?
Was it after the jewish-german revolution in 1918 which killed 10s of thousands directly, and untold by starvation?
Was it after Yagoda and Stalin killed 7 million in Ukraine in 1930ish?
Was it after the invasion of communist foreign legions into Spain and the following communist red of terror of 1936 which left 100 000s dead?
Was it after Stalin enslaved 10s of millions and put them in GULAG camps between 1918 and 1940 to build the soviet empire?
If some criminal gang starts murdering everyone in your neighborhood, are you wrong to shoot them before they enter your house and kill you too?
Carson Harris
Niggers and israelis on gibs wont get anything. UBI is for whites.
Jeremiah Phillips
itt: discord drumphhys
Bentley Jenkins
Trannies threads don’t deserve an argument. Just shitpost until they get bored and move on.
Luke Reed
By the way, I wasn't going to vote in 2020 because I realize that both parties bend the knee to pissrael. The kikes won't let anyone past the primaries that don't. Now that this shilling and astroturfing is taking place, I'm voting Trump just to spite all of you degenerate faggots. Oh and I live in a swing state that helped give Trump the election in 2016. Can't wait to see you "literally shaking" reddt trannies crying again. Get ready for more butthurt you noodle armed estrogen filled excuse for a man.
Adam Ortiz
tranny cope
Cooper Richardson
Die shill fag
Hudson Morris
Hey nigger enjoy your freedom when you are homeless.
Lincoln Jones
>democrats aren't kiked. t-they don't bend the knee to israel
The president/voting can't remove kikes from our country. We vote Trump to piss you off. Plain and simple. Will you kill yourself when he wins in 2020? Pls say yes
Asher Watson
Yang will complete German idealism
Eli Reed
Yang is for abortion. No, thanks.
Aaron Gutierrez
Can you provide a source that shows UBI will only be given to whites? You're a fucking moron and we all know you aren't from Jow Forums so be a good little fella and shut your dick sucker.
Cooper Morgan
This. What a shit shill attempt this has been so far.
All fields.
Ian Gutierrez
The Dark Wizard confirms Yang is NOT HAPPENING.
>NO FREE $1000
>time stamp 8:39
>time stamp 4:42
Jordan Hall
> 3 million truckers in US.
> 73% percent of them are white
> They are all losing their jobs in 2030
> Yang proposes a solution to save them
fucking nigger lover am i right
John Baker
>free money guise. It will fall from the sky!
Hard pass. I'm already a richfag and don't want to see my taxes go up to subsidize niggers while inflation skyrockets. You must be a glutton for punishment from getting BTFO on every single post.
Jose Stewart
Imagine being this retarded thinking UBI causes inflation and not understanding what 10% VAT means. You must be a nigger from Detroit who doesn't understand economics.
Michael Garcia
The retards in here against this are fucking morons.
UBI is only the start. Eugenics will be next and we will have ethno utopia soon after.
YANG 2020 is the only way to save the white race.
Chase Wilson
Wait, I'm sorry, I've been out of the loop for a couple days.
Why are people thinking about voting for an actual gook? First the sheboon with Tulsi Gabbard and now this? Why does the alt-right constantly look for excuses NOT to vote for white men?
Grayson Ramirez
I agree for accelerationism, let’s get this fucking over with we’re not getting any younger.
Jose Gonzalez
Oh wow you can predict the future. I'm sure we'll have self driving trucks pulling massive 53 foot trailers in just 10 years. Your concern trolling is weak. Very low level shill. Feels good to say nigger though right? Can't do it amongst your liberal fellows. Careful, you might just decide you like it here better then there. How will it feel in 2020 when you lose another election? Will you regret the time you wasted here?
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Amazon and google are literally automating the trucking industry this very day.
Eli Rivera
Could someone please explain how the economy doesn't just adjust its baseline costs up when the entire system suddenly gets 1000$ "for free"
Evan Taylor
Ayden Howard
It's coordinated astroturfing/consensus manufacturing from discord trannies/reddit lefties. Trump wins 2020 same as 2016. Covington kids, Jussie Smollet and the left doubling down on their anti white behavior has guaranteed it.
