Why do Haitian niggers eat dirt. They're on a island, why don't these retards learn to fish?


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Niggers are scared of water.

the waters near the island are too polluted


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Niggers are too primitive and idiotic to fish

man, thats so fucking stupid, why not just cook palm leaves and season them with sea salt?

Not as good as the mosquito burgers or Mud Cookies


They cut down all the trees.

They are niggers why don't they just cannibalize one another?

would you rather eat dirt or eat a nigger? trick question

>When you don't have AID's, But you want to fit in, So you literally get up and catch it

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Peak nig noggery going on in that video.

To late they ate all the trees. Just like they eat every crop that volunteer green peace type fuckers plant for them. Eat it all and then the soil it was planted in.

That's not dirt, those are haitian nigger cookies

flaw in your proposition identified

They cut down all their trees after kicking out all the White people.
They're not smart.

>eat Haiti
>poop in sacks
>sell it as fertilizer

They probably crave some due to the mineral content.

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Have you ever considered whether or not they are intelligent enough to do this ? Do gorillas just go and build boats? No? Oh and you said Koko's IQ was 85 but blacks are 65-75 eh? Oh okay.. got it.

>Why do Haitian niggers eat dirt.

Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

Laura ate all their fish.

>why don't they learn?
They are niggers.

>printed magazine
>can print
>can read because magazine
>cant read up how to fish
I assume the fish must be taken by the fishermen and none is left for the inland people

Blacks are the Terry Shaivo of the world. Basically on life support.

>thinking they do anything with magazines except look at pretty pictures and people and wish they weren't niggers

what comes after all the dirt is eaten?
although.. they ate eachother in he kongo and they still do in some places and thee is still plenty of dirt

>genocide = "kicking out all the white people"
they deserve everything they have where are our reparations?

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Nogs also like to eat corn starch, there's some crazy vids of it on YT


Hi Satan

Because they deforested the island and now the soil is uselss. They cant grow anything so now the eat dirt.

Same thing is going on in Madagascar. They cut down everything, the soil goes to shit and then they complain they have no food.
Just imagine when they are the global majority in 2100.

Haiti got "helped to death". Nobody produces anything worth shit because they can't compete with the free shit that arrive every day. If you have a medicine degree you earn less than an american homeless person because anybody can get free healthcare from the red cross/ONU whatever. The only way anybody can get any money is from extractivism, but even that is getting harder and harder to do now because everything is already fucked up.

I never had anything against black pipo, but in the last Michelle Bachellet's (She works at the (((ONU))) now) government, some weird non regulated airline suspiciously started to import niggers from haiti to Chile, Ive seen them eating and kidnapping cats, fighting with sticks and stones, throwing water with shit to the street, they are so retarded that they cant even be drug dealers, they get caught right away.
They rent one room then proceed to fill it up with up to 20 niggers then they cause a fire and die.
In their own land they have the rivers filled with trash and every single government institution fails, in 2010 they had lil girls fucking in exchange of water.

They learn how to steal, or is that an instinct?

Rough, I remember walking like 30km over 4+ hours to a train station and having no money. I remember asking for a few dollars, offer to sell what I have just so I could get home. No one would help.
>A Wild Sikh appears
>Sell him something for $10
>Get to go home and shit in a toilet

Every once in a while the universe will test your hate and love. Every once in a while you find yourself. I wish I could help them, but I also don't want to solve the problem by giving away money.

>Didn't HRC get $1bb for Haiti?

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They destroyed the land, cut down all the trees, and people that have been there reported that some of the niggers there would stomp on the seeds or use hammers on the seeds to "make them grow faster".

Never take the niggerbomb.jpg

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Niggers are like a bacteria.

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IIRC clay diet keeps you fit if youre afraid of overeating and all the essential minerals are in it

It's nigger magic. youtube.com/watch?v=DymkAsjNtv0

Niggers are pollution

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That's a funny joke.

A lot don't live near the ocean.

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"kicking out" if that's what you want to call the haitain slave revolts sure but I like to call it "when the haitins put white babies on spears and went around raping"

Niggers without white supremacy is like a fish without water.

>hur hur black people cant swim because we didnt let them use pools
fucking island niggers should be the best swimmers on the planet and winning all the olympics medals in swimming but they're too fucking scared to do anything

I actually eat bentonite clay every day. It is negatively charged and has a large surface area for use as a binder. It absorbs heavy metals, fungus, bacteria, mold, fluoride, mucus, etc. from the body. It is a powerful detoxicant. There is a reason the Haitians use it as medicine. It has been common practice for thousands of years.

I also shove negatively charged dildos up my ass with a large surface area to increase shit absorbtion

Unironically why do they not learn to fish?

So all of haiti is just a dirt patch?

As a Minnesotan I respect those digits and the reference

Haiti deserves this after what they did to the french people there

People argue that the land was ruined long ago but because the Haitians haven't made use of it since the french and spanish left the land returned to normal. Plenty of organizations have gone to them to try and teach them agriculture but the moment they are left them alone it all goes to shit. Haiti is the most resource abundant land but he niggers are so god damned stupid and too fucking lazy to do anything.
To make fucking charcoal.

Life is unending humor and suffering.
People buy these dirt cookies on credit.
The people making the cookies buy the dirt on credit.
Imagine going into debt to buy dirt to eat.
This is the reality of Haiti. Do you really think anyone stupid enough to buy mud on credit would have the capacity to learn a skill like fishing?

