Can't buy a house without "credit"

>can't buy a house without "credit"
>can't buy a car without "credit"

Attached: 666_pentagram_wallpaper_3413.png (350x350, 41K)

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save your money and pay cash or shut the fuck up

fpbp. No one owes you money that's not yours.

meh, I work at a bank and if you could afford it, id give you a car or house loan with a 666 credit score.

I got a house even though I have no income because my family, who founded the bank, essentially forced it to give me a loan that I would have been guaranteed to be able to pay off anyway. I just bought a truck in full.

Credit is for poor slaves.

boomer here.. who needs credit when you have millions and just pay cash for all that shit.

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You can buy these things without credit, it's just incredibly expensive out-of-pocket and ((they)) constantly dissuade you from doing so and want you to go into debt. The very existence of credit cards is a debt scheme. invest in gold and keep everything physical, in a safe, right next to a rifle.
>inb4 gold jew
Gold doesn't depreciate in value like money does, 5 dollars now will be 4 dollars tomorrow, gold will still be the same value. inflation and debt is just a side affect of Jewish control, and neither of these will ever go away. You can at least stop the debt part, the inflation will have to wait until (((they))) go away.

I bought my house with cash.

Using a credit card to buy a new TV or computer you can’t afford is one thing. Taking out a loan to buy a house over 15-30 years is an entirely different matter. Considering interest rates are pretty low at the moment you’re hardly doing worse than inflation to take out a mortgage. It isn’t a good use of money to spend $350,000 in one fell swoop when a $75,000 down payment is all that is needed, and the remainder can be invested into higher return asset types. If you can get around 3% on a home loan no reason not to mortgage other than waiting for market changes. go ahead and wait 30 years to buy it while pissing away rent with somebody else’s markup, when you could be reaching net zero (before obvious other market conditions) in terms of your money keeping up with inflation on low interest mortgage.

You don’t need a loan to buy a car. Plenty of reliable transport under $10k which is attainable for most people through savings for a few years.

Gold will always be a worthless brick that doesn’t feed you today and won’t feed you tomorrow.

it's easy as fuck to build a decent credit score - you just suck bro

that's stupid, it's even dumber to pay $700k for a $350k house because you're too dumb to save money

then you can take that $1200 a month and invest it

My credit score is somewhere in the high 700s. I’ve had a credit card for about three years I buy stuff on here and there. I’ve never got a loan for anything and pay cash for most things but it’s good to have a good credit score just in case.

Ignoring market conditions, a house that costs X today will cost Y with inflation in 30 years. You’re not doing yourself any favors renting when you’re just going to pay Y price 30 years down the road when you pay in full. You’re too dumb to think about the present value of a dollar.

my point being that gold at least has some value and will retain that value, of course it's not going to feed you, retard. But neither will that worthless paper in your safe, which will NOT retain its value because of inflation, put 5k in a safe today, and in 5 years that will hardly be wallet money, but the gold will still be worth relatively the same amount you paid for it when adjusted for inflation.

I never advocated renting. I advocate living with your parents for a few years while saving enough to purchase a home outright. That way the banking and landlord jews get stiffed.

The shill you're responding to knows this.

I’m not advocating for paper. In the event you really end up in some situation where a dollar is totally worthless gold will be equally so. Nobody is going to pay you ungodly amounts of worthless fiat for it, they’ll just kill you. If you’re gonna put gold next to a rifle more like put knowledge about farming and living off the land next to the rifle.

Eh, oh well. At least some nerd that's lurking will be smarter because of this exchange.

oh sweer bitter irony

Open a credit card. One with good cash back bonuses. Pay off the balance every month. If you pay off the balance no interest can accrue, you pay literally zero interest. Treat it like a debit card and only spend money you already have. This will build up your credit score.

Just don't be a low impulse control retard and start building up debt on the credit card. Pay it off every month.

>Dissuade you
I saved up for years & years, finally accumulated 150k. Went to buy a house & the bank manager tried her damndest to get me to get a mortgage instead. "Oh its so much bettee for you, you can afford it you just pay it monthly. It'd be a shame to see your hefty bank acccount go down to almost nothing wouldn't it? *Jewish grin*"

OP is a NEET faggot.

>he doesn't use 0% interest rate promotion credit cards

I just bought 3k worth of home goods on a 24 month payment plan with 0% interest. Credit cards are useful and only hurt retards who don't pay them off.

Now you're getting into total civilizational collapse type shit. I'm talking about normal everyday inflation that will make paper worthless. True, in a bad situation like you mean, both paper money, and the heavy yellow metal will be worthless, but in the case of regular everyday life continuing, spending on gold now will at least make sure you didn't work for nothing and you'll still have the same amount of money, as a whole, in 10 years but in gold, whereas if you put hundred dollar bills in a safe for the same amount of time, it will be worthless.

*hand shuffling intensifies*

How many bad dragon dildos did ya get user?

I bought my 2008 car 1500$ cash 2 years ago. I do the maintenance myself and I fix the small stuff myself when it breaks. So far I've paid about 100$ on oil,spark plugs and tie wraps. Using credit for a car is for idiots, as is paying a mechanic for the small stuff.


Read this book - it's the red pill for money.
I've got out of debt and bought my last 2 cars for cash.

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Credit is for rich usurers who can insure the potential loss with underlying assets. Debt is for capitalists. Poor people dont get to have credit beyond the personal limit. Billionaires like trump get virtually unlimited credit so long as land and real assets are used as the underlying foundation for the loan.

>In the event you really end up in some situation where a dollar is totally worthless gold will be equally so.

That's simply not true, gold and silver are highly desired whenever hyperinflation comes about.

In a complete Mad Max universe, maybe gold and silver would be less valuable than food or medicine, but what about when the Jews in the Federal Reserve move the printing presses to warp speed?

Unless society has directly caused impairment through ritual conscription I agree. In which cases a blood price and death toll must be paid for the overreach in hindsight of those who trespassed that fine line between communal spirit and personal liberty since we collectively agreed upon the price of coin where markets determine a persons value of time since money made the kings of industry in the first place

Its not my fault you are a low impulse control nigger who can't resist the temptation of blowing money you don't have. With a credit card you get
>A few hundred $ a year in cash back if you use it a lot
>pay literay $0.00 in interest if you pay it off every month
>much more secure in the event of identity theft
If somebody steals your credit card # you just protest the bill and refuse to pay and the credit card company deals with it. If your debit card # gets stolen suddenly your bank account is drained and you may or may not ever get your money back and it can take months. Which would you rather have?
A. Protest a bill and keep your money in the bank
B. Lose all your money and spend hours on the phone begging the bank to hurry up because you can't pay rent or eat until they resolve the case.

I've heard this guy's shows a million times. i think he's a faggot but I'll give it a read.

>not knowing w is the 6th hebrew letter

Notice you've driven off that Jew with your reasonable fears of inflation.