Jow Forums was better when it was right-wing

Now it sucks and it's so fucking boring

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It's funnier this way

no it's not. It's boring. The left is boring they only attack white people. i like nazis and right-wingers. they hate better then the left.

No it really wasn't. 100 posts at all times sucking trump's dick and screaming about communism and trickle down was the nadir of IQ.

Why do Jews keep lying to themselves and think that this board will become ideologically driven?

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they just project. it tortures them that we're so diverse.

>it tortures them that we're so diverse.

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The board has completely changed.
People used to discuss politics and also have funny threads about politics where OC was in constant production.
This kinda all died post trump's election.

Jow Forums is considered not right-wing anymore? I mean, I live in a blue state so anything that is right of center is a fucking relief, but this place still feels right-wing

This place will get much better now that people are arguing about actual policies.

Actually before gaymercancer and the election from hell, Jow Forums really did have a diversity of political views. Then the stupid teenagers moved in, claimed they'd been here for 17 years and started trying to convince everyone that Jow Forums was always Jow Forumsthe_Donald. It wasn't. If anything, the way it looks now is the closest it's looked to its original form in like 7 years.

cry more kike wagecuck faggot

Nope. The problem is Israeli shills like you sowing divison. The blood of Israelis will be the fertilizer for the new arab state. World peace.

>g-guys 4chans is losing and the shilling is working for real
Kek, shill raid 8765443(tranny flavor) is already running out of steam as they realize like all the others it's just pissing in an ocean of piss. No actual opinions are changed no plots thwarted no princeses rescued. Filter and sage or use one of the less popular but more organized Jow Forumss in the meantime. This site has went through much worse raids than this. A single drumphf shitpost alone can bring thousands back here to kek, ruining all of their ''hardwork''.
Tldr: This has happened before and will again faggot, sieg heil O7

This has always been a basket weaving forum enthusiast forum, nothing more. You should leave.

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Maybe it's your fault for not contributing anything. ever think about that possibility? Perhaps it is in fact.... You... Who is the faggot in this parade.

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>The blood of Israelis will be the fertilizer for the new arab state. World peace.
Sounds cool, but you're factually wrong about Jow Forums's history.

Actual oldfag here

Back in 2004 when Jow Forums was first created every second post was people calling out ZOG shills and telling them they were going to die, like , everyone was constantly reminding the kikes they were going to perish on the day of the rope, it was based as fuck. Most posters were also stormfront users, and there were no cuck shills to insult based Natsocs

Now after the plebbit invasion of 2016 it's all tranny shills and Israeli operatives who try to demoralize us, only Patrick Little (praise be his name) can save us from these degenerate cucks

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>Back in 2004 when Jow Forums was first created
Pretty sure this is false.

>Most posters were also stormfront users
And I know for damn sure this was false because Jow Forums used to talk shit about Stormfront constantly. They tried to send a little delegation here and their ships were burned.

>actual oldfag here
>back in 2004 when Jow Forums was first created

Go back to plebbit.

>it's boring
not really. the butthurt is great and since it's all in one place I don't have to go seek it outside of the site like during the last election

Back to discord, tranny shills. We know your game, kike.

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facts don't care about your feels faggit

Feel free to gtfo Forums

>Jow Forums was created in October 2011

water water

It's still quite funny that jews and faggots have to talk shit about jews and faggots when they come here because they think they are playing an awesome trick on the alt right and being subvervise but they're probably just talking to other jews and faggots and nobody fucking cares or will remember anyway.

The only lefties on pol are edgy commies. Most of the "shills" are just trolls. The vast majority of the woke left that gets anxiety attacks over seeing a red hat are not posting all day long on a forum where nigger is the most popular word.

It still is right wing, most of us are just accepting the fact that the West is no longer able to be saved, we are making the best of a bad situation. Yang is sensitive to white issues.

go home r the donald, if I'm gonna get fucked no matter what I do, I might as well get 1000 out of it. go MIGA elsewhere

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The right wing turned out to be a bunch of feds, clowns, and crypto-Jews. How could it maintain interest given that?

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better a 2nd class citizen with a gook than a 6th class citizen with the Jews

The rightwing has always been the wing of cheering for jews. It's always the hated communists who surprise surprise start purging jews. Conservatives lick their balls and offer their children up as burnt offerings to fight their fucking wars. Communists fucking gas the cockroaches.

