It's July 22, 2011

>it's July 22, 2011
>you wake up and open up Drudge
>see this
What do?

Attached: Breivik.png (669x401, 253K)

go to pol for the best news and insight

Praise Kek


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Why are Mossad shills so obsessed with making threads about hteir false flags?

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I was in Ireland when this happened

Tell Bibi he's gonna be tied to a chair and forced to watch Iranians killing Yair. Fucking retarded israelis like you need to understand you're going to fucking lose everything.

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Be disappointed that the number isn't higher

Attached: Chad Luca.png (2048x1012, 500K)

fucking terrorists killing white people again

Go live in my comfortable mansio-uh cell, after a trial regarding my PS2 getting upgraded to a PS3...

Attached: 3236CCCC00000578-3493418-Modern_At_Ila_prison_pictured_Breivik_had_had_access_to_a_bedroo-a-29_14580 (962x642, 110K)

I sleep

It literally didn't exist.

Let the bodies hit the
*Clang clang clang*


Go to work like nothing happened aka exactly what I did

the infamous schizo spammer aka moarpheus strikes again! pay attention to the way he posts in almost every thread.

friendly reminder: he is an open boarders jew that is against ethnonationalism.

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I'd go to Jow Forums and shit post about the guys operator abilities. Because that's what I did. We had so much fun sifting through his manifesto and mocking his tacticool gear.


Woah thats messed up! Anyway I gotta get to university, I hate these people I'm working with but oh well

Check map to see where Norway is.

Archive it as nordbro would want

that was a based bot. it literally took it 14 seconds to post the link.

Fucking Jew. How did Hitler miss your grand parents?

Stop referring to it as a bot.

Paddock was using tacticool shit too, wasn't he? Maybe it's not being given a fair shake, considering the counts it seems to rack up.

1 post
not news
not /pol
kys shitshill

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Do the fortnite dance over a bunch of dead commies and celebrate Anders’ Epic Victory Royale

did it work?

This guy will be elected to high office when he gets out.

Attached: knight_templar_by_torture_device-d4gniee.jpg (1367x988, 960K)