Daniel Reed
If you're going to vote GOP, vote for Rand Paul at least faggot
Jaxon Turner
Voting yang bc he actually stands up for my interests, trump is full of hot air
Trump can't even stand up for his own self
Xavier Davis
>I'm voting Trump just to spite all of you degenerate faggots.
I'm voting Trump because not voting Trump in 2020 is fucking retarded and gets us nothing but a Democrat president. You might think Trump is a shabbos goy, you might even be right, but do you REALLY want President Harris, or god fucking forbid, Sanders in 2020? No, you don't.
Jose Lee
Wrong smoking gun user, women entered the workforce, lowered the cost of labor, automation hit full force. Manufacturing is a worthless job.
Adrian Stewart
It's not changing monetary policy which is what causes inflation, it's based on a tax
Ryan Johnson
I voted Trump in 2016. Also if you are a white man you will see the trend of automation replacing manual labor across the country. The fact that you can't argue a single point without resorting to ad hominem combined with straw man tells me you are a nigger who is incapable of socializing or communicating. Economist all agree that automation is a threat globally and needs to be addressed ASAP.
Aiden James
Nah splitting the vote is just a way to give the other party a sure victory. Just ask Bernie and Hillary. Voting literally doesn't change anything. Nothing short of kinectic action/violent revolution will change the status quo. Kikes have to be removed from the bottom up, it will never happen from the top down. Plus Rand has cucked out more times then I care to count. I'd rather see the lefty butthurt on any account. 2016 election night was fun fucking times. I wasn't going to vote period until the shilling here convinced me otherwise.
Sebastian Bailey
That didn't happen all of a sudden in 1971. Not saying it wasn't a factor but come on, it goes from a slope to a plateau in an instant.
Dylan Foster
There's no simple explanation for this if you aren't already familiar with economics. There are tons of articles and researches explaining why UBI (that doesn't print money but uses tax) increases GDP and does not create bad inflations.
This is a relatively simple read.
Nicholas Butler
yeah i'd be able to afford healthcare,meds, and health food.
Robert Gomez
Automation is a threat? Okay. So we address it before or after dealing with the kikes that have their tendrils in our congress and every other aspect of our lives? So can you explain on how electing a chink democrat, who is anti wall, pro immigration, antigun, is going to solve all our problems? You're a Jow Forums native and you think automation is our BIGGEST concern? It is emphatically not. That's some reddit tier prioritization of issues. A slant eyed gook wants to give out a thousand dollars a month and, to you, that solves the automation crisis? Wowee, what else ya got for me mr. problem solver?
Caleb Brooks
You're the only poster in this thread with a working brain. Yeah, including me, my brain stopped working when I saw people unironically shilling for this gook today.
Alexander Harris
Aaron Rogers
They're astroturfing shills. We busted their discord a couple days ago although I'm sure they have an alternate one up by now. They also have YangGangHQ on reddit. I posted most of the screen shots. It's glaringly obvious that the movement isn't organic to Jow Forums. They did the same thing with Hilldawg in 2016. Don't get discouraged. Just hide the threads if you have to. I just like fucking with them. Just enjoy their tears with me when the gook doesn't even make it past the primaries.
Charles Powell
Stop stawmaning me retard. I didn't say it's going to solve the problem. The problem is that no one in politics is addressing it. We already talk about immigration and gun issues and people already have theirs minds set about them. Most Americans are 80IQ brainlets who doesn't even understand how technology works and thinks we are talking about humanoid robots when we talk about automation. The gap between GDP and employment is going to be unprecedented and its need to be brought up more frequently.
Justin Williams
That article gave me AIDS.
>Basic income could provide an upward force on wages through increased individual bargaining power and slightly decreased labor force participation rates, and businesses as a result of new higher labor costs could raise their prices so as to keep their profits unchanged.
Duh. Free money means less incentive to work. Less incentive to work means less productivity. Less productivity means more expensive everything. More expensive everything means inflation. Whoever wrote this was a pseud of the highest caliber.
