Help me

I'm having the jewish existential crisis.
I'm starting to think civilization is just a life cycle of jews fucking shit up, getting killed, and having some last jew magic in their pocket to barely escape complete annihilation.
Just like a cockroach to an executioner.
As a jew, I feel likes it's my duty to call them out, but I don't want to lead my own people to death.

>what do

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Other urls found in this thread:–Roman_wars

you can't stop what's already engraved in the fabric of time.

Move to Israel and build the third temple

What happened to jews in WW2 that sided with hitler? Or did none?–Roman_wars

there's a reason modern jews don't look like those from biblical time.

Take this.

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Nothing. Jews will be Jews.

I'm just fucking with him

unironically the jews would have been shipped to Palestine or somewhere else if England and America didn't enter and change the course of history.

I'm with OP. I no longer even identify as Jewish.

An ugly tumor is blocking it though. If the third temple ever gets built I'll be 100% sure it's the end game.

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My great grandpa was a Mischling who did. They treated him as a normal German.

Weird. Though I'm not jewish I've also wondered about the jewish cycle thing. I also wondered if Egypt was destroyed by the original Egyptians being way too nice and subservient to blacks like we see today non-stop,

there will be an entire generation of jews who hate themselves, which is why jews oh so cleverly invented the "self hating jew"

They are the literal children of satan.

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I'm telling you as an actual NatSoc through blood (birth) We don't want to harm or hurt you and never did. The British and Americans instigated everything

also for you

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fuck so I just need to side with hitler 2.0?

Nigger the Jews already had a firm grip on your country since 1913, you were going to fight the war one way or the other.

Mossad hunted them down and killed them. Literally was there modus operandi

The allies killed more jews through indiscriminate bombing than Germans through deliberate acts.
this image and the dead bodies that has been used as proof of "Nazi evils" for 75 years is actually a US/British bombing of the entire town. They targeted everyone ..german, children and jews.. it didn't matter.

I mean after, obviously. Not sure how they were treated by Germany

I think you should read a little less Jow Forums. You are, of course, correct however. Just message Gilad Atzmon and ask for actual advice.

Oh look, OP is actually a Chabad Zionist baiting. Who knew.

You don't need to side with NatSocs for me to care about your existence . Just don't side with people actively killing us. I don't know, I obviously understand as a jewish person you can't just start evangelizing the notion that Nazis weren't the bad guys to people especially jewish people. ..but give your people the facts about why they were in that situation.. because some of the influential jews instigated super powers to wage a truly genocidal war against people who didn't want to become Marxists.

I'm Austrian.

how do you drop a red pill Holocaust bomb without sounding autistic to jewish people?

Israel definitely should exist. If we can break the jew cycle then jews will need a home.

The Reform are kinda self-ovening. Note their out-marriage rate, childless cat ladies, and Ops.

I married a gentile and am raising my kids gentile too. Being raised by a (((feminist single mom))) will do that to you.

The Egyptian records of the Exodus claim they expelled Nubians and Hibiri (Hebrews?).

Could it really be a cycle? Even Abraham had to leave Ur.

Yeah, except Zionism is not about a home, but about bringing about the endtimes after rebuilding the temple, Schlomo. Wonder what you guys will do when Moshiak doesn't show up. Blow up the world? Or just nuke Europe? You guys are Scientology not on steroids but a fucking mutant drug secretly bred in Area 52

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the dome of the rock needs to blow up before that

Sounds about right

>The Reform are kinda self-ovening. Note their out-marriage rate, childless cat ladies, and Ops.
Really all but the Orthodox, who are low-IQ anyway. I try to be an optimist

Third temple is the One Trade Center

I actually think many of them already know something is not adding up. We have to remember that if some jewish people subvert others then imagine what it's like to live among them your whole life. obviously not all jews but just trying to help you understand what you're going up against (indoctrination)

Just basically start with "both sides committed evil acts on innocent civilians" .. *never try to justify anything the Axis did or is believed to have done.

show images of the destruction of Germany and that the allies especially the communists were even more merciless against civilians (including jewish people after purges)

these are all facts, I'm not bullshitting you or asking you to bullshit them.

