Take the bike pill

Reminder: Every journey under 10 miles should be taken by bicycle

Attached: A7721F26-C718-4AE1-BE0E-9C5ADBDC6770.jpg (761x1200, 717K)

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>be in Melbourne
>freezing shit weather most of the year
>drivers nearly kill you every day
>road surface shit so tires constantly pop
>"multicultural" community means your bike has a good chance of getting stolen
>gets super dark at night so you need a 90000 lumen light to not crash into a gumtree or koala.
>offset the emissions of an abo sniffing petrol.

cycling causes erectile dysfunction and is a risk to other road users.

> freezing shit weather most of the year
lol aussie

> oh no I need a light
what an insurmountable barrier

>erectile dysfunction
That's a meme.
>risk to other road users.
Because your infrastructure is shit. Try cycling in the Netherlands.

Bikes are for fags and women.
Men drive cars.

Attached: 555.webm (720x1274, 1023K)

you cant pick up hot chicks in a bike

Cars should not exist. Do you know the logistics of the government being able to control everyone's lives if cars didn't exist? They couldn't do shit. And everyone would develop their own local culture. Ban cars.