Lucas Flores
>I found Christine Blasey Ford to be incredibly sympathetic and genuine. I instinctively believe her. She seemed like a thoughtful and introspective woman. She also seemed like exactly the opposite of the kind of person who would welcome having her life disrupted and uprooted. She had every incentive not to come forward. To me, the only reason she would have is if she were telling the truth.
Joshua Martinez
Luke Powell
Get out
Alexander Morgan
fuck, i want 1000$ a month too.
Alexander Price
Plaster some mud on your skin and start speaking Arabic, I'm sure your government will give it to you.
Charles Flores
Clearly you don't know the econ lingo and have no idea what productivity means. It's not about people working. With automation, productivity rises and employment goes down.
Chase Carter
agreed. I want that $1000
Juan Morris
Adjust that shit for inflation and see if it holds up.
Nathaniel Edwards
Goddammit. I liked Yang's ideas for limiting corporate gov't influence. Now he seems like kind of a jackass.
Ian Thomas
It needs to be brought up that kikes make up 40% of the 1% in the US despite being less than 2% of the population. A quick look at the top 15 wealthiest Americans on wikipedia and 7 of them are greasy kikes. Next, realize their disproportionate representation in all other positions of power such as the media, congress, lobbying and financial institutions. Think about how that affects our policy on both global and domestic issues. Every other issue besides a foreign occupying government is superfluous. In the prioritization of work, little else matters until that main thing is taken care of. Voting is not and can not be the cure for what ails us.
Isaiah Watson
Landon Fisher
Ok you clearly has no idea what you are talking about. Go to a private college and take econ 101.
Adrian Edwards
those digits prove it!
Tyler Perez
a friendly reminder for those falling for the Yang Gang Bait
>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless youve been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban supressors
>Ban high-capacity magazines
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to the FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license.
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
PAID perental leave
>requiring employers to offer at least 9 months of paid family leave
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn’t rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
>Fuck the home owners & "start taking the needs of renters & those who would be interested in moving into areas e.g. cheap getto nigger housing.
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>Automation will soon take 10's of MILLIONS of jobs. Yangs solution is UBI $1000pm for everyone will not only get wiped out via inflation, its already a barely livable wage. NEETS on it will barely afford to live, & turn to crime to get all the shit they cant afford, drug use to numb their meaningless boring existance. You will be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist.
>Appoint judges who support a woman’s right to choose to kill their child. Access to birth control should be provided to all Americans (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentivize the break down the of the nuclear family.
POLICE "Fake News"
>Introduce penalties for speech)
Aiden Smith
Trump has never mentioned white people. YANG mentioned us right away and offered $1000
Eli Bennett
Wow, spectacular argument fagtron. I bet you think John Maynard Keynes was a genius.
Leo Sanchez
Americans arent a people, they have no natural disgust for invaders like kikes. For them they are "whites" or turkish looking "whites".
Ryder Wood
That's all it takes for you to want somebody of another race as your ruler? Man, it's a good thing the kikes didn't figure out sooner that Americans are so cheap, all those billions in lobbying and bribes, all they needed was to throw out one fucking grand.
Christopher Gonzalez
If you think kikes being rich and in control is a problem then you just don't know the history or you are under 25.
The reason kikes are so rich is due to their religious prospects and goals. There isn't a system that rewards Jews other than nepotism. They are just smart enough to learn how to navigate the loopholes. So there isn't a real "fix" other than non-jews becoming more educated and smarter (which the 3 of top 10 wealthiest Americans did).
Human IQ can change disproportionately if you are raised in the right communities. Not to mention it carries over genes so effects stack very quickly over generations. Inbreeding and religious pressure can do the wonders.
So naturally in capitalist society, smarter people will rise on the top as the outliers. This is what is happening. In order to take care of it, we just need to get smarter. If you don't like this, then you can opt for socialism or communism like Hitler did and combine with racism.
Joseph Clark
Did you actually read what I posted faggot? None of what you said means anything at all because its CLOWN WORLD V CLOWN WORLD + $1000
Its all the same m8.