No shit, and the settlers will do it sooner than later. They already tried. You bet they and the Evangelical Zionists are insane enough to do it. And if not, I am sure you will find a trick around it. That's what your religion is about basically anyway: tricks and magic. So maybe you will create an artificial earthquake for it to crumble. Possible. Maybe with a nuke underground.

Jews will jew. there's nothing you could do to stop it. it's tough having the Cassandra complex. I don't want this shit to happen either, and the best thing would be a right wing government putting a lid on the most egregious jewing, but I think this won't happen until the reaction is brutal and world-wide.

>the best thing would be a right wing government putting a lid on the most egregious jewing
I guess you don't mean a Jewish right. Since Netanyahu's Likud is literally the reason for all your wars since two decades and 9/11

but they do look like jews from biblical times and romans and jews would have looked the same anyway

>romans and jews would have looked the same anyway
The oven is down the hall and to the left. Remember: everyone only one lampshade.

The Dome of the Rock isn't even the correct site. Promoting that is just Zionist warmongering.

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genetically italians and jews are practically identical. Jews are probably partially descended from italian and central european bronze age sea people

what?! now you're just trying to start shit.. jews are genetically grouped into 3 categories (Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Ethiopian).

Just call them the Zionists and be like Bobby Fischer, he knew what's up...

they become George Soros

Faith in God

You abandon your heathen Satanic religion and preach against them like Brother Nathanael.

>I'm starting to think civilization is just a life cycle of jews fucking shit up, getting killed, and having some last jew magic in their pocket to barely escape complete annihilation.
More or less. It's not that Jews escape annihilation, it's just that there are always new converts to Judaism who start popping up throughout time.

like who other than Khazars?

Ancient Iranians, Yemenis, Ethiopians, North African Berbers, Romans, Greek, Spanish, eastern Europeans, and Russians.

What’s the holdup

Show flag Israeli, real christians know just who the pharisees and saducees are

This is human history in a nutshell, yes.

That's about to change.
You need Jesus.
Go to OneForIsrael dot org and start believing!

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OP, I'm a convert who has sunk much time and energy into the Jewish community and I've begun to regret it.

I sort of understand the jews situation, you want to survive as a people and i respect that but god you people are subversive and played a huge part in europes downfall. I hate to say this and i know it's going to please jidf but you should all fuck off to the middle east. The international jew is satanic and the zionist jew is too weak without the former. Keep your head up tho and don't thread on me.

>as a jew

that's where you're wrong, esau

>I'm a convert who has sunk much time and energy into the Jewish community

sounds about right.

this and also northern italians=/=central italian=/=southern italians, genetically.
There is some phenotypical similarities of them, though.
But the "ashkenazis" are closer to sicilians, for pic related reasons. The same way they are presently doing into america. Blend in to goyim population.

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I know. They will never accept me.

I did it for love of God. Conversion to Judaism is done for love of Jews and Israel, and I learned that far too late.

>Conversion to Judaism is done for love of Jews and Israel
Where the fuck did you learn this shit? This is fucking serious and should be dealt with.

John Hagee probably

What are you asking me precisely? I'm saying that Jews and Israel are the focuses of Judaism, not God. If you love God first and foremost, pick something else.

Jesus was generally correct about the Pharisee class. The Gnostics are probably correct about the identity of the Demiurge.

clothes are a bit worn out as he changes the two girls into their daywear[problem #3].


The principal question remains, why do so many Jewish bodies both Zionist and ‘anti’ fail to draw the essential universal messages from the holocaust? Why do they enthusiastically replicate past mistakes?

In his book Heidegger and “the Jews” Jean Francois Lyotard had a phenomenal insight; he observed that although history may claim to tell us what happened in the past, in practice, history serves to conceal our collective shame.

Suppressing collective shame isn’t particularly a Jewish symptom, it is a universal inclination that can be detected in almost every culture. In an attempt to suppress its imperial past Britain allocates a large portion of its Imperial Wars Museum to the Holocaust. But the Jewish Holocaust had little to do with British Imperial wars. The empire caused holocausts of its own of which Palestine is only one. But none of its imperial bloodbaths are portrayed at the Imperial Wars Museum. And even in the holocaust section, the Museum omits the embarrassing fact that in the1930s Britain closed its gates to Jews in desperate need of refuge.