Fuck Yang. Yang is trying to salvage the system for his rich masters. Shit needs to burn.

Lmao that's not working out too well for the Uighurs is it?

I'll run and offer everyone 2,000 a month if you promise to fuck off.

it really isnt faggot, the glowniggers have ruined it

how is taxing the fuck out of the middle class trying to save the system? a middle class chimp out is the only thing that will bring about change. as long as they're comfy they will suck Jew cock until the end of time.

>Implying the spamflood equals consensus
This is some low quality shilling get your handler in here and work on some new attack vectors

they aren't even second class citizens in China

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don't be mad, this is all Trump's doing. he's already tanking in the rust belt for completely abandoning America first populism.

>Yang is sensitive to white issues.
You're a fucking idiot if you think any Democrat let alone a fucking non-white one is "sensitive to white issues".

>This place will get much better now that people are arguing about actual policies.

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Because he and all his technodystopian masters are fucking delusional. They think they can trick people into not realizing everything is unaffordable. This UBI trick is STEP ONE in the ongoing to scheme to destroy the poor and siphon all wealth from the bottom to the top. Capitalists are stupid and lack foresight. And because all of them have inherited wealth, they don't actually fucking grasp how economies actually work. They think they can destroy the entire underclass and still have customers somehow.

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this. its obvious shilling, OP. dont be retarded.

the shills are pushing for a guy who believes in social credit scores. unbelievably fucked up and no average poster here would buy this.

sadly only maybe one thread a week here is any good anymore. dont give up and keep fighting.

this is an example of a decent thread, which was posted recently concerning the mcmartin daycare scandal. huge fucking redpill in the case that many, me included, had not heard of before. it nearly confirms that something monumentally wicked went down at that daycare

Fuck the right and the left. Lets burn this whole world down!

lol right wing.

You must be new here. This place was always divided. I’ve been here since 2006 withthe Hal Turner raid times. We went after him to mock him for his racism although he actually red pilled me and many others back then. It’s never been a right wing site though. NatSoc and Libertarian were the majorities.

nobody is. did you see the house resolution yesterday? Omar names the Jew and the House almost unanimously condemns whites and praises all shitskins.
none of them are sensitive to whites nor will they ever be as long as they're totally kiked.

you're getting fucked either way but with the chink you'll get $1000.


You have an iq of a potato, party affilitation means nothing in American politics.

It's the only solution at this point. Even in the chaos that ensues, nobody may be allowed to take advantage and regain power or attempt to reestablish order. The time of human government is over. It's been a failure literally all of the time humans have been upon this Earth and it is time for this failed experiment with human leadership to end.

Which is why a libertarian is masquerading as a democrat to begin with. And why the entire system needs to go.

so? what's your point? we are fucked either way. whether it's Trump flooding America with legal poos or the insanity of the democrats. Jewish capitalism or Jewish socialism is all the same. yeah Yang is a part of that but at least I'd be getting something for being fucked, which is more than anybody else is offering.

Discord faggots gaslighting and forcing memes like Yang.

hello newfag

Jow Forums as a board has only existed for a short while. Jow Forums has always been reactionary, contrarian and politically incorrect in general. This was Ron Paul territory in 2008. I have much less of a life than you will ever have, you're out of your element talking about this on here.

>we are fucked either way.
We were fucked before we were born. There is nothing to do but to crash the system with no survivors. The collapse was baked in generations ago. This was all predicted and mankind did NOTHING to stop it.


bipartisan immigration reform
1000% poo'd

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ahh fuck off with your anonymous/chanology tier bullshit. back to leftypol.

yes the right wing/left wing dichotomy is a sham, but right now anyone even remotely in league with progressivism needs to fuck off. you have the entire internet to talk about dilating your rotten hole and promote sodomy. you dont need to subvert this place too

>Jow Forums has always been reactionary
No. No, it hasn't.

Acelerationism will backfire horribly if you try to force it. I know because I'm Latin American and your country is converting like a second 1930s Argentina; and guess what, Argentina was never great again.