Top kek,8/8 gr8 b8 m8

Maybe the whites should return to Haiti, genocide the nigs and transform it back into a paradise.

>give a nigger a fish
>he eats for a day
>teach a nigger to fish
>he'll steal your fishing pole

They probably laughed for days about people thinking the money was going to help Haiti

Could transform it into a tropical paradise ethnostate in a couple of decades, also we should change the spelling to “Hatey”

Unironically this, at this point there's no point for those people to even live there. It's essentially just a giant trash island in the Atlantic that occasionally expels some of its population into surrounding countries. The island still has value so dropping a nuke is out of the question but dropping mercenaries in there to do the "dirty" work seems reasonable.

How DARE you! This is all white people's fault. With their aid and compassion and patience!

Haitian culture is basically designed around living hand-to-mouth. The island is so prone to earthquakes and hurricanes that it doesn't make any sense to build a home any nicer than a lean-to, and so overrun with niggers that it doesn't make any sense stockpiling any savings just so they can be stolen.

I used to work with two Haitian dudes that lived together and guy A accused guy B of spending all his rent money at the strip club; his solution? Get him back by spending all HIS money at the strip club too!

...They got evicted two months later.

We might as well. Its not like you can find any intelligent life there. Haiti should be declared uninhabited.

At this point the soil is probably so polluted nothing safe to eat could grow there. You'd have to ship millions of tons of dirt to dump on top of it and have usable top soil.
Just cleaning up the trash would take years.

I didn't believe in all the racist things that people said about Haitians and racial differences until I went to Peru and saw the stark difference between people born in the mountains and the near tards born in the Jungle, Peru would be on 100 percent life support without those mountain people lol, Then I went to Chile and witnessed all these Haitians, my gf is peruana y de las montanas (no tengo accentos en mi teclado po), and even she says that there is a difference between the Haitians the jungle people and the mountain people, and it is just generally acknowledged without prejudice, Imagine that happening in Europe lol. Eye-opening.


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all drinking water in Haiti is imported.
The niggers logged all the trees on the island to make charcoal which fucked the groundwater it became salinated

Dirt or clay eating is a carry-over from African habits. Natives there would eat clays if they have upset stomachs (Kaopectate is basically clay). Some would eat dirt if they have mineral deficiencies. Poor people of the southern US, both black and white, still eat dirt occasionally.


When US slaves carried on the tradition of dirt-eating the slave-owners were horrified. They resorted to putting iron masks on the slaves to counter that—not as punishment but to protect their "investments".

Pic related.

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its pretty easy to plant your own food and niggers can't understand

We can only hope that dirt-contaminated adrenochrome will speed the demise of the consumer.

Yeah we have mountain people here too, and among all the "indians" they are the nicest, the others indians from the south (mapuches) are almost as subhuman as haitians, they sold all their land to buy booze and now they want it back, they attack the police and burn shit.

Finally, even an incel like me can feel true solidarity for my gay brothers by getting AIDS

This. Most niggers can't swim and a few will literally drown in a puddle.

So that's how this meme got started, it was to stop niggers from eating dirt.

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It has been thousands of years user, when will you learn that niggers don't learn.

Jesus what a deluded fuck. If black women had magical voices that can strike people dead like Voldemort (Advera Kedavra) then how the fuck did they become slaves?!?

Get your story straight, muggle.

>He doesn't know about the Black majick that lets sheboons control lightening.
Fuck off with your western modernity.

Actually, Haiti's waters are completely fished out. Much like their forests have been obliterated and like locusts, virtually everything even fit for subhuman consumption has been devoured.

Keked an checked!

Why don't they grow food in the dirt instead?

>Why do Haitian niggers eat dirt. They're on a island, why don't these retards learn to fish?

In the decades of living off UN hand outs the have cut down the majority of their trees for charcoal production.

They have no education so no one knows how to build a boat.

They have poisoned their inland waters shitting where they stand and dumping garbage in to the sea so there is no oysters or mollusks or shallow water fish.

Their government is too stupid and corrupt to defend their waters. So if you did manage to get a boat and go to sea and start to fish you will meet pirates -- who are fellow Haitians who will rob you of everything at best or kill you and enslave you at worst.

Bringing us to the truth that a nigger will only get off his ass in order to kill, rape and rob some one else..

There in ends the lesson of the day.

Why dont these niggers just eat each other? Their cannibal cousins in the Congo do it all the time.

dirt tastes better

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>kill you and enslave you

Ahahahaha so glad I watched this!

I implore you fo find any white stone age tribe that had a practice as stupid as this. Its amazing the infections in their lips dont kill them.

>try not to notice the peeling crusting skin

Actually haitian niggers build all sorts of boats to sneak into other countries. Niggers only use their intelligence for criminality you cant make this shit up.

i'm impressed they're able to collect so many mosquitos

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Kek. Hail Satan!

because they are only a few steps up from gorillas, imagine being really really fucking stupid and then put on an island.... this is what you get

Why don't people know what mosquitoes look like?

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Because then they wouldnt git gibs.

All they're gonna catch is garbage since they are niggers and dump their trash into every possible water source.

Genocided every white person stupid enough to stick around post-revolution. This is the result.