We can see that America deals with the shame of slavery, the disgrace of nuking Japanese cities, wiping out German metropolises and obliterating native Americans by building holocaust museums in every American city. Like the Brits, the Americans present a pseudo empathic gesture in lieu of acknowledging the carnage they created. And, like the Brits, American holocaust museums fail to acknowledge that the USA closed its gates to European Jewish refugees who were in a state of total despair.

Jewish institutions, in this regard, are no different. They are dedicated to the concealment of the reasons why Jewish history has been an endless chain of disasters. In the canonical Jewish historical tale, the Jews are always the victims and the Goyim, the Gentiles are always morbidly racist, sub humans, motivated by envy, greed and/or blind hatred.

The outcome of this concealment has been devastating. As bizarre and disturbing as it may sound, Jews are often collectively and institutionally oblivious to the conditions that lead toward their destruction. More troubling, many, if not most, self identified Jews, fail to understand the Jewish role in causing the conditions that precipitate Jewish disasters.

I know this feel.

Do you guys have shrines in your house?

jews don't have shrines

Maybe it would help

You can make one out of whatever’s handy, don’t go wasting money now


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A man named Otto Weininger had a similar crisis and the YouTuber Cultured Thug made this video on him:

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fuck it man, just be the best jew you can be

99% of goyim are fucking retarded and we are unironically the chosen people hand picked by g-d to rule over them

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whatever helps you sleep at night, heeb

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>civilization is just a life cycle of jews fucking shit up
exactly. it is in your genes. problem is you usualy run away and start again. but with global internet you have nowhere to run.


Hello Jewish fren, what you need to do is to Jew the Jew! Expose the other yids and their (((tricks)))! Go under cover and capture footage/audio of rabbis saying shit that will make normies rage! (Aka the horrible shit in the Talmud).
Jow Forums is a board of chaos, cause chaos in the Jewish community and normie community re: Jews and you can be

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no support your fellow juden

Hello rabbi watcha doin?

Jews are God’s chosen people

After Armageddon y’all will all love Jews

Vote Trump and the GOP, they'll take care of you.

Shipped to Egypt from where they along with Nazi remnants (mainly of the former SS and the Croatian Ustasa regime) built up the operations that led up to Israeli independence.

>tltr da Joos are da real Nazis

That's pretty much my path now.

The thing about Jesus as Messiah is He didn't fulfill all of the prophecies yet. You still operate on the faith of the second coming to finish it.

You have to really fall in love with the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven. That's what got me. I fucking despise feminism, social justice, and Globohomo. His teachings are the best hope for civilization.

Basically, I WANT to believe. So I did.

Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Mizrahim. Ethiopians are considered different.

I don't trust sand cultists or former sand cultists
It's already too far ingrained in their damaged minds, all they know is how to subvert and how to use subversion for their very own survival

Absolutely disgusting

Best I can tell Jews really gained control over the US during the Russian Pogroms. They came into New York, and siezed financial and then political power.

Do you know about the zeta treaties?

I thought it was Madagascar or something?

Don't seem like a bad place to put them

You mean high-ranking Jews like Emil Maurice?
They were issued a certificate of honorary aryans and were prohibited from being persecuted; I suppose that thanks to their high rank positions they will have lived a good life; after the war the majority would end up being priests

pretty sure there was over 100 thousand jews who worked for the reich. I think they were judged by their works, jews who had aided germany or opposed communism were treated differently as the main reason for jewish persecution was they were heavily engaged in communist subversion and anti nationalist activity. The reich was opposed to jews in general but used all methods to fight communism including employing anti communist jews and various other non aryans who were down with fighting for good in the great fight

The "discovery" of America was funded by Jews seeking to establish a New Jerusalem in the New World. The Americas were never unknown in the first place, but the Christcuck dark ages ensured that the ancient knowledge was stripped from the masses so that only the Jewish and traitor elite had access to maps such as the Piri Reis map. The Founding Fathers were Freemasons who brought this project to completion, thus why Washington DC shares so many symbolic elements with Hebrew occultism. This land has been under their control since the colonial era, and Europe had been subjugated prior to that with Christianization.