>Trusting a politician

No, but leftism is pure cancer.

might as well get something out of it before it goes down. you really can't argue against it

nah you can fuck off too. david duke loving, spook humping tranny fuck

The Good The Bad The Ugly and the Shills with their dicks chopped off BUT WILL NEVER BE WOMEN

>Maybe it's your fault for not contributing anything
He started the thread you just posted in you fucking homo.

oh well, we imported so many spics that goes that way was probably inevitable. fuck it

But you won't be, you fucking faggot, because Yang is taking everything else and then taxing the shit out of literally every item you buy. He's giving with one hand and taking it back with the other.

a 10% VAT isn't taking everything. sure it'll bleed the middle class but fuck them, they deserve to be bled. they adopted the culture of the elites and they deserve to suffer for it. 10% more isn't that big of a deal.

By Jow Forums I assume you mean Jow Forums

And you're retarded if you think Jow Forums was ever right-wing.

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Oh and let's not forget the social credit system. Because reddit should be LARPed by law.

already happening, maybe you should take a look at Trump's USMC. it allows tech companies to censor anything they find objectionable without any legal recourse.
since it's a treaty, it would take scrapping the entire treaty to get rid of it. bye bye 1st amendment. thanks TRUMP. the banking social credit score is already up and they're using it on influencers.

like I said before we are already fucked, might was well get something out of it. 1000 isn't so bad.

nope. Jow Forums was better when you could actually have a Fascism General Thread without some MIGA niggers harping on about "nazi's are leftwing dooood". or they would unironically think any social program = communism. GOP faggots are just as bad as dumb liberal cunts. WALL ST. NIGGERS WILL HANG.

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As the Left is hopelessly retarded on race, the pseudo-Right is hopelessly retarded on capitalism and "freedom".

Dumb Yang shill. Nobody wants your cancer candidate. In fact, I think people have just about had enough of electoralism in general.

No, Jow Forums was always about saying nigger and kike, to the point where Moot deleted Jow Forums over it and made Jow Forums.

Yang is right wing. Read a book boomer.

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shut up shill Yang is a kike chink with a low IQ zero credibility white nationalism is back and there is nothing any of you can do TO STOP IT

Jow Forums is a haven for NEET stormfags and christcucks. Perhaps you just hate people being able to dismantle your retarded political beliefs?

what you don't believe me about Trump's USMC trade deal? Trump really wouldn't threaten American sovereignty would he?? fucking retard he's fucked us like they do. he was just better at lulling people into sleep

T. Advocating for left wing laissez - faire political economy

National socialism is right wing

Lol almost typed magical socialism

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The young come here, hot and angry. Freshly filled with the lies and false promises of the liberal party. Here they vent their hatred against their perceived enemy until with the persistent hateful folly of youth they create the enemy they so resent. As time passes and the falsehood of youth fades how those same people, bitter with regret and failure turn their hatred on themselves when the foolishness of their youth is made evident even to their eyes. We exist here in a place of our own creating watching the endless cycle of youthful folly.

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Jow Forums didn't even exist until 2011. And nobody has ever liked jews, neither on Jow Forums nor elsewhere. Even stupid zionist boomers just want to use them as a giant bomb to boom jesus back.

The mods here are straight leftist trash now

you nigger faggots wanted freedom. Welp you got it. Look at the results. Trannies, rampant faggotry ect.

>Wah I cannot handle different opinions!
Oh well off to Voat you go!

Wasted digits on the likes of a shill damn...

Your doing our work for us at this poin shill

Through me is the way to the city of woe,
Through me is the way to eternal pain,
Through me is the way to a lost people.
Justice moved my great Creator
Divine Power made me,
the Supreme Wisdom and the Primal Love.
Before me nothing else was created
nothing but the eternal, and I last eternally.

checked and I'd love to tap that sanctimonious bitch one time on the jaw.

tell the truth is shilling? maybe you should look at Trump's numbers in the Rust Belt. they're absolutely tanking because you cannot run like Pat Buchanan and govern like Jeb!

I don't have to do anything, Trump is tanking himself by selling out.

Trump is the liberal party boomer

What a cuck

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What ever I tell you you will believe what you want. You have already made your choice, the consequences are yours to live with.

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Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away

we're already doomed, you're just too invested in Trump to see it. Jow Forums is just getting ahead of the curve

We are not doomed merely at the edge of a cliff staring into the abyss some will choose to jump. We are all watching to see how many due. Trump is merely the leader trying to tell people to step back. All we can hope is enough people choose not to jump. Time will tell what they choose.