Why do we hate niggers again?
Why do we hate niggers again?
13 - 50
Really? The only thing they’re good for is jokes.
Because they drive down property value, increase the crime stats, are violent, dumb, lazy and ignorant.
it's like the 2008 election all over again
i dont hate niggers. i dont hate any single group. i hate individuals like caitlyn jenner and op
There's a difference between black people and niggers. Just like there's a difference between gays and faggots.
basically this. they want to believe so bad
Eh no you dumb nigger faggot.
is this fucking real lmao
Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes for me, dog.
Because it's a hip a new cool thing to do. It's like those pants from 20 yrs ago. Freeman T. NIGGER
Yet I'm sure you nigger faggots are absolutely sure there's a difference between """white""" people and jews. Fucking hypocrites.
Your so fucking ignorant
Based 70 IQ chimp.
Even black people hate niggers. Nigger is a collection for traits that nobody would want to be. Black people should strive to be better than that.
>There's a difference between black people and niggers
Because that nigger would unquestionably suck his dick. Then rob him
This is true, but for the fact that 95% of blacks are indeed NIGGERS
Never said that wasn't the case. Same goes for most gays being faggots.
Only in your imagination. You watch too much TV, kid.
Wrong on both accounts. Put your based black friend in a group of chimping blacks and he too will chimp. Let your homo friend tell you about his sex life and you will learn he is just as degenerate as the rest.
No, you just spend too much time on Jow Forums. The vast majority of blacks are niggers, but not all of them.
We all have aspects of the worst of our races deep within our psyche. Some are just better at hiding it than others.
Meant for
I loled
this is insensitive to Caitlyn, referencing Bruce's crimes
How are a semetic middle eastern people who, as their own history says mixed with black Africans ala the Kween of Sheba, white northern European?
>looks like a 40yo man in a wig
>expecting compliments for that
because they hate us
Some nogs & fags have some self awareness & are able to repress the more obnoxious traits of their kind
This is outstanding.