How cheap will houses become after World War 3?

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more expensive than ever considering how few people can build/repair them

Bavarian seer Alois Irlmaier said there would be enough land for every nigga who is able to settle there.

until the feds come for it. collectivism destroys independence, and collectivism is the natural state of humanity.

fuckin hell that house is cheap

It'll be cheap, because they need settlers. Most people will be dead after WWIII.

who will build your house when the least productive are purged? you will either build your own house, or your land will be stolen by those who can.

Very low price.
My future 3D Printed Multi-Material Houses business will make the constructions cheaper, faster, and better thermal isolated than the one on your picture.

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they already have pre-fab concrete housing. the only problem is a basement.

Good point.
But if it is constructed on place you need to transport less volume and less mass (no water of the pre-fab concrete)
On the other hand if it is prefab the concrete is certainly more easily steel reinforced

transportation costs are minimal compared to the labor of constructing said materials. you can easily purchase the pre-constructed walls and roofing, and nail it together yourself. the problem is the labor. most people are too old, soft, weak, or lazy to secure pre-fabricated materials together.

3D Printed or pre-fab may surely be two valid way to do it, the efficiency of the processes will greatly impact the viability of the solutions.
We cannot determine in two Jow Forums post who is the best there are many variables
but with a near-full automated process it will cost nearly nothing with minimal materials and as you said human labour-time

>pre-fab concrete housing

Great idea for places with extremely low humidity, mold city everywhere else.

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if it's concrete it will be easy to clean. just spray home-made alcohol on the spots and scrub. it's easy to clean concrete.

People tend to have furniture against their wall, heavy furniture that they won't want to move for a weekly clean. Mold will grow places you can't easily clean. Behind the refrigerator for instance. Like I said, it's very low cost and perfectly suited for dry, hot climates, but most people don't live in dry, hot climates, nor want to.

>Mold will grow places you can't easily clean
only if their is moisture... it's no different to sheetrock.

AS cheap as the houses in Gary, Indiana

No one “needs” a basement though, here in OK very few houses have one which is ironic as were in tornado alley.

Those were well built houses. Sears sold thousands of them

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>"World war" == Everything is Wiped out

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I love pre-airconditioning houses.

>dem high ceilings
>comfy porch (bonus if the porch wraps all the way around the house
>elevated foundation for natural cooling also affords ease of foundation/plumbing/gas repair and a modicum of flood protection

Why is it always an Austrian flag who shills for these seers.

everything will be harder to manufacture and procure when the economy collapses, newfriend.

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I can even move to the United States and settle in Detroit, and the world war has not yet begun.

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That's one of the variable of the viability of the solutions but you cannot just assume that there is "nothing", it is an extreme case. Great chances that many country will not be affected at all by this "world war"

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I want to die in war
living sucks ass between anime releases

>an-cap assuming it's possible to exist without a collectivist force oppressing them.

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