Freshman DEMOCRATS are starting to call out Israel and AIPAC and and pol is getting yang/bernie pilled.

WTF is going on am I witnessing a new paradigm shift?

Attached: krabs_rag3do.jpg (680x464, 25K)

end of season plot twist to keep people glued to their screens during the next election

Bernie Sanders is sexy!

Attached: Sexy-Sanders.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Fuck off.

(((They))) may not be able to shut it down this time

Let me give you a quick rundown:
>Trump has demonstrated that he is explicitly not pro-white ethnic interests
>it is clear that capitalism is mostly responsible for the undermining of white ethnic interests
>it has become clear that non-whites aren't so much vociferously against white ethnic interests so much as faintly amused at those who once sat on high now being reduced to the same level they're on
How will it turn out? Who knows. But we've learned some things on this anime imageboard over the past 4 years.

its more like neocons are such an absolute joke that my interests are often more aligned with straight up leftists

we jumped time lines, nigga

try to catch up

Attached: yangbux.jpg (768x1024, 104K)

Attached: 1551808139064.jpg (935x935, 233K)

You are the Yang shill.

Attached: ccce1036fefd7595f5ded4ecf04fcd2754afcdb765f4b23e1386b80e968e2266.gif (746x746, 2M)