TYT and the left is now fighting the jews also? Wtf is going on?
TYT and the left is now fighting the jews also? Wtf is going on?
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Wow it's like EVERYONE hates Jews and anyone who doesn't is a liar
>Wtf is going on?
Far leftists have always been against the jews. Many SJWs and feminists etc are anti Semitic. Haven't you been paying attention?
Its all a show for muslim votes since muslims will out number jews, but in the end its all talk
Kind of amazing that jews have used israel to make muslims their slaves as liberal supporters when muslims are more of a fit with conservatives.
>Its all a show
I don't use the jews as an excuse for everything wrong in my life.
I actually take responsibility for my actions like an adult.
>Woah nelly
Closed the video there
Poltards: everything is da Jooz fault
Feminists: everything is men's fault
Niggers: everything is whiteys fault
All the same lazy rhetoric.
Far left and far right yes, but this is the regular mainstream left we're talking about. They're getting woke to jewish subversion before mainstream right.
They're discord trannies
>the left is now fighting the jews also? Wtf is going on?
Playing both sides.
Well done as always benny...Here's your allotted shekel. God truly has chosen your people for no doubt "great things"
false the juden cunts love the marxist zionist hegel side officially A Palestinian activist called out their Soros ties years ago made them eat shit stupid jew Kasparian just licked (((Albrights ass))) related to the jewish mass murders who butchered Czechoslavakia
Not the left we know, the "NEW" left.
Oh nobody blames Jews for the problems in their life. My life is fine. I run it well.
I don't blame the Jews for making me poor because I'm not poor.
I blame the Jews for what everyone else blames them for. Subverting and purposefully wrecking society itself, to control it entirely and outright, with a will for only destruction. Jews.
>stupid christcuck whore gets called out for her pro-jew shilling by a literal jewish faggot
peak clownworld?
Everything they said was correct until he explained the prophecy.
He said that Jesus would return and that's what Christian Zionists have been lead to believe, which is true, but it's not what Zionists in Israel believe.
Jewish Zionists believe the Messiah will be a king who brings peace to the middle east and allows the third temple to be built.
This is why Kushner is arranging a peace deal, he's on his way to be crowned if he pulls this off.
So basically Jewish Zionists want to bring THEIR Messiah, and stupid boomer Christian Zionists think Jesus will return.
If you pray for this prophecy to come true it is a sin. If you truly believe in Christ, pray for Christ to fill the Zionists to become snared and weak. Pray for Christ to allow his plan to be fulfilled, NOT the Synagogue of Satan.
>2 of those oversimplifications give you power (attention, compassion, gibs...), the other one gets you in trouble
And reducing the antisemitic point of view to "I bet the jews did this" is ALSO, an oversimplification.
Ok this is ebic
Glenn Greenwald may be the only legit journalist in this rotten industry.
eli is a jew
GLOBAL AWAKENING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you've been conditioned well to associate critique of jewish misconduct with pathology and personal failure
They're just doing who is the most antisemitic ping pong
they criticize israel for human rights violations. they'd be hypocrites not to. they just dont take to to fanatic antisemitic extremes like NS types
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA those joos are really insane
Remember Jesus hated the Jew
They're literally decrying the mean things said about jews and all the things they do, they're just concerned with and I quote "the right wing government of Israel" oppressing the Palestinians. You'd have to be retarded to think these anti-white SJWs are allies because they criticized israel on treating muslims badly (which they only support because they're non-white)
>fighting the jews?
What the fuck are you talking about? This whole video is about who's best at defending the chosen people.
The second and third are also da jooz fault
They've always hated Israel because of
>muh palestine!
Are you new?
Why are you people suprised the left choses poor brown people over jews?
Globalism doesn't need the Jews.
>the left choses poor brown people over jews?
because they don't
This, i'm getting tired of all the nufags ''omg left attacking israel'' bullshit. As if its their first time following politics
She represents as much of the left as Paul Ryan did of the right wing.
That always sounds like if I mistake sugar for salt I would immediately blame the jews for it. It's to floccinaucinihilipilificate the real issue and now that, that is what I blame the jews of.
The "left" has a place for Jews as just another group in the multiculti happy clappy world. They see zionists as race nationalists.
Simple tactics to alienate you into the left.
If you bite the bait you dont deserve to be here.
Go hate some coons you bloody pom hater.